States that two species competing for the same limiting resource(s) cannot coexist in the same niche
Competitive exclusion principle
The differentiation of niches, both in space and time, that enables similar species to coexist in a community
Resource partitioning
(camouflage)- makes prey difficult to spot- the blending of an organism with the background color of its habitat
cryptic coloration
Warning coloration that advertises an organism's unpalatable taste
Aposematic coloration
The resemblance of a species (the mimic) to another species (the model) also secures protection from predators
- What are the 2 types?
What type of mimicry is when a harmless species mimics a harmful species
Batesian mimicry
What type of mimicry has two or more harmful species that resemble each other
(+/+)- an interaction that benefits both species
(+/0)- an interaction where one species benefits and the other is not affected- difficult to document in nature because close association likely affects both species
Model that loss of available energy to higher tropic levels in the food web (food chain), nitrogen limitation hypothesis
bottom-up model
successful biological control- in terms of regulation population size