Lieutenant Tac Ops

  1. IMS Tac 7
    Describe the main difference between a single and unified command
    • single- incident is one jurisdiction with no boundary overlap one IC
    • Unified- more thenone dept/agency shares management responsibility due to nature of incident or resources required
  2. IMS Tac 7
    If the IC designates a deputy, the deputy should have the _____________ as the IC
    same qualifications
  3. IMS Tac 7
    Name the 5 radio networks that would be established for a large incident
    command net, tactical net, support net, ground to air net, air to air net
  4. IMS Tac 7
    The terminology for incident identification shall be left to the discretion of _______
    The IC
  5. IMS Tac 7
    In order to keep the incident scene communication to a minimum, the __________ principle should be utilized
    command by exception
  6. IMS Tac 7
    The _______ shall be responsible for cancelling or placing units available
  7. IMS Tac 7
    The primary role of the 1st arriving IC is to establish ________ and ________
    strategy and tactics
  8. IMS Tac 7
    A ______ shall be required on any and all incidents involving a response of multiple units, regardless of type of unit
  9. IMS Tac 7
    The radio designation of "command" will be used with the _________ of the incident
    geographic location
  10. The 1st arriving engine will take position a minimum of _____ past the bldg
    30 feet
  11. A _______ is essential to any ongoing incident, in that it keeps all concerned parties abreast of the dynamic situation
    progress report
  12. IMS Tac 7
    The first progress report shall be transmitted approx ____________ after the BIR. The dispatcher will prompt the IC if no PR is received after _____. In no case should the interval exceed
    • 10 min
    • 15 min
    • 30 min
  13. IMS Tac 7
    Describe the 5 point size up system
    • 1 facts
    • 2 probabilities
    • 3 own situations
    • 4 develop IAP incident action plan
    • 5 Implement IAP
  14. When setting up the PPV, the entire door area must be sealed in a ____________ fashion
    5-6 foot cone
  15. In enclosed common stairwells, initial placement of the fan _________ feet outside of main entrance is still indicated as the intake area for replacement air
  16. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The __________ assigned to hazmat 114 will be the administrator of the program and will be designated as___________
    • div chief
    • hazmat 1
  17. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    In the absence of the div chief _____ will assume responsibilities of the program
    hazmat 2, 3 or 5
  18. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    On all incidents ____________ and ___________ will be notified by pager/phone ASAP by fire dispatch and will respond at their discretion
    • div chief
    • hazmat 5
  19. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    For every incident that requires a level A or B suit, _______ will be dispatched at the discretion of the _______
    • medic 14
    • hazmat commander
  20. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Vehicle upkeep/maintainance will be the responsibility of the _____ and ________
    • station members
    • fire maintainance
  21. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Anytime equipment/materials are expended they will _______ or the _____ assigned to hazmat 114 will be notified of depleted materials
    • immediately replaced
    • div chief
  22. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    automatic dispatch occurs in what 3 scenarios
    • spills in excess 100 gallons/100 lbs
    • aircraft crash/train derailment
    • whenhazmat 114 responds, DEPRM will be notified by dispatch
  23. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Hazmat 114 may be dispatched upon request in what 4 scenarios
    • lg quantities 500 lb or gallons are subject to fire
    • spills of unknown nature
    • incidents requiring 6 cans of foam or 6 bags of absorbent
    • request of IC for expertise
  24. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The ______ will be used on all hazmat incidents
  25. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The _____________ will be appointed by the incident commander
    safety officer
  26. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    ___________ will be assigned at the time of the incident
    incident commander
  27. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Pools, water and other items to be disposed of, will be the responsibility of a ________
    licensed private clean up company
  28. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Name the level of decon team PPE that corresponds to the entry team level
    • Entry Decon
    • Level alevel b
    • level bfull turnout
    • full turnout full turnout
  29. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    T/F entry teams and decon teams will both have/wear 1 hour scba
    false entry team 1 hour decon 30 min
  30. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    A yearly in-depth medical physical will be provided to all hazmat personnel and will be tracked for __________ after leaving the station in accordance with ____________
    • 5 years
    • SARA title III act
  31. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    A medical history form will be completed annually or _________
    when info in form changes
  32. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Prior to using level A or B ppe (including decon team), all personnel will be evaluated using the __________
    medical evaluation form
  33. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The use of the medical evaluation form when wearing turnout with SCBA will be at the discretion of the ___________
    hazmat officer
  34. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    At all times when there is an entry team, there shall be a ___________
