Thyroid & Larynx Anatomy

  1. Thyroglossal Duct Cysts:
    What are they? How do you distinguish if it's a cyst or the thyroid?
    • Remnants of the gland in the duct
    • Deglutition Test or Protrusion of tongue moves the cyst
    • Tx: Sistrunk's operation cyst excision careful w/hypoglossal n.
  2. Near Total Thyroidectomy?
    Near Total Thyroidectomy: post. part of each lobe preserved to protect recurrent & sup. laryngeal n. & spare PT

    • Thyroidotomy: cut into thyroid to access larynx or biopsy
  3. Complications of Thyroidectomy
    • injury to recurrent laryngeal nerves
    • inadverten removal of PT glands - tetany
  4. Vocal Cords
    vocal cords = vocal ligament + vocalis m.
  5. Rima vestibuli vs. Rima glottitis
    • Rima vestibuli: space between TRUE vocal cords
    • Rima glottitis: space between FALSE vocal cords
  6. Nerves, Arteries & Veins of the Larynx
    • Sup. laryngeal A & V w/Internal laryngeal N - internal surface of larynx
    • Inf. laryngeal A & V w/Recurrent laryngeal N - mucous membrane & inf. muscles
    • Cricothyroid A.
  7. Veinous Drainage
    • Sup. Laryngeal V --> Sup. thyroid V --> IJV
    • Inf. Laryngeal V --> Inf thyroid V --> L brachiocephalic V.
  8. Innervation of Laryngeal muscles
    All intrinsic muscles Recurrent Laryngeal N. EXCEPT cricothyroid muscle External Laryngeal N.
  9. Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
    • Function:
    • ALL intrinsic m. EXCEPT cricothyroid

    • Lesion:
    • respiratory obstruction
    • hoarseness
    • loss of sensation BELOW vocal cord
  10. Internal Laryngeal Nerve
    • Function:
    • mucous membrane ABOVE vocal cords
    • taste buds on epiglottis

    • Lesion:
    • loss of sensation ABOVE vocal cords
    • loss of taste on epiglottis
  11. External Laryngeal Nerve
    • Function:
    • cricothyroid
    • inf. pharyngeal constrictor

    • Lesion:
    • fatigued voice
    • weak hoarseness
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Thyroid & Larynx Anatomy
thyroid larynx