- Plasma and Cellular Elements of Blood
- Hematopoiesis
- RBC Physiology
- Coagulation
- 92% water
- 7% proteins
- 1% organic mol (AA, glucose, lipids, N wastes), ions (Na+, K+, Cl-, H+, Ca2+), trace elements, vitamins, O2, and CO2
Plasma Proteins:
albumins *60% (prescence of proteins makes osmotic pressure higher; carriers)
- globulins (clotting, enzymes, antibodies, carriers)
- fibrinogen (essential to clotting) *30%
- transferrin (transports iron)
immunoglobulins (antibodies; secreted by specialized blood cells rather than by liver)
- Functions:
- clotting
- defense against foreign invaders
- carriers for steroid hormones, cholesterol, drugs, and iron
- act as hormones or enzymes
Cellular Elements:
- RBCs (erythrocyes)
- WBCs (leukocytes)
- platelets (thrombocytes)
- have lost their nucleus by the time they enter the blood stream
- play key role in transporting O2 from lungs -> tissues
- CO2 from tissues -> lungs
shape creates greater surface area for fast diffusion
25% of blood cells being produced by marrow, have a longer life span
- only fully functional cells in circulation
- play key role in body's immune response
- defend against foregin invaders
- work is usually carried out in tissues rather than in circulatory system
- Five types of WBCs:
- lymphocytes *immunocytes
monocytes (in tissues: macrophages) *phagocytes
- neutrophils
- eosinophils *granulocytes
- basophils (mast cells)
Diapedesis: WBC leaves
Are replaced more frequently because they have a shorter life span, 75% of blood cells being produced by marrow
- lack a nucelus
- split off parent cell, megakaryocyte
- short lived, 10 days
- many nuclei
- contain granules filled with clotting proteins and cytokines
- activated when blood vessel wall damaged
- play a role in coagulation
- the synthesis of blood cells
- embryo forms clusters -> blood cells -> liver, spleen, and bone marrow produce -> liver and spleen dont produce after birth -> production continues in the marrow until age 5 -> continues to decrease as we age
- control hematopoiesis
- peptide proteins released from one cell that affect the growth or activity of another cell
- erythropoietin - controls RBC synthesis, hormone; but made on demand rather than stored in vesicles; produced in kidney cells
- CSF - made by endothelial and WBCs
- IL -vreleased by one WBC to act on another, role in immune system; mobilizes hematopoietic stem cells
- thrombopoietin - produced by liver, influences growth of megakaryocytes
- RBC production controlled by erythropoietin (EPO) and several cytokine
- hypoxia: low O2 levels in the tissues (HIF-1) stimulates EPO synthesis and release
- put more hemoglobin into circulation to carry O2
- EPO gene cloned in 1985 -> now available
- used in therapy, abuse in sport
- 4 subunits
- HbA- Adult
- HbF - Fetal; increased affinity to O2; pulls O2 from HbA (mother)
- Requires iron Fe from diet -> absorbed to small intestine by active transport -> transported in blood by transferrin -> RBC use Fe to make heme group of hemoglobin -> excess iron stored (liver) as ferritin -> bone marrow uses to make Hb -> liver metabolizes biliruben; execretes in bile -> metabolites execreted in urine or feces
- Vit B12; intrinsic factor to absorb
- HbS - sickle cell
- elevated biliruben levels in blood = jaundice, causes skin and white of the eyes to take on a yellow cast. normally occurs in newborns whos fetal Hb is being broken down and replaced with adult Hb; also liver disease causes jaundice, liver is unable to process or excrete biliruben
RBC Disorders:
- Polycythemia vera- people in high altitudes, too many RBC, viscocity makes heart work harder, may be due to BM cancers
- Anemias-
- hemorrhagic: Fe deficiency; common in women
- hemolytic: due to genetic diseases or infections, autoimmune or drug induced, malaria
- pernicious: B12 deficiency or instrinsic factor lacking (stomach)
- renal: kidneys dont produce (EPO)
Sickle Cell Anemia:
- abnormal hemoglobin
- crystallizes when it gives up its oxygen
