NASM Chapter 1

  1. Deconditioned
    A state of lost physical fitness, which may include muscle imbalances, decreased flexibility, and/or lack of core and joint stability
  2. Proprioception
    The cumulative neural input to the central nervous system from mechanoreceptors that sense position and limb movement.
  3. Proprioceptively enriched environment
    An unstable (but controlled) environment where exercises are performed that causes the body to use its internal balance and stabilization mechanisms.
  4. Phase of Training
    Smaller divisions of training progressions that fall within the 3 building blocks of training.
  5. Stabilization
    Ability of the body's stabilizing muscles to provide support for joints as well as maintain posture and balance during movement.
  6. Neuromuscular Efficiency
    The ability of the body's nerves to effectively send messages to the body's muscles.
  7. Prime Mover
    The muscle that acts as the main source of motive movement.
  8. Rate of Force Production
    How quickly a muscle can generate force.
  9. Superset
    Set of two exercises that are performed back-to-back without any rest time between them.
  10. Briefly describe past, present, and future training trends and how this evolution directly effects health and fitness professionals today.
    Clients of the past were probably able to train more efficiently due to more activity required for work and daily tasks. Presently, clients are more out of shape and in need of training due to the conveniences and technology available today. Future trends should incorporate more variety of activities to appeal to a more diverse group of people.
  11. The Goals of each phase of training:
    Phase 2 - Strength and Endurance
    Phase 3 - Hypertrophy
    Phase 4 - Maximal Strength
    Phase 5 - Power
    Phase 2- To strengthen and stabilize deconditioned muscles

    Phase 3 - To Gain Muscle

    Phase 4 - To Gain Strength and Power

    Phase 5 - Only for seasoned athletes and used to increase muscle strength, power, speed, and efficiency.
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NASM Chapter 1
NASM Personal Training Course Chapter 1