    back-up safety team
  35. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The haz-mat satellite units will be comprised of the members assigned to ____________________ stations and any other stations/personnel that may be assigned from time to time by the __________
    • 13, 15, 17, 54
    • div chiefs
  36. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    A satellite unit will be dispatched whenever 114 is dispatched, except for _________
    mutual aide responses
  37. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    __________ will be the primary response vehicle to handle medical evaluation sector for the entry, back-up and decon team
  38. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    M14 will not become part of any team unless deemed necessary by the _________
    hazmat commander
  39. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    If a patient is contaminated and requires treatment, only _______ procedures shall be utilized
  40. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The ________ will provide the hospital with all of the info needed to treat the patient. If more info is required, the medics will become the liason between the ____ and _______
    • hazmat medics
    • hospital and hazmat 114
  41. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    ____________ will be the chairperson of the hazmat advisory and training committee
    hazmat 4
  42. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    All hazmat training will be made through the ____________, who will coordinate with the ________
    • chairperson
    • fra
  43. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    A ____________ course will be provided for all personnel
    yearly refresher
  44. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The hazmat committee will assist with the _________ drills as requested
  45. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The hazmat committee shall meet ___________, the ____ will establish the schedule
    • monthly
    • chairperson
  46. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    There shall be a minimum of ___________- and ____ on duty assigned to e14 or hm114. For satellite companies, minimum staffing will be ___
    • 1 tech, 1 specialist
    • 1 tech
  47. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Anytime level A or B ppe is used, there will be a minimum of 1 tech on ________
    the entry team
  48. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    A list, updated _______, will ID the training levels of all hazmat personnel and a copy will be kept on ____
    • on an annual basis
    • hm114
  49. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    As a minimum, there shall be a ___________ supervising the decon area
  50. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Anytime a level A suit is used, the ledger shall be marked as to the _________, _____ and _______
    • date
    • chemical exposed to
    • who wore the suit
  51. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    T/F Level A suits may be used for training
  52. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Level A suits shall be tested every ___ and the results shall be posted in the _____
    • 6 months
    • ledger
  53. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Combustible gas indicators are to be tested _____ or ___________. These logs will be kept for ______
    • every 2 months
    • after a use that would require retesting
    • life of the meter
  54. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Anytime more then ______ tubes of any one type are used or there are only ___- tubes remaining from any one type of draeger kit, notify ________ so that replacements can be ordered
    • 4
    • 6
    • hazmat 1
  55. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Tubes will be replaced ____ or ___ the expiration date
    on or before
  56. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    If ________ bags of absorbent are used to pick up diesel/fuel oil they may be ______
    • 1-5
    • placed in the dumpster
  57. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    When _____ bags of absorbent are used, ______ must be notified
    • 6 or more
    • DEPRM
  58. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Any flammable liquids that absorbent is used on, in quantities of ________ bags, MAY be returned to ______ and placed in ____
    • 1-2
    • quarters
    • steel drum provided
  59. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Notify _________ when the drum is full. The dump run will be made on ________
    • station 14
    • tuesdays
  60. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Anytime 1+ bags of absorbent is used a ________ must be completed
    MD spill report
  61. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    MD spill report must forward the ________ and ____ with the fire report to HQ. Retain one copy for station records
    • original
    • one copy
  62. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    With the current type of absorbent, one bag will absorb up to ___________ of product depending on ________ of the product
    • 18 gallons
    • viscosity
  63. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    For this SOP only, flammable liquid shall be any product with a flash point below _________
    100 degrees
  64. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The transport medic shall consult with the _______ and _____ prior to placing the patient in the medic, to ensure the patient was ________
    • hazmat ops officer
    • safety officer
    • properly deconned
  65. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The level of PPE shall be determined by the anticipated _________during transport and releasing pt. to the ER
    amount of exposure
