Markovnikov's rule (modified) states that...
For electrophilic additions to alkenes, the electrophile adds in a way so that the most stable carbocation is formed.
What is a hydrohalogenation reaction?
- Addition of halides
- Markovnikov's rule applies
What is a hydration reaction?
- Addition of water
- Markovnikov's rule applies
- (Strong acids ex: H2SO4)
What is an acid catalyzed addition of alcohols to an alkene?
- Like hydration reaction, but instead of water, it reacts with an alcohol (methanol, ethanol, etc.)
- Occurs in strong acids like H2SO4
What is an electrophilic addition of halogens?
- Uses Br2 and Cl2 (F2 too violent, I2 products too unstable)
- Inert non-polar solvent (ex: CCl4)
- Anti addition
- Stereospecific reaction
- Regeoselective (nuc attacks more substituted carbon)
- Markovnikov's rule applies
What is the mechanism that opens the halonium ion with other nucleophiles?
- Like regular electrophilic addition, except X+ is opened by a different nucleophile.
- In water or alcohols
- Anti addition
- Stereospecific reaction
- Regeoselective (nuc attacks more substituted carbon)
- Markovnikov's rule applies
What is hydration via oxymercuration-demercuration?
- Solvents: Hg(OAc)2, THF, H2O
- Electrophilic addition of +Hg(OAc)
- Anti addition
- Stereospecific
- Regeoselective (nuc attacks more substituted carbon)
- Markovnikov's rule applies
- Demurcuration (removes +Hg(OAc) using NaBH4)
What does THF stand for?
- Tetrahydrofuran
What is hydration via hydroboration-oxidation?
- Uses: BH3, -OH, H2O2, H2O
- 1)BH3 syn addition (same side)
- 2)Oxidation (-OH, H2O2, H2O)
- Anti-Markovnikov alcohol product produced
- Sterospecific
What is free radical addition to alkenes?
- Initiation:
- Propagation:
- Termination: Combo of any two radicals
- Addition of HBr in H2O2
- Free radical mechanism
- Anti-Markovnikov
What is reduction reaction?
- \
- Solvent can be alcohol or carboxylic acid
- Stereospecific: Syn addition
What is epoxidation reaction?
- Concerted reaction
- Syn addition
What is acid catalyzed opening of epoxides?
- Anti addition of O's
What does MCPBA stand for?
- m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid
What is syn hydroxylation of alkenes?
What is oxidative cleavage of alkenes?
- Aldehydes can be oxidized to carboxylic acids
- =CH2 oxidized to CO2 + H2O
What is ozonolysis?
- Products are ketones and aldehydes
- =CH2 oxidized to H2C=O
What is the structure of ethylene?
What is the structure of propylene?
What is the structure of isobutylene?
What is the structure of isoprene?
What is the structure of styrene?