2 Fundamental Levels of Cognitive Assessment
- o Cognition: process, organize, and
- communicate information (includes executive cognition, SOAP ID
- o Emotion: feeling and motivational
- aspects of behavior
What is SOAPID
- Sequencing
- Organizing
- Abstracting
- Planning
- Inhibiting
- Directing
Name the 4 Brain Lobes
- Frontal
- Parietal
- Occipital
- Temporal
Left Hemisphere is
Right Hemisphere is
spatial, organization
- relay station, information goes through (except
- olfactory)
memory consolidation
associated with emotion (e.g. fear response)
4 Rationales for Cognitive Assessment
- Diagnosis
- Screening
- Treatment Planning
- Evaluation
- Dementia (which one?)
- Learning Disability
- Psychiatric Condition (depression, anxiety)
- Other Neurological Conditions
- To identify persons in need of further diagnostic evaluation
- Mini-Mental Status Exam
- RBANS: memory, language, verbal fluency
Treatment Planning
- Memory difficulties
- Learning accommodations
- Medication suggestions (more or less)
- Repeat Assessments
- -Evaluate improvement due to therapy·
- -Improvement from head injury or brain surgery
- -Improvement of delirium
What is Intelligence?
Concepts of intelligence are attempts to clarify and organize this complex set of phenomena
Alfred Binet
- “good sense” faculty of adapting one’s self to circumstances
- mainly studied children
David Wechsler
capacity to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with environment
Howard Gardner
- set of skills of problem solving
- -Study normal and subnormal
- -Paper and pencil formats rule out other types of intelligence
Sternlerg and Salter
goal-directed adaptive behavior; analytic, creative, and practical
Low IQ associated with:
High IQ associated with:
- Low- likely to be divorced, incarcerated
- High- more education, higher status jobs
Concept of "g"
- General intelligence factor
- Charles Spearman- factor analysis of various tests à all positively correlated
- must be measuring unique dimension of mental ability
2 Components of CHC Theory
- Fluid Intelligence
- Crystallized Intelligence
Fluid Intelligence
reason, form concepts, and solve problems with unfamiliar information
Crystallized Intelligence
acquired knowledge (i.e. vocabulary)
Test Sensitivity
how likely is it that the test will pick up something (e.g. mental retardation)
Test Specificity
testing for normality (is patient “normal”? Will it detect the absence of condition?)
False Positive vs. False Negative
- False-Positive- saying something’s wrong when it’s not
- False-Negative- saying something isn’t wrong when it is
Process Approach
- a way of looking at someone’s performance qualitatively
- Looking at how people arrive at answers
- Are they elaborative? Do they get frustrated? Do they get Block Designs correctly even if it’s after the allotted time?
4 Domains of Assessment
- Global Composite Level (FSIQ vs. GAI)
- Specific Composite (VCI, PRI, WMI, PSI)
- Subtest
- Item
- takes out effects of processing speed and working memory
- If any of the indices have a 23+ point difference- it’s a significant discrepancy
What is the mean and standard deviation of: standard scores, scaled scores?
- Standard Score: m = 100, SD = 15
- Scaled Score: m = 10, SD = 3
Which part of the brain is VCI, PRI, WMI, and PSI associated with?
- VCI- left hemisphere (language dominant)
- PRI- right hemisphere (spatial tasks)
- WMI- Prefrontal Cortex
- PSI- Subcortical
language disorder
- misperception of stimuli (but neurologically intact)
- Loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells while the specific sense is not defective
- Prosopagnosia: cannot recognize familiar faces
- Anosognosia: denial of any deficits (lack of insight)
failure to carry out purposeful movements
clouding of consciousness, sudden onset, confusion, clears up if treated
2 Main Purposes of Evaluation
- Premorbid- impairment; have they declined cognitively?
- Deficiency- how will they function in the real world?
Ecological Validity
- inferring about the real world
- how will the person function?
