Factors to Critical Thinking and Decisions:
- What you were taught
- Done and seen before
- Believe to be right and true
- People you work with
- Employer Expectations
- Medical director expects
- Medical directives
- Impression patient makes
- Physical evidence
- Receiving hospital expectations
Critical Thinking:
- Evidence based decision making
- Application into practice
- Self awareness
- Reflective practice
Critical Thinking Process:
Concept formation, data interpretation, application of principle, evaluation, reflection on action
Critical thinking Techniques
- Role playing
- Review
- Reflection
- Research
- Consultation
Evidence Gathering and Decision Making
- Requires evidence
- Know when you have enough for a decision
- Need to re-direct evidence collection and assessment based on findings
- History taking should provide structure to physical assessment and vice versa
Primary decision
- Life threats
- ABC's
- Priority management
- Transport priority
- How much help do you need? Allied agencies
- When are you over your head?
Evidence gathering
- How sick is the patient?
- How emergent is the patient?
- Intervene now or after?
- Which interventions are needed?
History Taking
- Chief complaint: level of distress, general impression
- Incident history: onset, provocation/palliation, quality, region/radiation/referral, severity, time factor
- Past medical history: including dates
- Medication: drug, dose, regimen, compliance, prescription and non-prescription
- Allergies
- Last oral intake
Physical Assessment
- Neurologic
- Respiratory
- Cardiovascular
- Musculoskeletal
- Gastrointestinal
- Genitourinary
- Endocrine
- Integuementary
- Immune
Physical Assessment Systems
- Head and neck
- Chest
- Abdomen
- Pelvis
- Extremities
- Back
Respiratory Emergency
- Primary Assessment
- General Impression
- Airway Sounds
- Chief complaint
- Primary Decisions
- Assessment
- Risk Factors
- Medical History
- Medications
- History
- Common Symptoms
- How long
- Onset, what came first?
- SOBOE (on exertion?) At rest? Positional?
- Cough? Productive?
- Sleeping position?
- Other S+S
- Meds use? Puffers? When? Did they work?
Common Symptoms
- Cough
- Expectoration
- Hemoptysis
- Dyspnea
- Chest pain
- Wheezing
- Cough
- -present
- -strength
- -chronic vs acute
- -productive vs non productive
- Expectoration (cough out from respiratory tract)
- -Content
- -Quantity
- -Appearance
- -Consistancy
- -Odour
Physical Assessment
- Initial Impression
- -posture and body position (posture, tripod, sitting, laboured breathing)
- -face (speaking)
- -surroundings (able to care for themselves)
- -skin colour
- Focused examination
- -head and neck
- -chest
- -abdomen
- -extremities
Head and Neck Assessment
- Flaring
- colour
- speaking ability
- distractibility
- tracheal position
- tracheostomy
Adventitious Breath Sounds
- Wheezes (high and low pitch)
- Crackles (coarse or fine; wet or dry)
- High - passage of air through narrowed bronchi; swelling bronchospasm, foreign body or growth, continuous musical whistling noise.
- Low - air through secretions, continuous, low pitch
- Mechanism - rapid airflow through obstructed A/W by bronchospasm, mucousal edema
- Causes: asthma, CHF
- Fine: clicking or popping, brief and explosive, usually on inspiration, produced when small airways pop open. Pneumonia, CHF, pulmonary fibrosis
- Course: lower pitch coarse popping and bubbling sounds, inspiration and expiration. Larger airways cleared with coughing, pulmonary edema, retained, secretions
- Mechanisms: excess A/W secretions moving with airflow
- Causes: CHF, pulmonary edema, opening of collapsed airways, respiratory infections
- Low-pitched most often during expiration
- Mechanisms: rapid airflow through obstructed A/W by excess sputum, bronchospasm
- Causes: bronchitis, asthma
Pleural Friction Rub
- Moves jerkily/delayed by increased friction when inflamed
- Vibrations produce a creaking sound
- May sound like crackles
- Poor oxygenation
- Peripheral cyanosis (poor peripheral circulation)
- Central cyanosis (poor systemic oxygenation)
Pulse oximetry
- Oxyhemoglobin to extremities
- Limitations: poor perfusion, CO poisoning
End Tidal CO2
- Sampling and reference cell
- CO2 is 35-45 mmHg
Cardiovascular System Assessment
- Primary (Environment, ABC's, Auscultation)
- Primary Decisions (CC, Priority Management, Load & Go, oxygen therapy, back up allied)
- History (focus on immediately need to know for treatment verses what can wait (clinical picure)
- Assess Head and neck -LOA, JVD, cyanosis, expression, breath sounds, chest - inspection - symmetry, indrawing, scars, CLAPS; palpation integrity, TICS; abdo - pulsating masses and general appearance, pain, tenderness, distension, ascites; extremities - dependant edema, pulses and pulse variation, colour, temperature, capillary refill.
