2 Major Features of Most Genetic Traits
- 1. Complexity of the genotype-phenotype relationship-no single factor is both necessary and sufficient to cause a phenotype, causes of variation of a phenotype does not equal cause of a phenotype
- 2. Confoundment of frequency and apparent causation in complex systems-requires population studies
5 Observations 3 Inferences of Natural Selection
- Obv1. Organisms have great potential fertility, permiting exponential growth of populations
- Obv2. Natural populations remain fairly constant in size, not increasing exponentially
- Obv3. Natural resources are limited
- Inf1. A struggle for existence occurs in a population
- Obv4. Variation occurs among organisms within a population
- Obv5. Variation is heritable
- Inf2. Varying organisms show differential survival and reproduction, favoring advantageous traits-natural selection
- Inf3. Natural selection over many generations gradually produces new adaptations and species
Abstraction and Simplification
identify essential aspects of reality and remove distracting elements
a trait that evolved by natural selection for a particular biological role
Additive Genetic Variance
Additive Genotypic Deviation
gai=sum of avg. excess of all phenotypes involved
Additive Variance v. Non-Additive Variance
how much of the genetic variance can be transmitted to influence the phenotypic variation in the next generation
- 1. Substrate nutrality-reproducting population with heredity and variation
- 2. Underlying mindlessness
- 3. Guranteed results
unreal conditions used to facilitate study eg non-overlap generations, infinite population
Average Excess
avg. excess=Σ(freqallele)(gi)
Biological Species Concept
Mayr-A reproductive community of populations (reproductively isolated from others) that occupies a specific niche in nature
Broad-Sense Heritability
BSC Problems
- 1. sexual forms only
- 2. no temporal dimension-BSC is for a slice of time and does not show lineage through time
- 3. not a single unit of evolution-divergence of character does not equal different species
- 4. not practically testable-sexual behavior in lab doesn't always reflect behavior in habitat
Characteristics of Math Models
- 1. Abstraction and Simplification
- 2. Sufficient Paramaters
- 3. Assumptions
all copies of homologous DNA trace back to a common ancestral molecule
both phenotypes observed when heterozygous eg sickle cell electrophoretic mobility
Correlation Coefficient Between Parent and Offspring
Correlation Coefficient Between Siblings
Correlation Coefficient
- Between X and Y
- =[Cov(X,Y)]/[sqrt(σx2σy2)]
- between X and Y
- Avg(X-µx)(Y-µy)
a local population of reproducing individuals that has physical continuity over time and space, lowest biological level that can evolve
Dietary Disease (v. genetic disease)
diet is the rarer factor of the disease and the genetics is common
Dominance Variance
- same as non-additive genetic variance in a single locus model
- σd2=σg2-σa2 (single locus model)
presence of one allele masks the phenotype of the other eg sickle cell malarial resistance
Environmental Interactions
Phenotype affected by non-genetic forces, which may include other phenotypes within the body eg LDL cholesterol level
Epistatic Variance
- part of non-additive variance in population level arising from inheritance among genotypes at different loci
- when comparing two populations, the rarer genotype shows more additive variance when epistatically correlated
change in allele/gamete frequency in gene pool, fates of alternate forms of genes over space and time ina population
Evolutionary Forces in Populations
Mutation and Genetic Drift
a trait coopted by natural selection for a role incidental to the trait's origin
Fisher's Analysis of Variance
Founder Event
rare dispersal across pre existing barrier eg Galapagos
Gene Pool
the population of gene copies and potential gametes collectively shared by individuals of a deme
Gene Tree
branches show lineal descent of copies of homologous DNA
Genetic Disease (v. dietary disease)
genetics is the rarer factor of the disease and the diet is common
Genetic Drift
random changes in allele frequency due to finite number of population size (sampling error), directionless, cumulative, strength is inversely proportional to 1/(2N), rate of losing allele =1/(2N), avgerage time for two genes to coalesce=2N, avgerage time for all genes to coalesce=4N