Cortical vs. Subcortical
- Cortical- higher order processing
- Subcortical- processing speed
repeat same word, idea, get stuck
Stimulus Bound Behaviors
drawn by the stimulus, have trouble disengaging
Utilizing Behaviors
utilize stimulus
repetitive behaviors (start picking clothes, patting head)
clinical manifestations of a seizure
- Aura
- anxiety, sense of fear
Status Epilepsy
continuous seizure
To Determine Severity of Brain Injury
- Time of lost consciousness
- Posttraumatic Amnesia
- Statistical Deviation
- Mental Health Deviation
- Social Norm Deviation
- Distress to self/others
- Seek Treatment
- Impaired Functioning
- DSM Listings
4 Pillars of Assessment
- Norm-referenced tests
- Interviews
- Observations
- Informal assessment procedures
Criterion Validity
- Correlation between the test and a variable, how can the test predict the future
- Predictive:
omeasures can predict future instances of ____ - Concurrent: assessing two things at the same time
- Retrospective or Postdictive Validity: worst kind, how does IQ predict previous occurences?
Content Validity
- capture content of construct you’re trying to measure
- Subjective: ask a professional
- Objective: statistical measures
Divergent Validity
- Correlate with something that wouldn't correlate
- -Depression Scale vs. Happiness Scale
- Should show an inverse relationship
Covergent Validity
correlate your new test with old test to see if they have a high correlation
- Consistency
- Reliability precedes Validity
Cognitive Functioning: Intellectual and Academic
- Intellectual:
- -Orientation
- -Attention
- -Language
- -Memory
- -Spatial
- -Executive
- -Motor Sensory
- Impaired social reciprocity, communication disorders, and cognitive deficits
- Cognitive: poor verbal comprehension; intact spatial cognition and rote memory
- Symptoms:
- -Delayed speech
- -Echolalia
- -Idiosyncratic speech
- -Vocabulary and comprehension disorders
- -Grammatical immaturity
- -Rate, tone, and pitch abnormalities
- -Gaze avoidance and stereotypic behaviors
- Comorbidity:
- -MR
- -Epilepsy
- -Aggressive and impulsive disorders
- Significant and chronic impairment of social interaction and/or repetitive patterns of behavior
- Language impairment is NOT present
- Speech is often flat, dull, monotonous
- Poor social reciprocity
- Currently 3 subtypes
- Involves disturbances in attention span, self-regulation, activity level, and impulse control
- Previous monikers: minimal brain damage; hyperkinetic syndrome, ADD
- Inhibition is key: an inability to delay a response long enough to evaluate various alternative behaviors – not responsive to feedback
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- No law breaking
- Negativistic behavior
Conduct Disorder
- Theft, truancy, fire-setting
- Unlawful
- Disregard for rules
Fragile X Syndrome
- X chromosome is compressed or broken
- Most common in males, and more profound effect since males have only one X chromosome
- Mild to severe retardation
- Very poor spatial cognition
- Hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli; echolalia, rapid speech
Klinefelter Syndrome
- Extra X chromosome is present – more common of the genetic disorders
- Infertility, male breast development, underdeveloped masculine build, social-cognitive difficulties
- ‘Von Reckinghausen’s’ disease
- Spots of skin pigmentation (café au lait spots)
- Benign tumors on/under skin (neurofibromas)
- Tumors in the iris (Lisch nodules)
- Focal brain lesions
- Freckles in unexposed body areas
- High rates of learning disabilities, behavior problems; visual-spatial disorders
Tuberous Sclerosis
- CNS involvement, including heart, lungs, bones, kidneys
- Distinct facial lesions: adenoma
- sebaceum
- Amelanotic naevus – present on fact, trunk or limbs
- CNS lesions result from abnormal proliferation of brain cells and glia during development
- Tubers occur in the convolution of brain tissue
- Cognitive deficits, epilepsy, hemiplegia
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Show delayed development, overactivity, motor clumsiness, attention deficits, learning disorders, MR, and seizure disorders
- Shorter than expected eye opening, flattening of the mid-face, short nose, indistinct ridges between the nose and mouth, tiny upper lip
difficulty learning to read despite IQ
