Hormones from multi-purpose organs

  1. Cholecystokinin (CCK)
    • Duodenum (mucosa)
    • stimulates release of digestive enzymes from pancreas, bile from gallbladder, inhibits stomach activity via feedback loop, relaxes sphincter of Oddi
  2. Secretin
    • Duodenum (mucosa)
    • stimulates release of bicarbonate juice from pancreas and bile from liver
    • inhibits stomach secretions
  3. Glucagon
    • Pancreas (alpha cells of islets of langerhans)
    • stimulates liver to convert glycogen to glucose and to form glucse from fatty acids/amino acids (gluconeogenesis)
  4. Insulin
    • Pancreas (beta cells of islets of langerhans)
    • stimulates carbohydrate oxidation, glycogen formation and storage
    • inhibits glucose formation
  5. Hypertensin (angio I)
    • Kidney
    • formed by combining kidney protein (renin) and blood protein (angiotensinogen)
    • stimulates vasoconstriction of blood vessels to raise BP
  6. Erythropoietin
    • Kidney
    • Formed by combining kidney enzyme (renal erythropoietic factor, REF) and blood protein
    • stimulates red blood cell formation
  7. Estrogens
    • Ovaries (small amt. from adrenal cortex)
    • Stimulates maturation of reproductive organs and appearance of secondary sex characteristics
  8. Progesterone
    • Ovaries (small amt. from adrenal cortex)
    • with estrogens, regulates menstrual cycle, maintains pregnancy and promotes breast development
  9. Relaxin
    • Ovaries (and placenta)
    • At end of pregnancy, relaxes pubic symphysis and dilates uterine cervix
  10. Testosterone
    • Testes (small amt. from adrenal cortex)
    • stimulates maturation of reproductive organs, appearance of secondary sex characteritics, promotes sperm production
  11. Inhibin
    • Testes and ovaries
    • inhibits secretion of FSH thereby inhibiting spermatogenesis and oogenesis
Card Set
Hormones from multi-purpose organs
exam 3