alloy v
to debase by mixing with something inferior
brook v
to tolerate to endure
die n
a tool used for shaping as in a tool-and-die shop
essay v
to test or try to attempt
flag v
to sag droop become spiritless to decline
flip a
sarcastic impertinent
ford v
to wade across to the shallow part of a river
grouse v
to complain or grumble
guy n
a rope, cord, or cable attached to something as a brace or guide
occult a
hidden concealed beyond comprehension
pied a
multicolored, usually in blotches
rail v
to complain about bitterly
rent v
torn, an opening or tear caused by such
quail v
to lose courage, frightened
tender v
to proffer or offer
adumbrate v
to foreshadow vaguely or intimate
anathema n
a solemn curese, accursed or thoroughly loathed person or thing
apostate n
one who abondons long held religious or political convictions
apotheosis n
deification, glorification to godliness
asperity n
severity, rigor, roughness
asserverate v
to aver, allege, or assert
assiduous a
diligent, hardworking sedulous
bellicose a
warlike, belligerent
calumniate v
to slander, make false accusations
captious a
disposed to point out trivial faults
cavil v
to find fault without good reason
celerity n
speed, alacrity
chimera n
an illusion, originally an imaginary fire breathing she monster
constumacious a
denouement n
an outcome or solution
descry v
to discriminate or discern
desultory a
randon, aimless
encomium a
glowing and enthusiastic praise
eschew v
to shun or avoid
excoriate v
to censure scathingly
execrate v
to denounce to feel loathing for
exegesis n
critical examination
expiate v
to atone or make amends
extirpate v
to destroy to exterminate
fractious a
unruly refractory
heretodox a
unorthodox heretical
imbroglio n
difficult or embarrasing situation
ineluctable a
certain inevitable
inimitable a
one of a kind, priceless
insouciant a
unconcerned, carefree
jejune a
vapid uninteresting
lubricious a
lewd, wanton, greasy
meretricious a
cheap gawdy flashy showy
minatory a
menacing threatening
nadir n
perigee, low point
obstreperous a
noisily and stubbornly defiant
ossified a
tendig to become more rigid
palliate v
to make something seem less serious
panegyric n
formal praise
pellucid a
transparent easy to understand
peroration n
the concluding part of a speech
plangent a
pounding thundering
prolix a
long-winded verbose
puerile a
childish immature
puissance n
power strength
remonstrate v
to protest to object
sagacious a
having sound judgement
salutary a
remedial, wholesome, causing improvement
sanguine a
cheeful, confident optimistic
saturnine a
gloomy dark morose
sententious a
aphoristic or moralistic
stentorian a
extremely loud and powerful
sycophant n
toady servile self seeking flatterer
tendentious a
biased showing marked tendencies
timorous a
timid fearful diffident
vitiate v
to corrupt to debase to spoil
voluble a
fluent verbal having easy use of spoken language