*same as epinephrine except for no beta 2 activation
*does not promote hyperglycemia
*clinical appilcations: hypotensive states & cardiac arrest
*IV infusion only
*Receptors: Dopamine, B1, and in high doses, A1
*Classification: catecholamine
*Dose dependent receptor specifity
Dopamine [Intropin]
Therapeutic Uses:
*Shock- activates B1 so dopamine can increase C.O. activating dopamine receptors. DOpamine can dilaite renal blood vessels which increases renal perfusion
*Heart Failure- alleviate symptoms by activating B1
*Acute renal failure- preserve renal function but studies show it really does not help
Dopamine [Intropin]
Dopmine [intropin] is contraindicated for which patients?
tachycardia ot V fib.
What are the Adverse Effects in dopamine [Intropin]?
anginal pain
Causes release of norepinephrine
What are the Drug interactions of Dopamine [Intropin]?
MAO inhibitors - Intensifies
Tricylic - Intensifies
Diuretics - can complement the beneficial effects of dopamine on kidneys
How should Dopamine [Intropin] be administered?
continuous IV
need accurate weight
How should Doputamine [Dobutrex] be administered?
continuous IV
Need accurate weight
What are the adverse effects of Doputimine [Dobutrex]?
Receptor: B1
Classification: catecholamine
Doputamine [Dobutrex]
What is the only indication for Doputamine [Dobutrex]?
Heart failure
What are drug interactions for Doptuamine [Dobutrex]?
MAOI: intensify on heart and blood vessels & must reduce dosage by 90%
Tricylic: Moderate increase in cardiovascular effects
General anesthetics: increase risk of dysrhythmais
Adrenergic Antagonists
Beta blockers
What treatments are Beta blockers effective for?
Hypertension - from negative inotropic effects
angina pectoris
Cardiac dysrythmias - reduce Heart rate and conductivity
Exacerbate - COPD because they block B2 receptors by producing bronchodilation