Stopped Euopran countries from physically intervening in the americas
Monroe Doctrine
Prevented foreign powers from conducting any further debt-collecting incursions. Assured that nations of central and south america could not control their finacial houses in order the US would step in to control them
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Principal by which a country enforces its laws outside its own territory
Argued that extraterritoriality had no basis in international law
Carlos Calvo
Adopted form of Drago Doctrine
The Hague Conference
Elkins-Act, Pure Meat and Food and Drug Act, Reclamation Act
Squre Deal
There was to be no discrimination of foreign powers within a country's sphere of inflence and that the existing tariff structure as set by the Chinese government was to remain in effect
The Open Door Policy
US Secretary of State devsed a way to assert US trading intrest in China without resorting to war (Open Door Policy)
John Hay
A secret Chinese nationalist society that rose against Europeans in China
Rightous and Harmonioua Fists or Boxers
Jewish immigrant from Denmark; reformer accompanied TR in NY
Jacob Riis
Written by Alfred Mahan, considered the ability of a nation to master the seas in order to project force was key to world power
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
1st in command of Rough Riders
Leonard Wood
1st killed at San Juan Hill
Hamilton Fish Jr.
NY Easy Boss; did not want to renominate Franl Black
Sen. Thomas Pit
TR's train
Roosevelt Special
Investigating causes of Yellow Fever
Walter Reed
His research showed mosquitoes acquired disease
Dr. Finlay
President of Tuskegee institute
Booker T. Washington
Famous Muckraking journalist; published the jungle
Upton Sinclair
US now had a free hand to negotiate build and fortify a canal across the isthmus
Pauncefote Treaty of 1901
Wahsington Post cartoonist created "Drawing the line in Mississippi"
Clifford Berry
responsible for bringing together large trust
J.P Morgan
President of Standard Oil
John D. Rockefeller
studied th complex interrelevation of rivers, soil, waterpower and transportation
Inland Waterways Commission in 1907
Only father son combintion recipiants of congressional medal of honor
TR and TR Jr.
TR's naval force
The Great White Fleet
Made it possible for American fleet to operate in both Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Panama Canal
ship at pearl harbor;participaed in the invasion of normady; supporting the landings on Iwo Jima and Okinawa