- sickle cells become tangled with other sickle cells causing cells to jam and block blood flow in tissues
- creates tissue damage and pain from hypoxia
- NO being tested as treatment
- stopage of bleeding
- too little: hemophiliac -> bleed too much
- too much: thrombus/ emboli -> blood clots
- Three major steps -
- vasconstriction - vessels constrict; paracrines released by endothelium -> decreases blood flow and pressure in vessel
- platelet plug - temporary blockage of hole; platelets stick to exposed collagen -> releases cytokines -> released more platelets that stick to each other
- coagulation - clot formation seals hole until tissue is repaired; series of enzymatic reactions end in formation of fibrin protein fiber mesh that stabalize platelet plug
Instrinsic Pathway:
collagen exposure; all necessary factos present in blood; slower
Extrinsic Pathway:
Uses TF released by injured cells and a shortcut
Common Coagulation Pathway:
Intrinsic/ Extrinsic pathways -> active Factor X -> prothrombin -> thrombin -> fibrinogen -> fibrin -> reinforces platelet plug -> clot
Structure of Blood Clot:
- as it forms it incorporates plasmin, the seeds of its own destruction
- Plasmin: enzyme from plasminogen, activated by thrombin, breaks down fibrin polymers into fibrin fragments (fibrinolysis) -> removes clot
Clot Busters:
- dissolve inappropriate clots
- enhance fibrinolysis
- t-PA: tissue plasminogen activator; dissolves clot faster
- *Vit K necessary for liver to make clotting proteins
- "blood thinner" prevent blood from clotting
- by blocking one or more steps in fibrin forming cascade
- ihhibit platelet adhesion -> plug prevention
- Ex. asprin -> inhibits plug, heparin -> inhibits thrombin, Protein C -> inhibits clotting factors V and VIII
- coagulation disorder
- coagulation cascade lacking or defective
- Hemophilia A, factor VIII deficiency, most common
- sex linked, ususally affects only males
- ratio of RBCs to plasma
- column of packed red cells is measured
- normal range of hematocrit 40-54% male 37-47% female
Mechanics of Breathing:
- structure and function of respiratory pumps
- gas exchange with blood
- role of surfactant and pressure differences on rate of exchange
- regulation of respiration
Functions of Respiratory System:
- O2 exchange: air -> blood, blood -> cells
- CO2 exchange: cells -> blood, blood -> air
- Regulation of body pH: retaining/ excreting CO2
- Protection of alveoli -> blood
- Vocalization
On its way to the lungs, air passes through
the pharynx, the larynx, then the trachea
External Respiration:
- the exchange of air between the atomosphere and the lungs
- the exchange of O2 and CO2 between the lungs and blood
- the transport of O2 and CO2 by the blood
- the exchange of gases between blood and the cells
The ciliated epithelium of the trachea and bronchi helps:
move mucus to the pharynx
The Airways:
- 3 upper airway functions -
- warming, humidifying, and filtering
- mucocilary escalator depends on secretion of watery saline - cystic fibrosis
- mucus
- H2O
- pseudostratified columnar epithelium
- goblet cells: secrete mucus
- alveoli: function is the exchange of gases between themselves and blood type II secrete surfactant: chemical mixes with thin fluid lining the alveoli to aid lungs as they expand during breathing
Pulmonary Circulation:
- pulmonary trunk; receives low-02 blood from R. ventricle -> divides into 2 pulmonary arteries -> 02 blood returns to L atrium via pulmonary veins
- high flow rate, but pulmonary BP is low
- distance shorter, resistance is low; R. ventricle doesnt have to pump as forcefully
Gas Laws:
- Dalton's: total P exerted by a misture of gases is the sum of P exerted by individual gases
- air we breath: N2 78%, 02 21%, H20/ vapors
- P @ sea level: 760 mmHg
- Boyle's: P1V1=P2V2
- gases move down pressure gradients
- N2 is important for divers
- come up too fast N2 bubbles in blood -> Nitrogen Narkosis
Exchange of gases between lung and lung capillaries:
external respiration!
