Speech Final

  1. Active Listening strategies
    • Listen Actively-focus your attention to the speaker
    • Listen for total meaning- listen for the nonverbal and verbal messages
    • Listen w/ empathy-
    • Listen w/an open mind-
    • Listen ethically
  2. Age perspective on innovation and change
  3. Concrete vs. abstract
  4. Definition by etymology
  5. Delivery methods: impromptu
    A speech given without any explicit prior preparation
  6. Delivery methods: Manuscript
    A speech designed to be read verbatim from a script
  7. Delivery methods: Memorized
    A meethod of oral presentation in which the entire speech is committed to memory and ten recited
  8. Delivery methods: Extemporaneous
    A speech that is thoroughly prepared and organized in details and in which certain aspects of style are predetermined
  9. Descriptive Speech
    A speech in which you explain an object, person, event, or process
  10. Difficult variable to analyze
  11. Door in the face - persuasion
    A persuasive strategy in which the speaker first makes a large request that will be refused and then follows with the inteded and much smaller request
  12. Foot in the door - persuasion
    A persuasive strategy in whi8ch the speaker first asks for something small (to get a foot in the door) and then, once a pattern of agreement has been achieved, follows with the real and larger request
  13. General Purposes
    The overall aim of your speech, for exsample to inform or to persuade
  14. Guide Lines for limiting a topic
  15. Introduction rules
  16. Individual roles to small group process
    Are counterproductive; they hinder the grouup's productivity and member satisfaction, largely because they focus on serving individual rather thatn gourp needs
  17. Logical appeals
    Persuasive appeals that focus on facts and evidence rather on emotional or credibility
  18. Motivated Sequence
    An organizational pattern for arrangeing the information in a discourse to motivate and audience to respond positively to the speaker's purpose
  19. Narrative types
  20. Nominal Group for problem solving
  21. Offering criticism
    • Stress the positive
    • Be specific
    • Be Objective
    • Be Constuctive
    • Focus on Behavior
    • Own your Criticism
  22. Pronunciation
    The production of syllabes or words according to some accepted standard; as presented, for example, in a dictionary
  23. Reasons for studying public speaking
    • Improved public speaking abilities
    • Increased personal and social abilities
    • Enhanced academic and career skills
  24. Reasoning by a sign
  25. Active Listening
    • Focus your complete attention on the speaker
    • Sit up straight, look at the speaker
    • Use your listening time wisely
    • work at listening
    • take notes if appropriate
  26. Selective Exposure
  27. Speaker Apprehension Strategies
    • Reduce the newness of public speaking with experience
    • Reduce your self-focus by visualizing public speaking as conversation
    • Reduce your percieved differentness from the audience by stressing similarity
  28. Statistics – advantages & disadvantages
    • Summery figures that help your communicate the important numerical information
    • Use up to date figures
    • Make #s clear
    • Round #s
  29. Techniques for limiting topics - Topoi
    A system for analyzing a topic according to a pre-established set of categories
  30. Unfilled pauses uses & abuses
    • Unfilled pauses- silences interjected into the normally fuent stream of speech (can be effective if use correctly)
    • Filled pauses- in the stream of speech that you fill with er um ah well and you know (make you appear hesitant)
  31. Using roman numerals in an outlines
  32. Using Parallel sentences
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Speech Final
Study Guide for Comprehensive Final Exam