
  1. Gyaku
    • Reverse
    • (Gyaku Tsuki=
    • punch with opposite fist
    • from front leg)
    • (As opposed to Oi Tsuki=
    • lunge punch with front fist)
  2. Kawashi
    Dodge and Parry
  3. Ago
  4. Mae Geri
    Front Kick
  5. Soto Uke
    Outside Block
  6. Uchi Uke
    Inside Block
  7. Jodan Uke
    Upper Block
  8. Gedan Barai
    Downward Parry
  9. Hiza Geri
    Knee Kick
  10. Kin Geri
    Snap Kick to groin
  11. Ago Uchi
    Chin Strike
  12. Tsuki (skee)
  13. Seiken Chudan Tsuki
    Middle Fist Punch
  14. Jodan
    Upper Level
  15. Chudan
    Middle Level
  16. Gedan
    Lower Level
  17. Name 3 Levels of Black Belt
    Sempai, Sensai, Shihan
  18. Zenkutsu Dachi
    • Forward Leaning Stance
    • (Front leg bent, back leg straight)
    • Image Upload 2
  19. Sanchin Dachi
    • Sanchin Stance
    • (half circle stance)
    • Image Upload 4
  20. Fudo Dachi
    • Prepared Stance
    • (Similar to Yoi Dachi)
    • Image Upload 6
  21. Kumite Kamae
    Fighting Stance
  22. Yoi Dachi
    • Ready Stance
    • (Similar to Fudo Dachi)
  23. Oi Tsuki
    • Lunge Punch
    • (regular front punch
    • with front fist)
  24. Musubi Dachi
    • Meditation Stance
    • Image Upload 8
  25. Kokutsu Dachi
    • Back Leaning Stance
    • Image Upload 10
  26. Neko Ashi Dachi
    • Cat Stance
    • Image Upload 12
  27. Morote Tsuki
    Double Punch
  28. Gyaku tsuki
    • Reverse Punch (Chudan)
    • (meaning opposite fist
    • from front leg,
    • as opposed to Oi tsuki=
    • punch with front fist)
  29. Kiba Dachi
    • Horse Stance
    • Image Upload 14
  30. Jun Tsuki
    Off the Shoulder Punch
  31. Shita Tsuki
    Upper Cut
  32. Tate Tsuki
    Vertical Punch
  33. Morote Chudan Uchi Uke
    Double Inside Block
  34. Uchi Mawashi Keage
    • Inside Crescent Kick
    • (straight leg)
  35. Soto Mawashi Keage
    • Outside Crescent Kick
    • (straight leg)
  36. Tettsui
    Bottom Fist
  37. Tettsui Kome Kami
    • Strike to temple
    • (Like Soto Uke)
  38. Mae Keage
    • Rising Front Kick
    • (straight leg)
  39. Yoko Keage
    • Rising Side Kick
    • (straight leg)
  40. Translate Kyoku Shin
    Ultimate - Reality (or truth)
  41. What is the Symbol
    of Kyokushin?
    • Kanku,
    • from the kata Kanku Dai.
  42. Who Founded Kyokushin?
    Sosai Mas Oyama
  43. Where and when was
    Sosai Mas Oyama born?
    Korea, 1923
  44. When and where did
    Sosai Mas Oyama
    open his first dojo?
    1954, Tokyo, Japan
  45. When was the
    I.K.O. (Int'l Karate Org.)
  46. How many members
    does Kyokushin have
    Over 10 million
  47. When did
    Sosai Mas Oyama
    pass away?
  48. When did the
    first dojo's open
    in Canada?
  49. Heiko Dachi
    • Parallel Stance
    • Image Upload 16
  50. Kake Dachi
    • Hooked Stance
    • Image Upload 18
  51. Heisoku Dachi
    • Normal Stance
    • Image Upload 20
  52. Moroashi Dachi
    • One foot forward stance
    • Image Upload 22
  53. Uchi Hachi Ji Dachi
    • Pigeon Toed Stance
    • Image Upload 24
  54. Atama
  55. Hiji/Empi
  56. Shomen
  57. Oroshi
  58. Morote
    Both Hands
  59. Kime
  60. Yame
  61. Yasume
    Rest at Ease
  62. Seiken
    • First two knuckles
    • (Seiken Tsuki =
    • first two knuckles,
    • or fist punch)
Card Set