Eggs in _____ are located around the _____ of the ovary.
- primordial follicles
- periphery
Most eggs in primordial follicles _____.
Eggs and follicles begin to mature after _____.
Mature follicle (graafian follicle) bulges outward on ovary surfce and ruptures when?
at ovulation discharging egg into coelom.
What is the corpus luteum?
cells that remain in the follicle after ovulation that harden into a yellowish secretory.
Describe non-mammailian ovaries.
- Generally larger
- Often are hollow with thin walls, and usually have no corpora lutea formed.
Describe the ovaries of amphibians.
- Represent the primitive condition of ovaries.
- Long oviduct extends most of the length of the body, anterior end opens into the coelom through the ostium.
- Hormonal stimulation of coelomic cilia insures ovulated eggs get swept from the ovary to the ostium.
Describe the ovaries of elasmobranchs.
- united oviducts with a single ostium.
- expanded caudal portion of the oviduct forms the uterus.
Describe the ovaries of bony fishes.
- oviducts united caudally and open near the anus through a henital papilla.
- ovary is large and hollow.
Describe the ovaries of reptiles and birds.
- Oviducts paired, long, convoluted in reptiles, right side reduced or lost in birds. (only left ovary and oviduct are functional)
- Birds have a very large ostium, fertilization occurs in upper regions of oviduct and tertiary shell membranes are secreted around the egg as it is passed down the oviduct.
Describe the ovaries of monotreme mammals.
Uterine tube = fallopian tube is expanded to form the uterus, each uterus independently enters a urogenital sinus (other mammals join to the common vagina)
Describe the ovaries of marsupial mammals.
- Caudal end of oviduct specialized as the vagina.
- Urogenital sinus opens directly to outside rather than passing through cloaca.
- Anterior ends of the vaginae (marsupials have 2, one for each oviduct) united to form a vaginal sinus and each uterus opens into the vaginal sinus through a neck called a cervix.
- Due to the arrangement, this is called a duplex uterus.
Males have a _____ to accomodate the 2 vaginae.
Describe the ovaries of Eutherian mammals.
- Vaginal portions united to form a single structure.
- Uteri may take on several forms (depending on species) from simplex to duplex, depending on the degree of fusion of the uteri.