efru to 10

  1. 1 photos
    • Light
    • Photograph- picture drawn by light
    • Photometer- a device which measures light
  2. 2 graph
    • To write or draw
    • Photograph- picture drawn by light
    • Telegraph- writing from far away
  3. 3 tele
    • Far away, distant
    • Television- seeing distant things
    • Telephone- sound from far away
    • Telescope- device for looking at distant objects
  4. 4 metron
    • Measure
    • Meter- unit of measure 39.47 inches long
    • Geometer- measurement of the earth
    • Thermometer- measure of heat
  5. 5 tropos
    • Turning
    • Tropics- the area of the earth from the equator north to the Tropic of Cancer and south to the Tropic of Capricorn
    • Phototropic- turning toward light as leaves and flowers do
  6. 6 philia
    • Love, friendship
    • Philosopher- one who loves wisdom
    • Philadelphia- city of brotherly love
  7. 7 phobos
    • Fear
    • Phobia- irrational fear
    • zoophobia- fear of animals
  8. 8 syn
    • With, together
    • Sympathy- to feel with someone else
    • Symphony- sounds that go together
  9. 9 thesis
    • Put, place, position
    • Thesis- a position taken in an argument supported by a set of reasons
  10. 10 kinesis
    • Movement
    • Kinetic- relating to movement of bodies
    • Cinema- motion pictures
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efru to 10
English Roots Up Help for Reading, Writing, Spelling, and SAT Scores 1 to 10