Faces- Obama Admin

  1. Image Upload 2
    • Barack Obama
    • President of the United States
  2. Image Upload 4
    • Joe Biden
    • Vice President of the United States
  3. Image Upload 6
    • Rahm Emmanuel
    • Chief of Staff
  4. Image Upload 8
    • Robert Gibbs
    • White House Press Secretary
  5. Image Upload 10
    • James Jones
    • National Security Advisor
  6. Image Upload 12
    • Peter Orzag
    • Director of Office and Management Budget
  7. Image Upload 14
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Secretary of State
  8. Image Upload 16
    • Timothy Geithner
    • Secretary of the Treasury
  9. Image Upload 18
    • Robert Gates
    • Secretary of Defense
  10. Image Upload 20
    • Eric Holder
    • US Attorney General
  11. Image Upload 22
    • Ken Salazar
    • Secretary of the Interior
  12. Image Upload 24
    • Tom Vilsack
    • Secretary of Agriculture
  13. Image Upload 26
    • Gary Locke
    • Secretary of Commerce
  14. Image Upload 28
    • Hilda Solis
    • Secretary of Labor
  15. Image Upload 30
    • Kathleen Sebelius
    • Secretary of Health and Human Services
  16. Image Upload 32
    • Shaun Donovan
    • Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary
  17. Image Upload 34
    • Ray LaHood
    • Secretary of Transportation
  18. Image Upload 36
    • Steven Chu
    • Secretary of Energy
  19. Image Upload 38
    • Arne Duncan
    • Secretary of Education
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    • Eric Shinseki
    • Secretary of Veteran Affairs
  21. Image Upload 42
    • Janet Napolitano
    • Director of Homeland Security
  22. Image Upload 44
    • Ben Bernanke
    • Chairman of Federal Reserve
  23. Image Upload 46
    • Lisa Jackson
    • Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  24. Image Upload 48
    • Christina Romer
    • Council of Economic Advisors
  25. Image Upload 50
    • Ron Kirk
    • US Trade Representative
Card Set
Faces- Obama Admin
Faces Flashcards - Obama Administration