  66. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    If further decon is to take place at the hospital the ______ or _______ shall be consulted in regard to wastewater removal
    DEPRM or MDE
  67. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The transport medics shall advise the hospital on the patients __________, ______ and _________
    • condition
    • material exposed to
    • level of contamination
  68. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    The decon area will be approx. ______x_________ utilizing 150" of ________ line
    • 35x15
    • 3"
  69. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Barrier/tree marking tape shall be used to distinguish the ______ from the ____
    • clean side
    • contaminated side
  70. TacOps 2 Hazmat
    Under windy conditions, it is important to quickly place __________ onto the plastic
  71. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    What are the 3 main responsibilities of the engine officer at the LZ
    • properly positioned engine
    • maintain proper talk group with the pilot and become part of the crew
    • walk the LZ for hazards
  72. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    If at night, keep all emer/headlights on until the pilot calls that he _________
    has the landing site in view
  73. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    Only the marker lights should stay on so as to not ________
    destroy the pilots night vision
  74. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    If comm is lost, turn off emer lights when the aircraft is on ______ and __________ above the ground
    • final approach
    • 300 feet
  75. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    If flares are set up, place one at _____________ of the LZ
    each corner
  76. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    At no time shall any _____ be directed at the aircraft
    white lights
  77. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    The remainder of the crew will be in full turnout and will ______________ if necessary
    be prepared to place an attack line in service
  78. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    Approaches to the helicopter will be made from the front, ________
    in view of the pilot
  79. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    Never approach the aircraft with a pt without _____ and never approach _________
    • the flight medic
    • from the rear
  80. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    Once the pt is loaded, but prior to departure, the 3 crew members will reposition themselves _________
    back to the attack line
  81. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    The medic crew will see that the pt is protected from ______ at all times
    the rotor wash
  82. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    The medic unit is to park no closer then ____ from the helicopter, unless _________
    • 100 ft
    • otherwise directed
  83. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    After the helicopter has departed, the engine officer will advise dispatch of ________ and also advise its ____, _________ and _____-
    • same
    • destination, #of pts and pt priority
  84. TAC OPS 3 Medevac
    If the field medic is to board the aircraft, he will do so before _______ and only when ______
    • pt is loaded
    • directed by the flight medic
  85. TAC OPS 4 Elevator Use during fires
    T/F A complete cable failure will cause the elevator car to crash
    false due to numerous safety features
  86. TAC OPS 4 Elevator Use during fires
    The first arriving officer must gather what kind of information before deciding to use the elevator. Name 4
    • location of fire
    • use of stairs
    • extent of fire
    • concealed working fire
    • type of elevator control
    • firemans call
  87. TAC OPS 4 Elevator Use during fires
    Elevator controls with __________ units should be avoided
  88. TAC OPS 4 Elevator Use during fires
    If so equipped, the elevator should be taken control of by using the _________
    firemans call
  89. TAC OPS 4 Elevator Use during fires
    The first engine co investigating an alarm above the ___ floor must take with them the ____
    • 1st floor
    • 1 3/4 hose pack
  90. TAC OPS 4 Elevator Use during fires
    Plan to stop ______floors below the fire
  91. TAC OPS 4 Elevator Use during fires
    When the car moves, try to stop every _ floors
  92. TAC OPS 4 Elevator Use during fires
    Never go to the ______ floor and never _____ the fire floor
    • fire
    • pass
  93. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Definition A device other then an oil/spring buffer, designed to stop a descending car or counterweight beyond its normal limit of travel by absorbing the impact
  94. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Definition Protective assembly which closes the hoistway enclosure openings normally used for loading/unloading
    elevator entrance
  95. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The movable portion of the car/hoistway entrance which closes the opening providing access to the car/landing
    • car door
    • hoistway gate
  96. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    A device located in the car, when manually operated, causes the power to be removed to all elevator cars ( motors, valves, pumps)
    emer stop switch
  97. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The load carrying unit including its platform, car frame, enclosure, door or gate
    elevator car
  98. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    A device designed to stop a descending car/counterweight beyond its normal limit of travel by storing/absorbing and dissipating the kinetic energy
  99. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    A hoisting low/lowering mechanism equipped with a car/platform which moves in guides in a vertical direction and serves 2 or more floors of a building
