common bile duct
pharynx; throat
salivary gland
condition of stones
pertaining to a meal
surgical crushing
alimentary canal
- 30 feet of muscular tubing in GI system
- AKA gut; gi tract
6 organs of the GI system
- *oral cav *stomach
- *pharynx *small intestine
- *esophagus *colon
4 accessory organs to the GI system
- *liver
- *pancreas
- *gallbladder
- *salivary glands
Saliva contains:
- *lubricants
- *digestive enzymes
front teeth that bite, tear, or cut
rear teeth that grind
part of tooth above gum line
part of tooth below gum line
Root anchors tooth to jaw with:
- *cementum
- *periodontal ligaments
- *hardest material in body
- *covers crowns of teeth
material under enamel that makes up bulk of tooth
pulp cavity
hollow interior of crown
root canal
hollow interior of the root
pulp cavity/root canal contain tissue made of:
- *blood vessels
- *nerves
- *lymph vessels
deciduous teeth
baby teeth (20)
permanent teeth
32 teeth that begin replacing baby teeth around age 6-20
portions of the pharynx that food enters first:
cartilaginous flap that folds to cover larynx and trachea so food doesn't enter lungs
muscular tube below epiglottis (abt 10" in adults)
muscular contractions of esophagus to move food
3 parts of the stomach
- *fundus (upper region)
- *body (main portion)
- *antrum (lower region)
folds in stomach lining that stretch when stomach is full
Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
secreted by glands in mucous membrane lining of stomach
liquid mixture of HCl, gastric juices and food (this is what the stomach breaks the food down to)
muscular valves that control entry into and exit from the stomach
cardiac sphincter
- *AKA lower esophageal sphincter
- *keeps food from going backward into esophagus
pyloric sphincter
- *valve at the end of the antrum
- *regulates passage into small intestine
small intestine/small bowel
- *loc'd between pyloric sphincter and the colon
- *where most of digestion and absorption occurs
- *approx 20'
- *extends 10-12" from pyloric sphincter to jejunum
- *where chyme mixes with juices frm pancreas and gllblddr
- to complete digestion
3 parts of small intestine:
- *middle part of sm. intestine/between duodenum and ileum
- *approx 8'
- *final part of sm. intestine btwn jejunum and colon
- *approx 12'
ileocecal valve
connects ileum to colon
- *AKA large intestine
- *where most water from the liquid that enters from the ileum after chyme has been proc'd
- *approx 5'
part of GI tract that extends from ileocecal valve to the anus
colon/large intestine
pouch loc'd in the first few inches of the colon
veriform appendix
small, worm-shaped outgrowth at end of cecum
4 parts of the colon
- *ascending colon
- *descending colon
- *transverse colon
- *sigmoid colon
ascending colon
extends from cecum to lower border of liver
transverse colon
2nd section of colon that extends from ascending colon across the abdomen horizontally, toward spleen
descending colon
3rd portion of colon that extends from transverse colon down the left side of the body
sigmoid colon
- *4th portion of colon that extends from descending colon to the rectum
- *S-shaped to bring the tract back to midline
- *portion of GI tract that stores feces
- *leads to anus
*contains anal sphincter that consists of rings of vol and invol muscles that control evacuation
- *formed by mixing of food and saliva during chewing
- *food ready to swallow
- *digestive enzyme found in saliva
- *begins digestion of carbs
3 pairs of salivary glands:
- *parotid glands (in front of ears)
- *submandibular glands (floor of mouth)
- *sublingual glands (floor of mouth)
3 of the functions of the liver:
- *prod of bile
- *proc'ing of nutrients
- *detox
- *emulsifies large fat globules
- *produced by liver/stored in gallbladder
process by which large fat globs are broken down into smaller, more easily digested droplets by bile
hepatic duct
downward duct that bile travels thru from liver to gallbladder
cystic duct
upward duct that bile travels thru from liver to gallbladder
common bile duct (CBD)
carried bile into duodenum where emulsification happens
- *connected to duodenum by pancreatic duct
- *produces/secretes buffers and pancreatic enzymes
- *an endocrine gland that produces insulin and glucagon
pancreatic secretion that neutralizes the HCl in chyme as it leaves the stomach
pancreatic enzymes digest:
collection/accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
loss of weight and generalized wasting due to chronic disease
dental caries
cavity/tooth decay
bright red blood in stool
yellow cast to skin, mucous membranes and whites of eyes caused by deposit of bile pigment due to too much bilirubin in blood
- *dark, tarry stool
- *color caused by digestive enzymes working on blood in intestinal tract
small tumor with pedicle or stem attachment usually found in nose or colon
heartburn caused by stomach acid splashing up into esophagus
aphthous ulcers
ulcers in the mouth of unk cause
esophageal varices
enlarged varicose veins in the lower end of the esophagus, often related to liver disease
hiatal hernia
protrusion of the stomach thru the diaphragm and extending into the thoracic cavity
GERD is a common sympton
pepitc ulcer disease
ulcers in lower esophagus, stomach, and/or duodenum
abbrev PUD
anal fistula
abnormal, tubelike passage from surface around the anal opening directly into the rectum
Crohn's disease
form of chronic IBS affecting the ileum, and/or colon
iniflammation of diverticulum (outpouch off gut), esp in colon, often happens when food becomes trapped in the pouch
condition of having diverticulum
severe abdominal pain, inability to pass stool, ab distension due to blockage
inguenal hernia
protrusion of a loop of small intestine into the inguinal (groin) region thru a weak spot in the abs that develops into a hole
part of intestine slipping or telescoping into another section of intestine just below
- small tumors that contain a peticle (stem like attchmnt) in mucous membranes of colon
- *possibly pre-cancerous
ulcerative colitis
chronic inflammatory cond that prods numerous ulcers to form on mucous membrane of colon
aka: IBD/irritable bowel disease
bowel twists upon itself causing an obstruciton
presence of gallstones
placing nasogastric tube to provide nourishement
using a nasogastric tube to wash out the stomach
total parenteral nutrition/TPN
100% nutrition provided thru feeding tube
to surgically create a connection between 2 organs or vessels
crushing of gallstones in common bile duct
'ac' as abbreviation
before meals
barium enema
- esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- (visual exam of esophagus, stomach and beginning of duodenum)