According to the Federal
Rules of Evidence, what are the criteria that must be met to serve as an
expert witness?
Qualified expert
- Present info that that
- jury doesn’t know already
- Testimony cant have
- prejudice
- Testimony must have some
- accepted theory
What are the requirements
that must be met according to the Frye & Daubert decisions before a
psychologist might use a test in doing an evaluation for the courts?
General Acceptance theory
- only can be used (Frye)
- Theory must meet a strict
- criteria(Daubert)
What is malingering? How
do psychologists assess malingering?
Faking an illness
- Assessed by clinical
- interview, assessment measures.
What is the SIRS? What is
the TOMM?
- Structured interview
- reported symptoms
- i.
- Tons of questions with rare illness mixed in to try to
- catch malingering.
- Test of Memory
- Malingering
- i.
- 50 items should, and repeated to test memory. Fakers
- will over emphasize the error.
What makes an insanity
defense? Why is testing not used in insanity evaluations?
Cognitive Element: didn’t
- know they were doing something wrong.
- Volitional Element: knew
- was wrong but couldn’t stop
What is competency to
stand trial?
Is the person able to
- understand the legal system and stuff
- Looks at the current
- functioning not the past
What tests are used to
evaluate competency to stand trial?
- Assessment Measures
What are the three main
approaches or techniques used to assess someone’s risk of future violence?
Clinical interviews
- Actuarial Risk Measures-
- fancy math with variables
- Structure clinical
- judgment
What tests are often used
in child custody evaluations? Why are these tests limited in their
- ASPECT- battery of tests,
- result used to code 59 items of parental custody inventory
- Custody Quotient-
- ParentChild Relationship
- Inventory
- Bricklin’s Tests
What are Heilbrun’s guidelines for selecting
tests to use if forensic assessments?
Test should be
- commercially available documented in the Mental Measurments Year book
- Reliability over .80
were the outcomes of these cases related to testing in school: Larry P. v
Riles, PASE v Hannon? Which case later overturned the Larry P decision?
- p. Riles: Banned CA IQ tests from 70’s to mid 90’s
- v Hannon: found tests not biased against children.
- Crawford
- v Honig later overturned by Larry P (his own case :P)
the three major advancements in disability assessment?
- Law 94-142: education for all handicapped CA kids
- Public
- Law 99-457: inlcued Pre school kids (3-5yrs old) free public education to
- all disabled preschoolers
- Americans
- with Disabilities Act (1990): forbids discrimination against qualified
- individuals with disabilities.
was the outcome in Myart v. Motorola?
- but than latter overruled
- Chain
- of events for more tests to be challenged in court
are the major outcomes of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
- practices cant discrimante on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or
- nationality and one day immigration status.
is the EEOC? What do the EEOC Guidelines address?
- Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC):Developed guidelines for fair
- employee selection procedures.
- Used
- by courts to make determinations regarding legality of employee selection
- procedures.
was the outcome in Griggs v. Duke Power & what was emphasized?
- against the use of tests without their proper validation
- Fairness,
- demonstration link of tests to job performance, burden is on the employer
- to show that the test is related
- to the job, Degrees aren’t every thing
are the major tenants of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection?
- impact (4/5 rule)
- Fairness
- Affirmative
- Action
- Technical
- Standards
is adverse impact and how is it defined using the 4/5ths rule?
- Exist
- when selection procedures favor one group over another
- If
- one group has a selection rate less than 4/5 (80%) of the group with the
- highest selection rate.
- i.
- Example: 100 white. 50 blacks. 80 Latinos.
- ii.
- 60 hired (60%), 22 hired (adverse impact), 41 hired (no
- A/I)
is Affirmative Action?
employees to constitute a workforce that mirrors the local demoegraphics.
were the major laws put in place by the Americans with Disabilities Act of
- Forbids
- discrimination against qualified
- persons with disabilities
- i.
- Unless: 1. Would cause the company to much money, 2.
- Disability interferes with a factor considered to be a business necessity, 3.
- Disabled worker poses a threat to the health or safety of them selves or
- others.
are the major outcomes of the Civil Rights Act of 1991?
- Outlaws
- subgroup norming of employee selection test
- i.
- Cant use different norms for different groups
- Eliminates
- use of separate hiring and promotion lists.
What is Computer-Assisted
Psychological Assessment?
Administration, scoring,
interpretation, test design, test format
In what ways can CAPA
improve the accuracies of the testing process?
No error in scoring,
automatically done
What are the four types of
computerized reports?
- Scoring Reports: no narratives, just included: scores,
- scales, and confidence intervals
- Descriptive Reports: brief scale by scale interpretation,
- tells meaning of scale scores, doesn’t integrate information.
- Actuarial Reports: interpretation based on objective/clear
- cut, based also on studies.
- i.
- When conditions are met superior to clinical judgment
- Computer-Assisted Clinical Report: Interpretation based on
- judgment of Dr. that have been coded and programed.
How is multimedia
currently used in testing?
Employment Testing: IBM Test- Quintronics. 30 Situation
- response questions.
- scenes, multiple stopping points to make decision –like those cool option
- story books.
- Stuff its expensive, correlates low with IQ
What is Computerized
Adaptive Testing?
- Adaptive Testing: basal and ceiling levels of current IQ
- tests.
- Computerized Adaptive Testing: flexible item selection
- i.
- Highly precise: testing goes until high level of
- measurement precision is reached
- ii.
- Highly efficient: few number items used. Fewer than
- MMPI, Mass. Wth good/better accuracy.
How does Computerized
Adaptive Testing improve on paper & pencil testing?
Super cool over all. Realiable user friendly
What are the general
predictions for the future of psychological testing?
- Wider use of computerized
- testing
- More focused tests
- Focus on clinical utility