- air flows due to pressure gradients
- inspiration: contraction of diaphragm 60-75% volume change
- 25-40% due to external intercoastals and scalene muscles
- expiration: relaxation of inspiratory muscles
- elastic recoil of pleura and lung tissue reinforce muscle recoil
- passive unless forced -> internal intercoastals and abdominal muscles
- for pulmonary function tests
- measures lung volumes during ventilation
Aveolar and Intrapleural Pressures:
- lungs unable to expand and contract on their own
- during development intrapleural pressure becomes substomospheric; necessary to keep lungs inflated
- from aveolar type II cells
- detergent like complex of proteins and PL; disrupts cohesive forces between water molecules -> decreased surface tension -> decreased work of breathing
Lung Compliance and Elastance:
- compliance: ability of lungs to stretch
- low compliance in fibrotic lungs (and other lung diseases) and when not enough surfactant
- elasticity: ability to return to original shape
- low elasticity in case of emphysema due to destruction of elastic fibers
- normal lung is both compliant and elastic
Airway Resistance:
- influences work of breathing
- determinant: airway diameter
- CO2: bronchodilation
- parasympathetic neurons: contricts
- no sympathetic neurons but Beta2 receptors: bronchodilation
- histamine: contriction
Efficiency of Breathing: Rate and Depth
- heart efficiency? CO= HR x SV
- pulmonary ventilation: PV= RR x LV (tidal volume) 12x 500
- 150 ml anatomic dead space
- alveolar ventilation: RR x 350
Matching Ventilation with Aveolar Blood Flow:
- lung has collapsible capillaries -> reduced blood flow at rest in lung apex
- increased CO2 in exhaled air -> bronchodilation
- decreased 02 in ECF around pulmonary arterioles -> vasoconstriction of arteriole (blood diverted)
Gas Exchange and Transport:
- Dissolve CO2 and 02 for transport
- Transport 02 - role of hemoglobin
- Transport CO2
- Regulate ventilation
Diffusion and Solubility of Gases:
- Ficks: diffusion rate surface rate x conc. gradient x mem. permeability\ membrane thickness
- diffusion is most rapid over short distances
- solubility of a gas depends on solubility of mol. in particular liquid and on pressure gradient and temperature
Review Dalton's Law:
Total atmospheric pressure as sea level = 760 mmHg
- 21% 02 P02= 160 mmHg
- 78% N2 PN2= 593 mmHg
Gas Exchange in Lungs and Tissues:
- gases flow from regions of higher partial pressure to regions of lower partial pressure.
- 02 moves from aveolar (100 mmHg) to capillaries (40 mmHg)
- P02 is lower in the cells 02 diffuses down its partial pressure gradient from plasma into cells
- PC02 is higher in tissues than in capillaries
- PC02 40 mmHg in aveoli 46 mmHg in tissues therefore the gradient causes C02 to diffuse out of the cells into the capillaries
Lower Aveolar P02:
- Diffusion rate decreases and you don't get enough 02
- main factor that affects 02 content of air is altitude
- low aveolar ventillation is know as hypoventillation
- increased airway resistance
- decreased lung compliance
- CNS depression
Pathological Conditions that Reduce Aveolar Ventilation:
- emphysema: destruction of aveoli = less surface area for gas exchange
- fibrotic lung disease: thickened aveolar membrane slows gas exchange, loss of lung compliance may decrease aveolar ventilation
- pulmonary edema: fluid in interstitial space increases diffusion distance
- asthma: increased airway resistance, decreased aveolar ventilation
Aveolar Membrane Changes:
- aveolar P02 may be normal but respiratory membrane changes affect gas exchange
- increased membrane thickness = fibrotic lung disease
- decreased surface area = emphysema
Oxygen Transport in Blood:
- 98% carried by Hemoglobin (oxihemoglobin) -> transported inside RBCs
- rest is dissolved in plasma
- at the cells where where 02 is used and plasma P02 falls Hb gives up its 02
- we must have adequate amount of Hb in our blood to survive
02-Hb Dissociation Curve:
- 20 mmHg exercising muscle 30%
- 40 mmHg normal resting cell 75%
- 100 mmHg normal of aveoli 98%
- Factors effecting:
- pH decreases
- temperature increases (cold = left shift -> gives off less 02 -> stronger affinity to Hb)
- PC02 increases
- HbF increases (left shift)
C02 Transport in Blood:
- 7% directly dissolved in plasma
- 70% transported as HC0- (bicarbonate) dissolved in plasma; acts as buffer; provides additional means of C02 transport from cells to lungs
- 23% bound to Hb
- excess C02 in blood = hypercapnia -> leads to acidosis, CNS depression and coma
Regulation of Ventilation:
stimuli- emotions and voluntary control -> higher brain centers -> limbic system -> medulla oblongata and pons -> somatic motor neurons for inspriation (effects scalenes, external intercoastals, diaphragm) or expiration (effects internal intercoastals, abdominals)
stimuli- C02 -> medullary chemoreceptors -> medulla OR carotid and aortic chemoreceptors -> afferent sensory neurons -> medulla
stimuli- 02 and pH -> carotid and aortic chemoreceptors -> afferent sensory neurons -> medulla oblongata or pons
The Kidneys:
- regulation of ECF volume and BP
- regulation of osmolarity
- maintenance of ion balance
- homeostatic regulation of Ph
- excretion of wastes
- production of hormones