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
- Manifest:·
- Motor coordination
- Social awkwardness
- Visual-spatial Function Impaired
Occipital Lobe Function
Visual cortex, visual processing
Parietal Lobe Function
integrates sensory information from different modalities, particularly determining spatial sense and navigation
Frontal Lobe Function
higher order processing
Temporal Lobe Function
- involved in auditory perception
- processes semantics in speech and vision
- contains hippocampus and plays key role in long-term memory formation
Francis Galton
- coined psychometric intelligence
- did not succeed in constructing true IQ test
- simple reaction time, strength of squeeze, keenness of sight-sensory and motor abilities
WWI Tests: Army Alpha
- Tests of practical judgement
- -directions/commands
- -arithmetical problem
- -synonym-antonym
- -information (general fund of knowledge)
WWI Tests: Army Beta
- Non-verbal test
- -Maze
- -Cube analysis
- -Pictorial Completion
Flynn Effect
3 IQ point increase per decade
- Field of study concerned with the theory and techinique of psychological measurement (measure of cognition, abilities, attitudes, personality traits)
- Primary Concern: construction and validation of measurement instruments
- The assignment of numerals to objects or events according to rules
- In the physical sciences: numerical estimate and expression of the magnitude of one quantity relative to another
5 Advantages of Standardized Measures
- Objectivity
- Quanitification (measuring abstract concepts with numerals)
- Communication
- Economy
- Scientific Generalization
- Labeling, dichotomous, categorical
- Cannot interpret the numbers to reveal anything quanititative
Nominal: Mutually Esclusive vs. Exhaustive
- Mutually Exclusive: each subject/observation is assigned to one and only one category
- Exhaustive: all observations are classified into specific categories
- Ranking numbers
- Reveals direction
- Magnitude and Direction
- No absolute zero
Direction, Magnitude, Equal Distances, and an Absolute Zero
Classical Theory
- X = t + e
- Score = true score + error
- True Score: true score estimated through observed score
- Error Score: the observed score deviates from the true score due to influence of error (random sources that can move scores up/down relative to true score)
How scores vary from the average/mean score for the sample (larger variance means the scores are more spread out)
3 General Ways of Examining Reliability
- Test-Retest
- Parallel Forms (Alternate Forms)
- Internal Consistency
Same test given on two different occassions: should be highly correlated if it's consistent
Parallel Forms
Two different measures of the same construct
Internal Consistency
Multiple items on a single test should converge on the same conclusions about true scores
How Can Reliability Be Improved?
- Standardization
- Aggregation- using many tests to measure one construct
Are you measuring what you say you're measuring?
Construct Validity
- Whether a given measure actually assesses whether the underlying conceptual or construct
- Convergent Validity
- Divergent Validity
Incremental Validity
- Question of wheter a particular measure provides explanatory power over and above another measure in predicting relevant criterion
- -Does motivation predict academic performance over and above that which is predicted by IQ?
Symptom Validity Test (SVT)
assess if the person is faking bad
Mental Status Examination
An orderly assessment of the important cognitive and emotional functions that are commonly and characteristically disturbed in patients with organic brain disease
Gait: Ataxic, Antalgic, Functional
- Ataxic: unsteady, wide-based (cerebellum problems)
- Atalgic: painful, limping
- Functional: psychiatric
Difficulty in calculation
Inability to calculate
difficulty writing
Inability to write
Psychological Assessment
Employs psychometric instruments to examine the effects of brain function on behavior
Brocas Area
Verbal expression, articulation
Wernickes Area
Comprehension, fluency
Contralateral Neglect
- Damage to right parietal lobe
- Inattention to left/right
- Can be visual, auditory, tactile
Adam's Triad
- "weird"- cognitive problems
- "walking"- balance/gait problems
- "water"- wet themselves
Hold Measures
verbal tests, less vulnerable to brain damage