  100. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The structure which forms the floor of the car and directly supports the load
    car platform
  101. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    the portion of a hoistway extending from the threshold level of the lowest landing door to the floor at the bottom of the hoistway
    elevator pit
  102. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The portion of a floor/balcony used to receive/discharge passengers or freight
    elevator landing
  103. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The portion of a hoistway which passes floors or other landing ay which no normal landing entrances are provided
    blind hoistway
  104. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    A shaftway for the travel of one or more elevators
    elevator hoistway
  105. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    A procedure using a pole or similar tool to trip and open a hoistway door from entranceway of an adjacent elevator car
    poling across
  106. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    A procedure using a pole or similar tool to trip and open a hoistway door from the landing directly above it
    poling down
  107. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Name the 3 types of elevator doors
    • horizontal slide
    • swing type
    • vertical slide
  108. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Never enter a hoistway of a stalled car without first __________ to the car
    cutting off main power
  109. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    In the absence of a cut off tag, station a ___________ with a _________ next to the main cut off to prevent premature restoring of power to the car
    • crew member
    • radio
  110. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Always station a crew member at __________ without a car when hoistway door is being opened or is already open
    each landing
  111. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    When manually closing hoistway doors, be certain they are completely ______ and ______-
    • closed
    • locked
  112. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Limit the # of FD personnel to no more then ______
  113. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The poling member must be secured with a rope around waist and running end of the rope secured to an ________ or _________
    • anchor point
    • FD member
  114. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Utilize more then one __________ to ensure that the stalled car will not run during removal operations
    electrical safety device
  115. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The location for the key holes for a single car hoistway is at ________
    every landing
  116. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The location of key holes for a two car hoistway is at ______ or ________
    • two lowest landings
    • or upper landing
  117. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Name the 4 types of elevator keys
    • half-moon
    • TEE
    • Hook
    • Flip over (drop-pin)
  118. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The 2 types of elevator incidents are ____________ and ________
    • routine
    • emergency
  119. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Name at least 4 pieces of equipment to be carried by FD personnel for routine incidents
    • Halligan and butt end axe
    • elevator keys
    • hoistway keys
    • handlights
    • radio
    • Pole, rope (kernmantle and utility)
  120. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    The OIC will implement _________ during emergency elevator rescues
  121. TAC OPS 5 Elevator rescue ops
    Name 3 additional things to be carried for emergency rescues
    • Tool kit
    • folding ladder
    • sledgehammer
    • block of wood
    • porta-power with duck bills
  122. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    At all times, ____________ are responsible to account for any person who is under his command
  123. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    The __________ along with the ______ shall be responsible to see that the PAS is in place
    • IC
    • safety officer
  124. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    On all rescues and multiple company incidents where SCBA is in use and or more then one handline is deployed the ______ will designate a ________
    • IC
    • safety officer
  125. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    At the termination of the incident the SO shall complete the ____ and forward it to the ______ unless there is a _____ on scene
    • SO incident report
    • safety office
    • Dept SO
  126. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    __________ consists of a large ring with a unit ID tag attached
    apparatus collector ring
  127. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    _________ consists of a large ring with an ID tag attached
    Point of entry control ring
  128. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    _______ consists of a large ring with an ID tag marked staff
    staff officer ring
  129. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    ______ consists of a small ring with unit ID attached
    officer collector ring
  130. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    _________ is uses when an incident requires more stringent accountability. This is when the ________ will be established
    • level II accountability
    • point of entry control
  131. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    Name and describe the difference between the 4 types/colors of PAT tags
    • white entry minimum of FF I medical and fit testing
