
  1. Brain death
    All electrical activity of brain has ceased for a specified period of time/ neurological definition of death
  2. higher cortical functoning
    were intelligence and personality are located in the brain
  3. lower cortial functioning
    lower part of the brain that controls the heartbeat and respiration
  4. Euthanasia
    painless ending lives of individuals who ar suffering fornm an incuralbe disease or sever disability "mercy killing”
  5. Passive euthanasia
    withholding treatments or life sustaining equipment (turn off heart lung machine)
  6. Active euthanasia
    deliberately induced(giving a leathal dose)
  7. where is active euthanasia is legal
    • oregen, washington, and montana
    • neatherlands and uruguay
  8. Plan for a “good” death
    • •Make a living will
    • • Give someone power of attorney
    • • Give your doctor specific instructions
    • • Discuss desires with family and doctor
    • • Check insurance plan coverage
  9. Hospice
    humanized program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible
  10. Palliative care
    reducing pain and suffering and helping individuals die with dignity
  11. sudden infant death syndrome (sids)
    • infants stop breathing, usually druing the night, and die without apparent cause.
    • leading cause of infant death in the united states with the rist highest at 2 to 4 months of age
  12. Childhood death
    accidents or illness
  13. Adolescence death
    •motor vehicle accidents, suicide, and homicide
  14. Older adults
    chronic diseases
  15. Kubler-Ross’ stages of dying
    • –Denial and isolation: denial of coming death
    • –Anger: denial turns to anger, resentment, rage
    • –Bargaining: hopes death can be postponed
    • –Depression: accepts certainty of one’s death
    • –Acceptance: develops sense of peace and may desire to be left alone
  16. Perceived control is adaptive strategy
    • •When individuals believe they can influence and control events, they may become more alert and cheerful
    • •Denial can be adaptive or maladaptive
  17. The Contexts in Which People Die
    Most would rather die at home but worry over being a burden, limited space, altering relationships, competency and availability of emergency medical treatment
  18. Communicating with a dying person
    • –Establish your presence, eliminate distraction
    • –Limit visit time, don’t insist on acceptance
    • –Allow expressions of guilt or anger
    • –Discuss alternatives, unfinished business
    • –Ask if there is anyone s/he would like to see
    • –Encourage reminiscing, express your regard
    • –Talk with the individual when s/he wishes to talk
  19. Grief
    • emotional numbness; a complex emotional state of…
    • • Disbelief, despair, separation anxiety
    • •Sadness, loneliness
    • •More a roller-coaster of ups and downs than progressive stages
    • •Becomes more manageable over time
  20. Prolonged grief
    involves enduring despair and is still unresolved over an extended period of time
  21. Disenfranchised grief
    grief over a deceased person that is a socially ambiguous loss that cant be openly mourned or supported(person you are cheating with)
  22. Dual-process model
    • •Loss-oriented stressors
    • •Restoration-oriented stressors
  23. •Loss-oriented stressors
    focus on the deceased individual and can include grief work and both positive and negative reappraisal of the loss
  24. Restoration-oriented stressors
    secondary stressors that emerge as indirect outcomes of bereavement. include changing identy such as wife to widow
  25. Coping and type of death
    • •Sudden or violent deaths have more intense and prolonged effects
    • •Many such deaths accompanied by post traumatic stress disorder PTSD
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