- Medical History: PMHx, medications, allergies
CP Causes
- Cardiovascular (ACS, pericarditis, thoracic dissection)
- Respiratory (pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax, pneumonia, pleural irritation)
- Gastrointestinal (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc)
- Musculoskeletal (costochondritis, trauma, tumors)
- Sudden ischemia, undifferentiated in first few hours
- Angina, unstable angina, and myocardial infarction
- Central anterior chest pain, dull, fullness, pressure, tightness, crushing pain, radiates, onset at rest.
- Usual history only applies to males 55-75 y/o.
- Atypical is fair game.
Dysrhythmias Management
- Decision Making
- symptomatic vs asymptomatic
- stable vs unstable
- treat rate problems first
- live better electrically
Sinus Bradycardia
- usually time limited, rarely pathologic
- stable management: atropine, dopamine
- unstable management: pacing
Third degree block (includes second degree type II block)
- almost always pathologic
- straight to pacing
- atropine etc. can make it worse
- Rarely pathologic, palpitations,
- Stable management: adenosine, ACLS: verapamil, diltiazem
- Unstable management: cardioversion
Atrial Fibrillation
- Controlled vs uncontrolled
- rate vs embolus
- 24 hour rule
- Stable management: ACLS - amiodarone, procainamide
- Unstable management: cardioversion, extreme caution due to risk, generally more difficult to cardiovert
Ventricular Tachycardia
- always pathologic
- amio, lido, cardiovert
Cardiac Arrest Management
- CPR First
- Rule out reversible causes (statistically patient has a better chance of survival if cardiac arrest is the result of a reversible cause that is identified and reversed
Causes of Cardiac Arrest
- 5H's and 5T's
- Hypovolemia
- Hypoxia
- Hypothermia
- Hypo/hyperkalemia
- Hydrogen ions (acidosis)
- Tamponade
- Tension pneumothorax
- Thrombosis (pulmonary embolus)
- Thrombosis (ACS)
- Tablets/Toxins, OD
Time Sensitive Model
- <4 minutes (electrical phase) - responds to electrical stimulation
- 4-10 minutes (circulatory phase) - increased acidosis, CPR first
- >10 minutes (metabolic phase) - too far gone for conventional therapies
V-Fib, V-Tach
- V-fib: chaotic, bizarre, disorganized electrical activity. No recognizable QRS. Coarse or fine.
- V-Tach: wide, fast rhythm (>180) with out pulse
- Management: R/O reversible causes, defibrillation, no supportive research for drugs, vasopressor (epi), antiarrhythmica (amio, lido)
Asystole, PEA
- Asystole: no electrical activity
- Management: R/O reversible causes, assumption that rhythm is autonomic imbalance, supportive pacing if caught early.
- PEA: electrical mechanical dissociation; should generate a pulse but doesn't.
- Management: R/O reversible causes, directives give you something to do while you think (Fluid - hypovolemia; Epi - MI; Ventilation/Intubation - Hypoxia)
Formulating A Management Plan
- Primary Assessment/Management
- -attending to immediate life threats
- -airway, breathing, circulation
- -transport priority
- -how much help do you need?
- -when are you over your head?
- -priority managements
- Evidence
- -History (incident, past medical history)
- -Physical assessment and complete vital signs (enough info to make the decision)
- Decisions
- -pt needs what?
- -can I provide care? (Yes - scope of practice, directives, BHP; No - transport)
- -when will I be over my head (ideal time to transfer care)
- Ongoing decisions
- -assessment and history gatherin to complete the clinical picture
- -new decision based on additional information and evidence; patient response to treatment
- -change in clinical presentation implies reassessment and a new management plan
Acute Coronoary Syndromes Management
- Decision Making - not a question of ruling in or out, but a question of risk.
- General Management Decisions (treat rate first, assess and treat simultaneously)
- Nitroglycerine - venous and coronary artery dilator
- ASA - platelet aggregating inhibitor
- Analgesia - morphine still the standard, vasoactive effects
- Diagnosis - 12 lead
- Transport
Anaphylaxis Management
- Airway management
- Epinephrine (alpha and beta effects; provides some stabilization of MAST cells membrane, still only supportive care)
- Benadryl (diphenhydramine - anti-histamine inhibits smooth muscle constriction and reduces capillary permeability)
- Transport
Diabetic Emergencies Management
- Hyperglycemic Emergencies (HHNKs, DKA)
- Hypoglycemic Emergencies (rarely occurs outside of diabetes)
- Management: Addressing the symptoms
- -Oxygen vs ventilation
- -Fluid resuscitation
- -Monitor for Acidosis
- -Dextrose vs Glucagon
- -Require follow up
Heart Failure Management - Left Sided Backward Failure
- oxygen
- preload reduction (morphine, nitro, lasix)
- treat complications
- afterload reductions (ACE inhibitors)
- worse case - intubate (preferred CPAP)
Heart Failure Management - Cardiogenic Shock
- General: forward failure, inability of the heart to meet the bodys metabolic needs, often remains after correction of other problems, severe form of pump failure, high mortality rate.