    • Pink non-entry PERT and personnel who choose to have facial hair
    • blue non-entry EMT-B or P
    • brown non-entry observer
  132. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    The PAT shall be considered an issued item of ______
  133. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    When a member has successfully completed all required training, the __ will issue tags
    AV dept
  134. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    Regular inspection/maintainance of PAT will be the responsibility of the _________
    comp commander
  135. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    If a PAT is lost/damaged it will be reported using a form ______ and a temp PAT will be issued by the ____ or volunteer _____
    • form 58
    • DC/BC
    • comp commander
  136. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    Personnel who resign, retire or are terminated will surrender their PAT to _________
    comp commander
  137. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    The apparatus collector ring will remain on the unit unless otherwise directed by the ____ or ______
    • IC
    • SO
  138. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    Individuals in charge of medic crews will retain the ______ collector ring
  139. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    When the IC or SO determines that the incident requires more stringent accountability, they will implement _________ utilizing the _____ board
    • point of entry control
    • accountability control
  140. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    When must a PAR be conducted?
    • strategy is changed
    • after an evacuation order
    • at discretion of IC or SO
  141. TAC OPS 6 Personnel Accountability System PAS
    The PAR shall be made in accordance with the __________ principles
    unity of command
  142. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    In a mayday situation, early notification is the _____________
    key to survival
  143. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    What term will be used to notify the IC that personnel are lost and trapped
  144. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    When a PASS device has been activated for more then ______________, it will be treated as a distress signal and command will determine the need for a ________
    • 1 minute
    • MAYDAY
  145. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    LUNAR stands for
    • Location
    • Unit
    • Name
    • Assignment
    • Resources needed for rescue
  146. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    In the event personnel are unable to communicate via radio, they shall ______ and intermittently, for periods of at least ______
    • activate the PASS device manually
    • 1 minute
  147. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    The ____ will control all radio communication
  148. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    The IC shall _______ or ________ the MAYDAY situation
    • announce
    • or caused to be announced
  149. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    In the event a MAYDAY is received and the personnel needing assistance provide LUNAR, an ______ will not be necessary
    immediate PAR
  150. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    Command shall provide a brief _______ to dispatch to include __________- ops
    • Progress report
    • RIT
  151. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    Once a MAYDAY is declared, ___________ will conduct an immediate PAR of their personnel
    comp commander
  152. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    Dispatch will assign an _________ to the incident
    additional alarm
  153. TAC OPS 9 Mayday procedure
    _________ shall notify command of a radio emergency button activation from any unit on the scene
  154. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    __________ refers to a temp grouping of apparatus/personnel assigned to one commander to carry out a specific operation
    Task Force (TF) operations
  155. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    The establishment of a TF operation shall be determined by the on-call ___ or the _____ of field operations
    • DC of field ops
    • Asst chief of field ops
  156. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    _________ refers to the individual who is in total command of the TF op
    TF commander
  157. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    The TF commander is to the rank of ____ or above
  158. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    T/F Acting BC/DC's cannot be assigned as TF commander
  159. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    It will be the responsibility of the TF commander to notify _________ of a TF formation
  160. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    A ________ is the base of operations for ground apparatus to form the TF
    Base location
  161. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    Once established, dispatch shall announce ___________ the the TF is operational
    on all talk groups
  162. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    Upon initiation of a TF op, dispatch shall notify the _______ and his staff
    fire chief
  163. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    Once the TF is initiated, it is the _____ responsibility to have their positions covered within their battalion
    TF commander
  164. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    The suggested equip to be included in a TF is _________
    • 4 engines
    • 1 truck
    • 1 medic
  165. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    The ranking officer of an incident necessitating a TF operation shall be responsible for its ________
