sustainable ecosystems

  1. autotroph
    Organism that makes its own food from CO2 molecules
  2. Carrying Capacity
    the maximum population size of a given species that live together and reproduce
  3. coevolution
    when two or more species that do not interbreed evolve together because they have a close ecological relationship
  4. diversity
    all the species, their genetice variability and/or the sets of functional processes that maintain complex systems on earth
  5. ecosystem
    biological communities and their interaction with the abiotic environment
  6. evolution
    the process of change over time of traits in organisms,populations, and species
  7. exponential growth equation
  8. habitat
    the place where an organism lives
  9. heterotroph
    organism that gets its nourishment from the organic compounds of other organisms
  10. intraspecific competition
    density dependence; organisms of the same species compete for a resource
  11. logistic growth equation
    dN/dt=rmax [(K-N)/K]
  12. Maximum Sustainable Yield
    largest possible take or harvest from a population
  13. John Muir
    Viewed nature as havin intrinsic value;a preservationist
  14. Natural Selection
    Exolutionary process by which the frequency og genetic traits in a population change because of differential survival and reproductive success of the individuals in the population
  15. Nice
    The total uses that a species makes of the biotic and abiotic resources in its environment;n-dimensional hyperspace occupied by a species
  16. Gifford Pinchot
    Thought nature should be used for the greatest good for the greatest number of people for the longest time; a conservationalist
  17. population
    A group of organisms of the same species that live together and reproduce
  18. popuilation density
    the number of individuals in a given area
  19. productivity
    the rate of storage of radiant energy as organic substances usable food materials
  20. respiration
    the rate of carbon usage by a plant to support itself, or by a consumer to metabolize, grow, move
  21. resources
    all things consumed or used by an organism
  22. specific natality rate
    per capita rate of population increase in a given time
  23. turnover
    • the amount of time it takes for a system to replace itself
    • ratio of throughput to content
  24. 44nm-700nm
    • the spectral range of solar radiation used in primary production by green plants
    • PAR
  25. survivorship rate
    Is equal 1 - mortality rate
  26. biomass
    energy stored in an ecosysten, usually in the form of carbon
  27. regime shift
    reorganization of an ecosystem from one stable state to another
  28. ecosystem service
    the benefit obtained gfrom nature by humans
  29. steno (thermal, phagic, haline, etc)
    • narrow tolerance to ________
    • temperature, food, salt
  30. eury (thermal, phagic, haline)
    • wide tolerance
    • temperature, food, salt
  31. food-to-fiber ratio
    a measure of the part of the plant useful to humans in agricultural yield
  32. net primary productivity
    carbon fixed but not used for respiration
  33. externality
    an unintended consequence of an action which can be positive or negative
  34. sere
    a product of succession, the sequence of communities that replace one another
  35. trophic level
    all organisms that get their energy from the same type of source
Card Set
sustainable ecosystems
sustainable ecosystems definitions