Motivation and Emotion

  1. Motivation
    the influence that ccount for the initiation, direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior
  2. Motive
    A reason or purpose for behavior
  3. Instinct theory
    a view that explains human behavior as moticated by automatic, involuntary, and unlearned responses
  4. instincts
    innate, automatic dispositions toward responding in a particular way when congronted with a specific stimulus
  5. homeostasis
    the tendency for organisms to keep their physiological systems at a stable, steady level by constantly adjusting themselves in response to change
  6. drive reduction theory
    a theory of motivation stating that motivationarises from imbalances in homeostasis
  7. need
    a biological requirement for well-being that is created by an imbalance in homeostasis
  8. drive
    a psychological state of arousal created by an imbalance in homeostasis that prompts an organism to take action to restore the balance and reduce the drive
  9. primary drive
    drives that arise from basic biological needs
  10. secondary drives
    stimuli that acquire the moticational properties of primary drives through classical conditioning or other learning mechanisms
  11. arousal
    a general level of activation that is reflected in several physiological systems
  12. arousal theories
    theories of motication stating that people are motivated to behave in ways that maintain what is, for them, an optimal level of arousal
  13. incentive theory
    a theory of motivation stating that behavior is directed toward attaining desirable stimuli and avoiding unwanted stimuli
  14. hunger
    the general state of wanting to eat
  15. satiety
    the condition of no longer wanting to eat
  16. obesity
    a condition in which a person in severely overweight, as measured by a body-massindex greater than 30
  17. anorexia nervosa
    an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and dragmatic weight loss
  18. bulimia nervosa
    an eating disorder that involves eating massive amounts of food and then eliminating the food by self-induced vomiting or the use of strong laxatives
  19. sexual response cycle
    the pattern of physiological arousal during and after sexual activity
  20. sex hormones
    chemicals in the blood of males and femmales that have both organizational and activational effects on sexual behavior
  21. estrogens
    feminine sex horomones that circulate in the bloodstream of both men and women; relatively more strogens circulate in women
  22. progestins
    feminine sex hormones that circulate in the bloodstream of both men and women; relatively more progestines circulate in women
  23. androgens
    masculine sex horomones that circulate in the bloodstream in both sexes; relatiely more androgens circulate in men than women
  24. heterosexual
    referring to sexual motivation that is focused on members of the opposite sex
  25. homosexual
    referring to sexual motivation that is focused on members of one's own sex
  26. bisexual
    referring to sexual motivation that is focused on members of both sexes
  27. sexual dysfunction
    problems with sex that involve sexual motivation, arousal, or orgasmic response
  28. need achievement
    a motive reflected in the degree to which a person establishes specific goals, and esperiences feelings of satisfaction by doing so
  29. subjective well-being
    a combination of a cognitive judgement of satisfaction with life, the frequent experiencing of positive moods and emotions, and the relatively ingrequent experiencing of unpleasant moods and emotions
  30. emotion
    a transitory positive or negative experience that is felt as happening to the self, is generated in part by cognitive appraisal of a situation, and is accompanied by both learned and reflexive physical response
  31. sympathetic nervous system
    the subsystem of the autonomic nervous system that usually prepares the organism for vigorous activity
  32. parasympathetic nervous system
    the subststem of the autonomic nervous system that typically influences activity related to the protection, nourishment, and growth of the body
  33. fight-or-flight syndrome
    the phtysical reactions initiated by the sympathetic nervous system that prepare the body to fight or to run from a threatening situation
  34. attribution
    the process of explaining the causes of an event
  35. excitation transfer
    a process in which arousal from one experience carries over to affect emotion in an independent situation
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Motivation and Emotion