
  1. Size Scales
    • DMD 12 micrometers
    • QD transistor (300nm)
    • SWCNT transistor(15nm)
    • molecular gear (10-100nm)
    • human hair (50-100 micrometers)
    • RBC (8 micrometer)
    • DNA (2.5nm)
    • Carbon (.16 nm)
  2. Electronic properties
    Conductance, Resistance
  3. Optical properties
    Absorption, Transmission, Reflectivity, Refractive index
  4. Mechanical
    Stress, Strain, Toughness, Strength, Elasticity
  5. Thermal properties
    Conduction, Expansion
  6. Brittle Fracture
    Little deformation- low toughness
  7. Hardness
    • indentation tests
    • Rubber<Lead<Copper<Glass<Steel<Diamond
  8. Size dependent properties (large grain vs. small grain)
    toughness, hardness
  9. Properties
    Electrical conductivity

    Elastic modulus: Pa

    Yield strength: Pa

    Ultimate strength: Pa

    Toughness J/m3


    Thermal expansion

    Thermal conduction
  10. MEMS application
    Accelerometer (air bag deployment, iphone), mirror arrays for TV and dispalys, cantilever biosensors, inkjet pinting, electronic noses, fluidic chambers, RF resonators(inductors, capacitors)
  11. Accelerometer
  12. two parts: the first is a lump (often called the proof mass or seismic mass) suspended by means of a spring formed at each end; and the second is a pair of fixed sensing electrodes that enable the electronics to detect the movement of the lump relative to the surrounding platform of silicon.
  13. Cantilever beam properties
    • resonance frequency
    • Load deflection
  14. Cantilever Biosensor
  15. Operating a cantilever array in liquid opens up a variety of new applications, for example in biochemistry. The surface of the cantilever can be functionalized via thiol chemistry with biomolecules to observe very specific biochemical reactions, such as DNA hybridization and antibody-antigen interactions (key-lock principle).
  16. Micro hot plate array as the basis of a ‘chemical nose’
  17. The microhotplate is a multi-layer structure which has three functional layers: a polysilicon heater, a metal (for example Al or W) thermometer/heat distribution plate, and sensing film electrical contacts. These layers are separated by insulating layers of SiO2. For the device shown above, there are 10 electrical lines leading onto the suspended structure: two for the heater, four for a van der Pauw measurement on the metal plate, and four for the sensing contacts.
  18. Inkjet printing
    • Heat (Cannon, HP, Agilent)
    • electric current through a heating element vaporizes the ink making a bubble that pushes out ink

    • Piezo electric (Epson)
    • Mechanically pushes the pushes the liquid out of a hole
  19. Microarray DNA Chip by Inkjet technology
  20. Lab on a Chip (microfluidic chambers)
    Active Control of Fluids without Moving Parts

    • Emulation of:
    • Pumps and Valves for sample movement
    • Dispensers for sample injection
    • Separation column for protein separation
    • Reaction system for auto stain/destain
Card Set
Nano study cards