Surface tension is the main ________ ______ for capillary waves.
restoring force
Which three phenomena would result in a tsunami?
-glacier calving
-submarine volcanic eruption
-subduction zone earthquake rapture
Rogue waves are usually the result of ______.
constructive interference
Define: Storm surge
The temporary increase, at a specific locality, in the height of the sea due to extreme meteorological conditions at shore (low atmospheric and/or high winds).
Once a tsunami is generated its height-to-length ration (steepness)....
is very small in the open ocean
Waves of different wave-lengths and heights combining and moving in different directions are called _____.
The seiche phenomenon is more pronounced when it...
occurs in an enclosed or semi-enclosed body of water.
Define: deep water wave
a wave moving through water deeper than half its wave-length
When a tsunami comes ashore its typical appearance is....
a fast-moving flood of water
Define: wave length
the horizontal distance between successive crests (or troughs)
Percentage of U.S. population living in coastal counties
The mass extinction that eliminated the dinosaurs and may cephalopods occurred about 65 million years ago.
Cretaceous–Tertiary (K-T extinction)
the isotope that is often used to measure the rate of photosynthesis
The outer limit of Exclusive Economic Zones is ____ nautical miles
About ___% of the world's oil comes from the sea floor.
About ___% of pollutants reaching the ocean come from land-based sources.
Most important marine primary producer
Largest in size of primary producers
Brown algae
Most highly evolved mollusc
Most "successful" phylum
Most advanced order of any bony fishes
Largest living fish
Whale Shark
Sonic echolocation most developed in.....
toothed whales and dolphins
Most common distribution of organisms
Define: species
an interbreeding group of organisms
The success of a species is controlled by _______.
limiting factors
The oceans contain more _______, but fewer species than on land.
Classification of organisms is based on....
evolutionary relationships
The resistance of a fluid to flow is called ___________.
Population growth is represented by ___ _______.
the J/S curves
List three symbiotic relationships
Concentration in the food web is called.....
biological amplification
Define: icthyology
the scientific study of fish
The extent of randomness or disorder in a system is called its:
In the Carbon cycle, animals primarily:
release carbon as carbon dioxide
The cells of fresh water algae placed in seawater would probably:
List three endothermic organisms
mammals, birds and some fish
Two natural "kingdoms" that contain organisms with PROKARYOTE cells are the _______ and the _______.
Archea and Bacteria
The natural system of classifying organisms is based on:
their evolutionary relationships
Carbon dioxide is less likely to be....
a limiting factor in the ocean
Detritus is most important to which community?
List three characteristics shared by all members of the phylumChordata.
-noto chord
-pharyngeal gill slits
-dorsal nerve chord
Which marine animal is most noted for its navigational activity?
green sea turtle
Some of the most significant members of the hydrothermal vent community are....
shrimp and crab, sulfur bacteria and octopi
An organism that can move freely between the ocean surface and great depth is:
The resource typically in GREATEST demand in the rocky intertidal zone is:
Tuna, bass, eels and swordfish are in the most advanced group of bony fishes, which is called the:
Black sand beach has a low....