
  1. Language
    Form of communication weather its spoken, signed,written that is based on a system
  2. Infinite generactivity
    The ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules
  3. Phonology
    Sound system of the language
  4. Phoneme
    The basic unit of sounds in a language/ the smallest unit of sound(chat /ch/a/t/
  5. Morphology
    Units of meaning involved in word formation
  6. Morpheme
    Minimum unit of meaning
  7. Syntax
    Involve the way words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences
  8. Semantics
    The meaning of words in a sentence
  9. Pragmatics
    The appropriate use of language in different context( why is there)
  10. Babbling, gestures, and other vocalization
    • Crying presents at birth
    • Cooing: occurs at 2 to 4 months of age
    • Babbling:begins at about 6 months of age
    • Gestures: begin 8 to 12 months of age
  11. Receptive vocabulary
    Words the child understands
  12. Spoken vocabulary
    Words the child use
  13. Vocabulary spurts
    The rapid in increased vocabulary begin around 18months
  14. Referntial style
    Refer more to frequently using words that refer to objects
  15. Expressive style
    Indicates greater use of pronouns and socially linked words(hello bye bye)
  16. Overextension
    A tendency to apply a word to objects inappropriate for the word meaning(all men are dada)
  17. Underextension
    Tendency to apply a word to narrow; fail to use a word to name a event or object(brother is a boy)
  18. Telegraphic speech
    Use of short and precise words without grammatical markers such as articles, auxiliary, and other connectives
  19. Fast mapping
    Ability to make an intial connection between and its referent after only limited exposure of the word
  20. Metalinguistic awareness
    Knowledge about the language
  21. Whole language approch
    Stress that reading instructions should parallel children's natural language learning
  22. Phonics approach
    Emphasize that reading instructors should teach basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds
  23. Metaphors
    Implied comparison of unlike things
  24. Satire
    Use of irony, derision,or wit to exposefolly or wickedness
  25. Dialect
    Variety of language distinguished by vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation( Slang)
  26. Wernicke area
    In brains left hemisphere involved in language comprehension!
  27. Brocas area
    In brain left frontal lobe involved in producing words
  28. Aphasia
    Language disorder resulting from brain damage; loss of ability to use words
  29. Language acquisition device
    Biological endowedment that enables the child to select certain features and rules of language
  30. Child direct speech
    Language spoken in a higher pitch than normal with simple words and sentences/ higher pitch for attention
  31. Recasting
    Rehrasing something the child has said
  32. Expanding
    Restating the sentence in the right form
  33. Labeling
    Identifying the names of object
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