The study of human groups and societies, giving articular emphasis to the analysis of the industrialized world
Sociological Imagination
the application of imaginative thought to the asking and answering of sociological questions
Social Facts
according to Emile Durkheim, the aspects of social life that shape our actions as individuals
Durkheim; referring to a situation in which social norms lose their hold over individual behavior
Latent Functions
functional consequences that are not intended or recognized by the members of a social system in which they occur
Independent Variable
a factor that causally affects another
Random Sampling
sampling method in which a sample is chose so that eevery member of the population has the same probability of being included
Control Variable
statistical or experimental means of holding variables constant in order to examine the causal influence of others
a method of sociological research in which questionnaires are administered to the population being studied
the firsthand study of people using participant observation or interviewing
a research method in which variables can be analyzed in a controlled and systematic way, either in an artificial situation constructed by the researcher or in naturally occurring settings
ideas or guesses about a given state of affairs, put forward as bases for empirical testing
the values, norms, and material goods characteristic of a given group
values and norms distinct from those of the majority, held by a group within a wider society
Cultural Relativism
the practice of judging a society by its own standards
The tendency to look at toher cultures through the eyes of one's own culture, and thereby misrepresent them
The social process through which children develop an awareness of social norms and values and achieve a distinct sense of self
Impression Management
preparing for the presentation of one's social role
Total Institutions
groups who exercise control over their members by making them subsume their individual identites in that of the group, compelling them to adhere to strrict ethical codes or rules
Social Structure
the underlying regularities or patterns in how people behave and in their relationships with one another
Primary Group
groups that are characterized by intense emotional ties, face-to-face interaction, intimacy, and a strong, enduring sense of commitment
Reference Group
a group that provides a standard for judging one's attitudes or behaviors
Formal Organization
means by which a group is rationally designed to achieve its objectives, often by means of explicit rules, regulations, and procedures
A type of organization marked by a clear hierarchy of authority and the existence of written rules of procedure and staffed by fill-time, salaried officlas
modes of action that do not conform to the norms or values held by most members of a group or society. Varies from different cultures
any actions that contavene the law established by a political authority
White-Collar Crimes
criminal activities carried out by those in white collar or professional jobs
Social Stratification
the existence of structured inequalities between groups in society, in terms of their access to material or symbolic rewards
life long social status
Socio-Economic Status
status based on the amount of money you make
life chances
a term introduced by Max Weber to signify a persons opportunities for achieving economic prosperity
Structural Mobility
mobility resulting from changes in the number and kinds of jobs available in society
the process whereby western nations established their rule in parts of the wolrd away from their home territories
World Systems Theory
the interconnections among countries based on the expansion of a capitalist world economy. made up of core, semiperiphery, and periphery countries
differences in human physical characterisitcs used to categorize large numbers of individuals
cultural values and norms that distinguish the members of a given group from others
the holding of preconceived ideas about an individual or group that are resistant to change
the attribution of characteristics of superiority or inferiority to a population sharing certain physically inhereited characteristics; a form of prejudice
Institutional Discrimination
discrimination that have become structured into existing social institutions
the acceptance of a minority group by a majority population, in which the new group takes on the values and norms of the dominant culture
behavior that denies to the members of a particular group resources or rewards that can be obained by others
thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories
social expectations about behavior regarded as appropriate for the members of each sex
the dominance of men over women
Pink Collar Work
work intended for women
Glass ceiling
a promotion barrier that prevents a woman's upward mobility within an organization
a group of individuals related to one another by blood or marriage
a relation that links individuals through blood or marriage or adoption
a socially approved sexual relationship between two individuals
woman dominating
a set of beliefs adhered to by the members of a community, incorporating symbols regarded with a sense of awe or wonder together with ritual practices
describing something that inspires attitudes of awe or reverence among believers in agiven set of religious ideas
fragmentary religious groupings to which individuals are loosely affiliated, but which lack any permanent structure
postindustrial society
a notion advocated by those who believe thaat processes of social change are taking us beyond the industrialized order
a measure of the number of children that it is biologically possible for a woman to produce
a doctrine about population dynamics developed by malthus according to which population increase comes up against natural limits, represented by famine and war
larger institution never takes over personal opinions