  166. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    The TF commander must consider the length of time a TF may remain in service, as it could warrant ______ to staff ________
    • call back of off duty personnel
    • reserve apparatus
  167. TAC OPS 12 Task Force Ops
    Name some factors the TF commander must also consider
    • fuel
    • sleeping facilities
    • food
    • relief of personnel
  168. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    The ________ on the scene are to be the first evaluated and first to be relieved
    first operating companies
  169. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    It is the ________ responsibility, in coordinating with the ________ and ranking EMS personnel to decide which personnel are to be evaluated
    • comp commander
    • IC
  170. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    All personnel who are evaluated should not leave the rehab sector until told to do so by the _______ in charge
    EMS officer
  171. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    A good rule of thumb for anyone needing rehab is anyone ________ or anyone _____
    • exhausting 2 bottles of air in
    • rigorous activity for a period of one hour
  172. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    The sole responsibility for medical control of the rehab sector is the senior __________ who reports to the ___
    • EMS officer
    • IC
  173. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    The ideal location of the rehab sector is between ___________ and ______- in a sheltered area but out of public view
    • incident
    • coffee wagon
  174. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    ___________ the rehab sector is an excellent way to limit the # of personnel who are in rehab rather then those available for duty
    roping off
  175. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    ___________ in the rehab sector will not be acceptable
  176. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    __________ guidelines for rest/rehab, will enhance the effectiveness of the sector and safety of the crews
    common sense
  177. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    Medical personnel conducting the evaluations, under direction of an EMS officer, will report findings to the _____ and ______
    • IC
    • comp commander
  178. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    Any individual with more serious medical issues will be held at rehab and the ___ and ________ will be notified
    • IC
    • company officer
  179. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    Vital signs will be taken a minimum of every ___________
    10 minutes
  180. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    The most important purpose of rehab is to provide rest periods for personnel, which will enhance their ________ and promote ________ when returning to their job fumction
    • performance
    • safety
  181. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    In moderate weather conditions, ideally _______ or more for each hour worked should be designated as a rest period
    15 minutes
  182. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    The IC should compensate for personnel in rehab by ______ where appropriate
    calling for additional crews
  183. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    At times there may be more then one rehab sector due to __________ or __________
    • large incident
    • incident involving large # of personnel
  184. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    __________ are not to be brought to the rehab sector, but taken to the medical sector at a different location
    injured personnel
  185. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    The individual in charge of the coffee wagon will coordinate the activities of the coffee wagon with the _____ and ______
    • IC
    • EMS officer
  186. TAC OPS 15 Rehab
    In the absence of a ____________, medical direction will be obtained from the appropriate consultation center via EMRC, if needed
    FD surgeon
  187. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    IMS is designed to be used primarily for structure fire incident using up to ___________ fire companies
  188. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    IMS reflects the merger of certain elements of the _______ and ________
    • california firescape ICS
    • phoenix fire ground command system
  189. TAC OPS 7 IMSMulti-jurisdictional incident will normally be managed under a unified command structure involving a single ________ and a single ___________
    • incident action plan
    • incident command post
  190. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    An effective IMS must provide an integrated _______ approach
  191. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The IMS is used to facilitate the completion of __________ priorities
  192. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The _____ or _______ on scene must initiate whatever parts of IMS are needed to effectively manage the scene
    • first unit
    • member
  193. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The first arriving FD unit activates the command process by giving a ___________
  194. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    At most incidents, the initial IC will be a ________
    company officer
  195. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    Atmospheres with a concentration of oxygen by volume of less then ________ will be considered IDLH
  196. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    What 3 situations constitute an IDLH atmosphere
    • poses an immediate threat to life
    • causes irreversible/delayed health effects
    • interference with an individuals ability to escape
  197. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    Smoke/fire showing or working fire will always be classified as an ______ situation
