
    • author "me"
    • tags "Soc"
    • description ""
    • fileName "Sociology "
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • Race
    • Biological characteristics, family name etc
  1. Ethnicity
    Religon,culture language
  2. Minority group
    Devalue physical and cultural traits/ the subordinate group blacks Asians etc
  3. Dominate group
    Group that has more power and control (white men)
  4. Institutional discrimination
    Discrimination through institutions ( schools churchs etc)
  5. Racial solidarity
    Bonding of people with the same culture background
  6. Characteristics of racist
    • Social class- middle class is more likely to be racist
    • Personality traits-
  7. Hegemony
    Groups viewed as the norm and usually have more power
  8. How did we characterize race
  9. Who was not considered to be white
    Irish, jewish, natives and italian
  10. Shared characteristics of minority groups
    • -society values and physical characteristics
    • -marry their own race
    • -ascribed (born into it)
    • -Discriminated by the dominate group
    • -Strong sense of group solidarity
  11. What porpotions of the US population is comprised of jews?
  12. Arab americans and religious affiliations
  13. Beaumont riot
  14. Native americans teenagers and suicide rates
    1 out of 6
  15. What dose NINA stand for?
    No irish need apply
  16. What does NINA say about societal views of irish americans in our past?
    Irish people was lower then blacks in social class
  17. Sex
    Male and female
  18. Gender
    Personality traits/ social construction
  19. Gender dichotomy
    Separating men and women in two groups based on social expectations
  20. Do transgendered people and gender dichotomy confirm or deviate from sex/gender dichotomy
  21. Three pieces of evidence that sex and gender are not related
    • 1)native american with the 4 gender system
    • -gender is not biological
    • - not universial
    • 2) wouldn't punish gender transgression if sex and gender was connected
    • 3) transgendered people wouldn't exist
  22. Gender marker
    Things you wear to mark your gender/ blue for boys pink for girls
  23. Stigma
    Something biological that yu can't get rid of
  24. Conformity
    The notion of wanting to fit in with your peers
  25. Obedience
    Do what people of higher authority tell yu to do (your boss, teacher)
  26. Informal social control
    People or institution around yu that control what yu believe and also forms stereotypes (schools, teachers)
  27. Formal social control
    People or institutions you are obedient to (judges, police)
  28. The milgram experiment
    Experiment with the electrical shocks on people concluded that humans are obedient
  29. White collar crime
    Tax evasion bribery, corporation crimes, crimes made by people with alot of money
  30. Victim less crime
    Two or more people in an agreement Prostituting, drug dealers, gambling
  31. Organized crime
    Extortions, prostition business, drug trafficking
  32. Control theory
    The more you have to loss the less likely yu are to commit a crime/ attachment into society
  33. Social disorganization theory
    When formal and informal controls break down crime is more likely to happen
  34. Ideal minority
  35. Differential justice
    Different classes and race getting different punishments for the same crim
  36. Strain theory
    The larger the gap between what one wants and what one can afford the more likely one is to commit a crime
  37. Social stigma
    Kind of deviance you cannot control (kid can play with other kid because of his parents are Murder)
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