A psychotic disorder in which personal, social, and occupational functioning deteriorates as a result of strange perceptions, unusual emotions, and motor abnormalities.
A state in which a person loses contact with reality.
positive symptoms
Symptoms of schizophrenia that seem to be excesses of or bizarre additions to normal thoughts, emotions, or behaviors.
A strange false belief firmly held despite evidence to the contrary.
formal thought disorder
A disturbance in the production and organization of thought.
loose associations
A common thinking disturbance in schizophrenia, characterized by rapid shifts from topic of conversation to another. Also known as derailment.
The experiencing of sights, sounds, or other perceptions in the absence of external stimuli.
inappropriate affect
Display of emotions that are unsuited to the situation; a symptom of schizophrenia.
negative symptoms
Symptoms of schizophrenia that seem to be deficits in normal thought, emotions, or behaviors.
A decrease in speech or speech content; a symptom of schizophrenia. Also known as poverty of speech.
flat affect
A marked lack of expressed emotions; a symptom of schizophrenia.
A symptom of schizophrenia marked by apathy and an inability to start or complete a course of action.
A pattern of extreme psychomotor symptoms found in some forms of schizophrenia, which may include catatonic stupor, rigidity, or posturing.
schizophrenia key features
Various psychotic symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, flat or inappropriate affect, and catatonia. Lasts 6 months or more. 1.0% lifetime prevalence.
brief psychotic disorder
Various psychotic symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, flat or inappropriate affect, and catatonia. Lasts less than 1 month.
schizophreniform disorder
Various psychotic symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, flat or inappropriate affect, and catatonia. Lasts 1-6 months. 0.2% lifetime prevalence.
schizoaffective disorder
Marked symptoms both of schizophrenia and a mood disorder. 6 months or more.
Delusional disorder
Persistent delusions that are not bizarre and not due to schizophrenia: persecutory, jealous, grandious, and somatic delusions are common. 1 month or more. 0.1% lifetime prevalence.
Shared psychotic disorder
Person adopts delusions that are held by another individual, such as a parent or a sibling; also known as folie a deux.
Psychotic disorder due to a general medical condition
Hallucinations or delusions caused by a medical illness or brain damage.
Substance-induced psychotic disorder
Hallucinations or delusions caused directly by a substance, such as an abused drug.
dopamine hypothesis
The theory that schizophrenia results from excessive activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
antipsychotic drugs
Drugs that help correct grossly confused or distorted thinking.
A group of antihistamine drugs that became the first group of effective antipsychotic medications.
atypical antipsychotic drug
A relatively new group of antipsychotic drugs whose biological action is different from that of traditional antipsychotic drugs.
schizophrenogenic mother
A type of mother - supposedly cold, domineering, and uninterested in the needs of others - who was once thought to cause schizophrenia in her child. (Fromm-Reichmann)
double-bind hypothesis
A theory that some parents repeatedly communicate pairs of messages that are mutually contradictory, helping to produce schizophrenia in their children.
state hospitals
Public mental health hospitals in the United States, run by the individual states.
milieu therapy
A humanistic approach to institutional treatment based on the belief that institutions can help patients recover by creating a climate that promotes self-respect, responsible behavior, and meaningful activity.
token economy program
A behavioral program in which a person's desirable behaviors are reinforced systematically throughout the day by the awarding of tokens that can be exchanged for goods or privileges.
antipsychotic drugs
Drugs that help correctly grossly confused or distorted thinking.
neuroleptic drugs
Conventional antipsychotic drugs, so called because they often produce undesired effecs similar to the symtomps of neurological disorders.
extrapyramidal effects
Unwanted movements, such as severe shaking, bizarre-looking grimaces, twisting of the body, and extreme restlessness, sometimes produced by conventional antipsychotic drugs.
tardive dyskinesia
Extrapyramidal effects that appear in some patients after they have taken conventional anitpsychotic drugs for an extended time.
A life-threatening reduction in white blood cells. This condition is sometimes produced by the atypical antipsychotic drug clozapine.
The discharge of large numbers of patients from long-term institutional care so that they might be treated in community programs.
community mental health center
A treatment facility that provides medication, psychotherapy and emergency care for psychological problems and coordinates treatment in the community.
A program of posthopsitalization care and treatment in the community.
day center
A program that offers hopsital-like treatment during the day only. Also known as a day hospital.
halfway house
A residence for people with schizophrenia or other severe problems, often staffed by paraprofessionals. Also known as a group home or crisis house.
sheltered workshop
A supervised workplace for people who are not yet ready for competitive jobs.
case manager
A community therapist who offers a range of services for people with schizophrenia or other severe disorders, including therapy, advice, medication, guidance, and protection of patients' rights.