Genesis 12.docx

  1. Genesis 12:2
    You shall be a blessing
  2. Exodus 12:3
    Remember this day
  3. Leviticus 19:2
    You shall be holy
  4. Numbers 1:2
    Take a census
  5. Deut 6:5
    You shall love the Lord your God
  6. Joshua 24:24
    We will serve the Lord
  7. Judg 21:25
    Everyne did what was right in his own eyes
  8. Ruth 3:9
    you are a redeemer
  9. 1 Sam 3:3
    And the lamp of God had not yet gone out
  10. 2 Sam 22;29
    You are my lamp, O Lord
  11. 1 Kings 9:4
    As for you, if you walk before me in integrity
  12. 2 Kings 17: 7-8
    they feared other gods
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Genesis 12.docx
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