Genetic Variance v. Environmental Variance
how much phenotypic variance is associated with genotypic variation in a population in a given generation
Genetic Variance
Genome Scan
SNP markers every 10 cM in genome of population, which must have high frequency of phenotype and high linkage disequilibrium
Genotypic Deviation
gi= -x-pog--x-pop
less empirical support accumulation of small, quantitative changes leads to qualitative change
Haplotype Tree
branches denote mutational events in the evolutionary histroy of homologous DNA
Set of identical haploid genomes for a specified unit of measurement (same as allele for measurements taken at DNA/chromosomal level) In common usage-bases present at polymorphic sites genotypically linked on a DNA molecule eg SNPs RFLPs
Hopeful Monster
large phenotypic change in a single generation eg Ancon sheep
Identify by Descent
replication without mutation, refering to alleles and associated phenotypes eg mitochondrial DNA
- µ (or -x- for a sample population)
- (x1+x2+...+xn)/n
Mendelian Epistasis
not sufficient for epistatic variance at population level
Molecular Basis of Evolution
DNA can replicate, can mutate and recombine, encodes RNA/proteins that interact with environmental conditions to influence a phenotype
Mutation Rate
- µ unitless # newly mutated copies total # copies of homologous DNA
Mutation-Selection Equilibrium
mutation produced lethal alleles and selection removes them
causes many small changes
Narrow-Sense Heritability
Natural Selection
- a population based mechanism of evolutionary change invoked to explain adaptation
- Not a random process
- Random component-variation is produced at random with respect to organism's needs
- Non-random component-organisms with favorable traits have higher rates of survival and reproduction, causing populations to accumulate the most favorable variants and discard less favorable ones
Non-Additive Genetic Variance
- 1. Single locus model=σd2
- 2. Multilocus model=σd2+σepistatic2
Non-Allopatric Speciation
Larson disagrees geographic isolation does not precede evolution of species
Norm of Reaction
set of phenotypes associated witha particular genotype in interacton with a variety of environmental conditions and genetic backgrounds
heterozygote phenotype is more fit than phenotype of either homozygote eg sickle cell heterozygote viability in malarial environment
Parent-Offspring Covariance
measures heritability without measuring genotype
any measurable trait, either discrete or continuous
Phylogenetic Species Concept
Carcraft-A lineage of ancestor-descendant populations diagnosably distinct by divergence of character
Pioneer Fund
Hate group that wants to prove that black people are genetically inferior
Ronald Fisher-multiple loci contribute to the phenotype
Postzygotic Reproductive Barriers
hybrid invariability, hybrid sterility, hybrid breakdown
Prezygotic Reproductive Barriers
temporal, ecological, behavioral, mechanical, gametic
Progressive Adaptation
later forms are superior to early ones in a general sense
Quantitative Genetics
analysis of genetic variance for continuously varying phenotypes within a population
Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL)
- locus whose variation contributes to population variation of a continuously varying phenotype
- found using genome scan followed by tree scan
mutations can be good or bad
phenotype only observed when homozygous eg sickle cell severe anemia
controversial selection on hybrids with postzygotic barriers leads to prezygotic barriers
Single Gene Inheritance
Phenotype is the result of only one locus
Sources of Allopatry
vicariance and founder event
Sufficient Parameters
minimum mumber of summary variables, combining relevent information of many parameters at lower levels eg "fitness"
Sympatric Speciation
multiple species lineages generated from an ancestor in an undivided geographic area
Tree Scan
- haplotype tree used to test SNP sites for influence on the phenotype
- group all haplotypes on either side of a particular branch, call them A1 and A2, measure norms of reaction for the resulting genotypes A1A1, A1A2, A2A2, repeat for all branches in tree
- σ2 (or s2 for a sample population)
- σ2=[(x1-µ)2+(x2-µ)2+...+(xn-µ)2]/n
- s2=[(x1--x-)2+(x2--x-)2+...+(xn--x-)2]/(n-1)
subdivide formerly continuous habitat