- Causes: MI (impaired contractility), impaired ventricular emptuomg. dusrjutj,oas. tension pneumothorax and cardiac tamponade, trauma
- Management: transport, treat the cause, and vasopressors (dopamine)
Neurological Assessment
- Primary Survey
- Physical Exam: (pt hx, incident hx, VS, physical assessment)
- Physical Findings: (distal strength, sensation, mobility, gait, balance, posture)
- History: (Event, LOC, consider LOC as result of intracranial bleed)
- Vital Signs: ICP (Cushings Triad)
- Neurological Evaluation: (AVPU, GCS, Orientation, Memory, Response to stimuli)
- A pathologic impairment of memory
- May be transient
- Anterograde amnesia (for events after incident)
- Retrograde amnesia (events before the incident)
Decorticate Rigidity
- abnormal flexor responses of one or both arms with extension of the legs
- result from structural impairment of certain cortical regions of the brain
Decerebrate Rigidity
- abnormal extensor response of arms with extension of the legs
- worse prognosis than decorticate rigidity
- result from impairment of certain subcortical regions of the brain
Conjugate Gaze
Disconjugate Gaze
Disconjugate Gaze: failure of the eyes to turn together in the same direction
- Abnormally deep state of unconsciousness from which the patient cannot be aroused by external stimuli
- Two catagories - structural, metabolic
- Causes: Acidosis or alcohol, Epilepsy, Infection, Overdose, Uremia, Trauma, Insulin, Psychosis, Stroke
Neurological Emergencies Management: Stroke
- General Management (airway, ventilations, oxygen, recognition, rapid transport, blood glucose testing and dextrose administration)
- Comfort and support
- Positioning: semmi-sitting, lateral if LOA decreases, affected size down if hemiplegia.
- Treatments: A/W protection (increase ICP potential resistant to A/W maneuvers, difficulty clearing secretions/suctioning), Ventilations (effect on free oxygen radicals, controversies for hyperventilation)
- Follow up: District stroke centres, CT Scan, Thrombolytic therapy, LTC - occupational and physical therapy, anti-platelet drugs, surgical interentions if appropriate, long term physio.
- Thought to reduce ICP by blowing off CO2 and reducing cerebral vasodilation
- peak 30 minutes, diminishes of 1-3 hours
- abrupt cessation of hypoventilation can cause rebound increased ICP
- Moderate hyperventilation may have some effect but if underlying cause is not resolved then the ICP will continue
- Anything more will likely cause cerebral vasospasm
- Prolonged severe hyperventilation can worsen cerebral edema
Seizure Management
- Types: Grand mal, status epilepticus, casual factors, consequences
- Assessment: head and neck (tongue bites, lips, stiff neck), Chest (decreased breath sounds, aspiration), GU (incontinence), Extremities (injuries from seizures)
- Management: Protect pt, stop seizures. Oxygen as tolerated, manage byproduct injuries, manage underlying problem, pt privacy, blood sugar assessment, transport.
- Long Term Management: Therapy to address underlying problem, no one drug controls seizures, phenytoin especially in children, most common cause of status seizure is non-compliance.
Management Considerations in Environmental Emergencies
- Extrication and transport is priority
- Cannot get ahead of the underlying cause
- Support management
- Multi-system
- High risk groups (elderly, very young)
- Alcohol is most complicating factor (impaired thermogenesis, vasodilation, judgement, glucose stores)
Environmental Cold Management
- Extrication
- Immobilization (risk of crystal formation and increased tissue trauma)
- Prevention of further heat loss (strip off wet clothes, passive rewarming)
- Gentle handling (risk of VF dramatically increases at CBT of 28 degrees C)
- Weight the cost/benefits of anything else (A/W management, dysrhythmia management, fluid replacement)
Drowning and Near Drowning
- Extrication - consider diving injury possibility
- A/W management - increased risk of aspiration and laryngo/bronchospasm, advanced management may become more of a priority
- Hypothermia - lose more heat to water, complicating facor
Environmental Heat
- Extrication and transport remains priority
- decreased LOA
- A/W Management
- Dehydration - responds well to crystalloid fluid administration
- Heat Stroke - seizures to be expected, may/not respond to benzodiazepines, fluid replacement tends to be beneficial
Pediatric Assessment
- Environment
- Initial assessment - pediatric assessment triangle (first impression), primary survey)
- Secondary assessment - vital signs, focused history, physical examination
- Ongoing assessment
Pediatric Appearance Reflects the adequacy of
- oxygenation
- ventilation
- brain perfusion
- central nervous system function