Inta Test 3

  1. House Of Reps
    • 2 year terms
    • must live in state representing
    • 25 year old min
    • citizen for 7 years
    • number of reps based on state population
  2. Senate
    • 6 year term
    • 30 years old min
    • 9 years citizen
    • 2 reps per state
    • originally picked by state legsilature - fixed by 17th amendment
  3. Electoral College
    • 558 Members
    • 3 Senate from DC
    • >270 needed for Pres election
  4. Coattail Effect
    Candidate rides platform of Pres if in same party
  5. Criticisms of Media
    • Shallow
    • Creates illusion of knowledge
    • often misrepresents facts
    • entertainment as news - infotainement
  6. Functions of Media
    • Gate Keeper - Determines what news goes national
    • Watch Dog - Expose bad behavior of of politicians
    • Score Keeper - Interprets results of political actions / make or break politicians
  7. Political and Press Ground Rules
    • Off the Record - Can't print or quote
    • On Deep Background - Can print, can't quote
    • On Background - Can print, can't quote, "Gov sources say"
    • On the Record - Can print and quote
  8. Dual Vs Cooperative Fed
    • Dual - Separate Works
    • Cooperative - State, Local, National Govs share domestic policy
  9. Federal Incentive for State Action
    • Categorical Grant - Fed gives money to State for particular purpose
    • Block Grant - Fed gives State money for whatever
    • Fed Mandate - Fed tells State to do something, no funding
  10. State Political Cultures
    • Moralistic - Expect Gov action needed to to improve lives
    • Individualistic - Distrust in Gov, marketplace for distributing resources
    • Traditionalistic - expect Gov to maintain power structure, change unwanted
  11. Progressive Reforms on Democracy
    • People worried about political corruption
    • Initiative - citizens place amendment on ballot, bypass legislatiure
    • Referendum - bills passed by state go on ballot for voter approval
    • Recall - citizens remove politician from office before term ends
  12. Georiga Senate
    • 56 Senators
    • 2 year terms
    • 25 years old minimum
    • 2 year state citizen
  13. Georiga House of Reps
    • No less than 180 reps
    • 2 year terms
    • 21 years old minimum
    • 2 year state citizen
    • Sessions =< 40 days
  14. Georgia Governor
    • 4 year term
    • 2 terms
    • 30 years old minimum
    • 15 year country citizen
    • 6 year state citizen
  15. Georgia Lt. Governor
    • Same reqs at Governor
    • Duties assigned by Gov
    • Head of Senate
  16. Georiga Supreme Court
    • 9 Justices Max - 7 right now
    • Elected by state judiciary
    • 6 year term
  17. Public Policy
    • Policy created by Gov to solve problems hared by everyone collectively that can't solve on its own
    • Major Purpose - Equity
  18. Equity
    • Procedural Equity - gove provides equal opportunity
    • Substative Equity - equal outcome / some outcomes prohibited because unreasonable deprivations on some citizens
  19. Areas of Public Policy
    • Domestic and Foreign
    • Interwined
    • One affects the other
  20. Domestic Policy Categories
    • Redistributive - move wealth from have to have-not
    • Distributive - Gov encourages citizens to perform or not perform certain functions
    • Regulatory - defines how citizens define themselves / criminal and civil law
  21. Employee Liability Act 1908
    Contractors not paid until job completed
  22. Fair Labor Standards Act 1938
    Establish work hours, minimum wage, and eliminated child labor
  23. Equal Rights Amendment
    • Not ratified
    • 35 of 38 agreed
    • Attempt to establish equal rights of working women
  24. Types of Taxation
    • Progressive Tax - Higher pay = more tax
    • Regressive Tax - Lower pay = more tax
    • Proportional Tax - same tax rate for all
  25. Economic Policy
    • Improvements by stabilizing economy
    • Gov affects - supply & demand / ensure certain services provided / ensure health & safety of work force
  26. Gov Tools Affecting Economy
    • Macroeconomic Policy
    • Subsidies
    • Public Ownership
    • Regulation
    • Deregulation
  27. Macroeconomic Policies
    • Fiscal - Gov manipulates spending & taxation
    • Monetary - Fed Reserve manipulates money supply / amount credit
    • Quantitative Easing - Fed buys assests, bank gets more money, increase liquidity, more money to lend to individuals
  28. Subsidies
    • Gov provides support for business or individuals to affect amount of goods produced
    • Tax incentive for foreign investors
  29. Regulation
    • Gov regulates private business
    • Munn vs Illinois 1877
  30. Deregulation
    Gove can ease burden of businesses
  31. Supply Side Economics
    • Raegan Economics in 1980s
    • Economic theory that sets out to increase growth by sending out incentive to increase production of goods - change tax rates
  32. Foriegn Policy
    Provide well being/security of citizens with foreign governments
  33. Strategies of Forgin Policy
    • Influence
    • Persuasion
    • Deterrence
    • Coercion
    • Compellence
  34. Influence
    Affecting another governement without acting
  35. Persuasion
    Encourage to do or not do a certain action by leverage - like logic
  36. Deterrence
    Discourage a course of action otherwise bring undesirable outcome
  37. Coercion
    Affect decision to do or not do something with threat of force
  38. Compellence
    Acheive an outcome through use of force
  39. Executive Branch and Foreign Policy
    • Exec branch creates and modifes foreign policy
    • President and National Security Council
  40. National Security Council
    • Statutory Members - President, VP, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense
    • State Department, Department of Defense
  41. Government Tools of Forign Policy
    • Diplomacy - discussions and negotiations
    • Economic - aid to foreign nations / sanctions
    • Military Force
    • Psychological Tools - what is good and right
  42. Origins of American Foreign Policy
    • Enlightenment Period
    • Faith in individual
    • Governed by consent
    • Free idealogy
    • Market policy
  43. National Security Strategy 2006
    • 2 Pillars
    • -Promote freedom & justice, end tyranny, promote democracy
    • -America lead community of democracies - if US does something, others should follow

    9 Areas of Focus
  44. 9 Areas of Focus from National Security Strategy 2006
    • 1. Promote democracy, uphold human rights
    • 2. Strengthen alliances, defeat global terrorism
    • 3. Work with nations to diffuse conflicts
    • 4. Prevent enemies from threatening US with WMDs
    • 5. Create global free trade
    • 6. Help develop less developed nations
    • 7. Create cooperative agenda with other nations
    • 8. Adjust the national security plan for challenges of 21st century
    • 9. Address challenges of globalization - trade of drugs & humans, stop destruction of environment
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Inta Test 3
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