
  1. Acute stress disorder
    A psychological disturbance lasting up to 1 month following stresses that would produce anxiety in anyone who experienced them.
  2. Adjustment disorder
    An emotional disturbance caused by on-going stressors within the range of common experience.
  3. Agoraphobia (without panic)
    The person fears that something extremely embarrassing will happen to them if they leave the house or enter unfamiliar situations.
  4. Antisocial personality
    A person who lacks a conscience, is emotionally shallow, impulsive, selfish, and tends to manipulate others.
  5. Anxiety disorder
    Disruptive feelings of fear, apprehension, or anxiety, or distortions in behavior that are anxiety related.
  6. Anxiety reduction hypothesis
    Explains the self-defeating nature of avoidance responses as a result of the reinforcing effects of relief from anxiety.
  7. Bipolar disorders
    Emotional disorders involving both depression and mania or hypomania.
  8. Bipolar I disorder
    A mood disorder in which a person has episodes of mania (excited, hyperactive, energetic, grandiose behavior) and also periods of deep depression.
  9. Bipolar II disorder
    A mood disorder in which a person is mostly depressed (sad, despondent, guilt ridden) but has also had one or more episodes of mild mania (hypomania).
  10. Catatonic schizophrenia
    Schizophrenia marked by stupor, rigidity, unresponsiveness, posturing, mutism, and, sometimes, agitated, purposeless behavior.
  11. Conversion disorder
    A bodily symptom that mimics a physical disability but is actually caused by anxiety or emotional distress.
  12. Cyclothymic disorder
    Moderate manic and depressive behavior that persists for 2 years or more.
  13. Delusion
    A false belief held against all contrary evidence.
  14. Delusional disorder
    A psychosis marked by severe delusions of grandeur, jealousy, persecution, or similar preoccupations.
  15. Depressive disorders
    Emotional disorders primarily involving sadness, despondency, and depression.
  16. Disorganized schizophrenia
    Schizophrenia marked by incoherence, grossly disorganized behavior, bizarre thinking, and flat or grossly inappropriate emotions.
  17. Dissociative amnesia
    Loss of memory (partial or complete) for important information related to personal identity.
  18. Dissociative disorder
    Temporary amnesia, multiple personality, or depersonalization.
  19. Dissociative fugue
    Sudden travel away from home, plus confusion abut one’s personal identity.
  20. Dissociative identity disorder
    The presence of two or more distinct personalities (multiple personality).
  21. Dysthymic disorder
    Moderate depression that persists for 2 years or more.
  22. Endogenous depression
    Depression that appears to be produced from within (perhaps by chemical imbalances in the brain), rather than as a reaction to life events.
  23. Generalized anxiety disorder
    The person is in a chronic state of tension and worries about work, relationships, ability, or impending disaster.
  24. Hallucination
    An imaginary sensation, such as seeing, hearing, or smelling things that don’t exist in the real world.
  25. Hypochondriasis
    A preoccupation with fears of having a serious disease. Ordinary physical signs are interpreted as proof that the person has a disease, but no physical disorder can be found.
  26. Insanity
    A legal term that refers to a mental inability to manage one’s affairs or to be aware of the consequences of one’s actions.
  27. Major depressive disorder
    A mood disorder in which the person has suffered one or more intense episodes of depression.
  28. Major mood disorders
    Disorders marked by lasting extremes of mood or emotion and sometimes accompanied by psychotic symptoms.
  29. Maladaptive behavior
    Behavior that makes it difficult to adapt to the environment and meet the demands of day-to-day life.
  30. Mood disorder
    Major disturbances in mood or emotion, such as depression or mania
  31. Neurosis
    An outdated term once used to refer, as a group, to anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, and some forms of depression.
  32. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
    An extreme preoccupation with certain thoughts and compulsive performance of certain behaviors.
  33. Pain disorder
    Pain that has no identifiable physical cause and appears to be of psychological origin.
  34. Panic disorder (with agoraphobia)
    A chronic state of anxiety and brief moments of sudden panic. The person fears that these panic attacks will occur in public places or unfamiliar situations.
  35. Panic disorder (without agoraphobia)
    The person is in a chronic state of anxiety and also has brief moments of sudden, intense, unexpected panic.
  36. Paranoid psychosis
    A delusional disorder centered especially on delusions of persecution.
  37. Paranoid schizophrenia
    Schizophrenia marked by a preoccupation with delusions or by frequent auditory hallucinations related to a single theme, especially grandeur or persecution.
  38. Personality disorder
    A maladaptive personality pattern.
  39. Phototherapy
    A treatment for seasonal affective disorder that involves exposure to bright, full-spectrum light.
  40. Posttraumatic stress disorder
    A psychological disturbance lasting more than 1 month following stresses that would produce anxiety in anyone who experienced them.
  41. Psychological trauma
    A psychological injury or shock, such as that caused by violence, abuse, neglect, separation, and so forth.
  42. Psychopathology
    The scientific study of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders; also, abnormal or maladaptive behavior.
  43. Psychosis
    A withdrawal from reality marked by hallucinations and delusions, disturbed thought and emotions, and by personality disorganization.
  44. Schizophrenia
    A psychosis characterized by delusions, hallucinations, apathy, and a “split” between thought and emotion.
  45. Seasonal affective disorder
    Depression that occurs only during fall and winter; presumably related to decreased exposure to sunlight.
  46. Sexual and gender identity disorders
    Any of a wide range of difficulties with sexual identity, deviant sexual behavior, or sexual adjustment.
  47. Social nonconformity
    Failure to conform to societal norms or the usual minimum standards for social conduct.
  48. Social phobia
    An intense, irrational fear of being observed, evaluated, embarrassed, or humiliated by others in social situations.
  49. Somatization disorder
    Afflicted persons have numerous physical complaints. Typically, they have consulted many doctors, but no organic cause for their distress can be identified.
  50. Somatoform disorder
    Physical symptoms that mimic disease or injury for which there is no identifiable physical cause.
  51. Specific phobia
    An intense, irrational fear of specific objects, activities, or situations.
  52. Statistical abnormality
    Abnormality defined on the basis of an extreme score on some dimension, such as IQ or anxiety.
  53. Stress disorder
    A significant emotional disturbance caused by stresses outside the range of normal human experience.
  54. Stress-vulnerability model
    Attributes psychosis to a combination of environmental stress and inherited susceptibility.
  55. Substance-related disorder
    Abuse of or dependence on a mood- or behavior-altering drug.
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ch 12