  198. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    _________ describes a 2 person entry team and the required 2 person stand-by team, equally trained/qualified positioned outside
    2 in 2 out
  199. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    T/F the standard of 2 in 2 out does not need to be followed for an incipient fire stage
  200. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The first in officers will have to always keep crew _________ the first priority
  201. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    Personnel required to an IDLH area will, at all times, utilize the ____ of teams of two or more
    buddy system
  202. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The standby team will have a separate ______ in place and any equipment needed to effect a rescue as directed by the ____
    • hoseline
    • IC
  203. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    Standby team members may retrieve equip from apparatus if it is positioned within _______ of the standby team position
    50 feet
  204. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The standby team will consist of __________ personnel with ___ and ______ ready for immediate service
    • 2 or more
    • full PPE
    • SCBA
  205. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    In the event the standby team must perform functions that would interfere with their mission, such as CPR, they will inform the interior personnel to ________
    exit the IDLH area
  206. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The exception to the 2 in 2 out rule shall be ________, based on the basic principles of _______
    • life safety
    • search and rescue
  207. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    Once the incident progresses and higher # of personnel arrive and operations expand, a ___________ will be established to replace the initial ______
    • RIT
    • standby team
  208. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The ________ will be responsible for the determination of a violation of the 2 in 2 out policy
    compliance committee
  209. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The first _________ assigned to the incident shall be the investigating officer, unless other wise designated by the _____
    • chief officer
    • committee
  210. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The compliance committee shall be comprised of what personnel, career and volunteer
    • career- DC of ops, safety office, 2 union reps, peer rep
    • volunteer-DC of ops, safety officer, 2 vol. sr. officer reps, peer rep
  211. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    Name the 3 command modes
    • nothing evident mode
    • limited command mode
    • command mode
  212. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    With nothing evident, the initial company will investigate, while other units are in a _________ mode
  213. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    Limited command mode should not last more then a few minutes and will end with one of what 3 situations
    • situation is stabilized
    • not stabilized and must withdraw to exterior
    • command is transferred to another officer
  214. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    Certain incidents, by virtue of their _________, _________ or potential for _______ require immediate strong, direct, overall command
    • size
    • complexity
    • rapid expansion
  215. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    A _______ should be initiated and utilized to assist in managing these type of incidents
    tactical worksheet
  216. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    Command shall not be passed to an officer who is _____
    not on scene
  217. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    A ___________- refers to the act of one individual relieving another of authority, responsibility and accountablility
    transfer of command
  218. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The _____ to assume command shall retain command until formally relieved
    1st officer
  219. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    At all times possible, transfer of command shall be done _______
    face to face
  220. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    In order of preference, how should transfer of command occur?
    • face to face
    • radio
    • assumed by an officer when the original commander cannot be found
  221. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    All transfers of command shall be transmitted ___________
    over the radio
  222. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    __________ and __________ should report directly to the command post for assignment by the IC
    • chief officers
    • staff personnel
  223. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    _________ can affect a change in incident management in extreme situations relating to safety by notifying the IC
  224. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The size and complexity of the organizational structure, obviously, will be determined by the ___________
    scope of the emergency
  225. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    The full establishment of the IMS should be viewed as an ___________ of the existing incident organization
  226. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    When the transfer of command is announced, a _________ is also to be given
    progress report
  227. TAC OPS 7 IMS
    A _________ response will be initiated when the IC determines that the _______ response resources will be insufficient to handle the size/complexity of the incident
    • reinforced
    • initial
  228. TAC OPS 7 IMS
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Lieutenant Tac Ops
Tac Ops bcofd fire lt