1. Amblyogenic Strabismus
    Constant Unilateral strabismus at distance AND near with an onset before age 7

    • Expected VA: 20/40-20/100
    • can be worse
  2. Amblyogenic Anisometropia
    uncorrected high unilateral RE that is present in early life

    VA: 20/80 or better
  3. Potentially Amblyopic RE
    (aniso) and (iso)

    • Astigmatism >1.5D
    • Hyperopia >1.0D
    • Myopia >3.0D


    • Astigmatism >2.50D
    • Hyperopia >5.00D
    • Myopia >8.00D
  4. Amblyogenic Isometropia
    • -Significant bilateral RE
    • -issues with high myopes

    expected VA: 20/30-20/70
  5. Amblyopic Astigmatism
  6. Other amblopia's
    Organic - irreversible by tx structural changes such as undetected retinal damage

    Idopathic - responds to tx but then regresses

    • Hysterical - va loss due to emotion
    • 8-14 y/o females
    • Bilateral VA loss 20/70-20/200
    • tubular field
  7. Eccentric fixation
    usually found in strabismic amblyopes and uncommon in anismetropic amblyopes (unsteady central fixation)
  8. V pattern
    • Further apart in upgaze
    • closer in down gaze
  9. A pattern
    • Closer in upgaze
    • further in downgaze
  10. V pattern exo
    • further in upgaze
    • closer in down gaze

    worse: upgaze

    most common
  11. V pattern eso
    • further in upgaze
    • closer in down gaze

    worse: down gaze
  12. A pattern exo
    • closer in upgaze
    • further in downgaze

    worse: downgaze
  13. A pattern eso
    • closer in upgaze
    • further in downgaze

    worse: upgaze
  14. Would an A pattern exo be a good bird watcher?

    because closer in upgaze, further in downgaze

    worse: downgaze

    wont be able to walk down stairs
  15. Head turns
    point their nose towards deficit where eye cant go

    head tilt help prevent amblyopia

    are longstanding functional condition
  16. Muscle actions
    • Primary gaze: SR and IO = elevate
    • Right gaze: RSR only elevates, IO = extort
    • Left gaze: RIO elevates only
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