RAD141 Lect Posit/ A&P1

  1. The small intestines is _____ long and consists of 3 sections, named ________, _______ & _______?
    • 23 feet
    • duadinum
    • jujenum
    • illeum
  2. What are the 3 main sections of the large colon?
    • Ascending
    • Transverse
    • descending
  3. The left colic flexure is known as _________?
    The right is known as _______?
    • Splenic
    • Hepatic
  4. name 4 abdominal accesory organs.
    • liver
    • spleen
    • gall bladder
    • pancreas

  5. this organ extends from the lesser curve of the stomach to the liver.
    Lesser omentum
  6. this organ Connects the transverse colon to the greater curvature of the stomach
    Greater omentum:
  7. what are the 9 abdominal regions?
    • R/L hypocondriac
    • R/L lateral (lumbar)
    • R/L inguinal (iliac)
    • epigastric
    • umbilical
    • pubic (hypogastric)
  8. the iliac crest is aligned the lumbar vertabrea _____ & ____?
    • L4
    • L5
  9. the xipoid tip is located about what vertabrae?
  10. what indicates longation of the illiac wing?
    rotation in that direction
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RAD141 Lect Posit/ A&P1
MCC Fall 2011 Radiography