Mental Health Depression

  1. Depression is:
    • 4th leading cause of diable in US
    • Occurs early as age 3
    • Elderly- Major Health Problem from undiagnosed
  2. Depressive D/O MDD
    • Changes in Px level of function
    • Significant Distress or impairment in social or other functioning levels
    • 5 or more depressive symptoms nearly everyday for most waking hours over 2week period
  3. Depressive D/O DD
    • Occurs over 2 years
    • Significant distress or impairment or social occupational or other areas
    • 2 or more depressive symptoms
  4. Risk Factors: Depression:
    • Prior Hx
    • Family Hx
    • Hx of suicide or Fhx of suicide
    • Female
    • Age <40
    • Postpartum
    • Medical Illness
    • Absence of social support
    • Negative stressful life events
    • Active ETOH or substance Abuse
  5. Nursing Process Application: Assessment
    • Safety
    • Cognitive
    • Behavioral
    • Physical
    • Affect/Mood
    • Thought Process
    • Psychosocial
  6. Plannes Care for Depressed pt.
    • #1= Safety
    • Planning Geared toward phase of depression and symptoms present
    • Combo of therapy most effective
  7. Nursing Interventions
    • Acute Phase: Reduction of depressive symptoms & restoration of psychosocial and work function. MAY REQUIRE HOSPITALIZATION
    • Continuation Phase: Prevention of relapse through pharmacotherapy education & depressive-specific psychotherapy
    • Maintenance Phase: Prevention of further episodes
  8. Specific Interventions for Depression
    • Counseling/Communication
    • Health-Teaching
    • Self-Care Activities
    • Milleu Therapy
    • Psychopharmacology
    • ECT- p269
    • Complementary & Integrative Approaches
  9. Psychopharmacology- SSRI
    • Celexa
    • Lexapro
    • Prozac
    • Luvox
    • Paxil
    • Zoloft
    • First line of Tx
    • Decreased risk of lethal overdose
    • SE: agitation, insomnia, ha, NV, sexual dysfunction, hyponatremia
    • Taper off slowly, quick stopped (dizziness, insomnia, agitation)
  10. Psychopharmacology- TCAs (-il)
    • Elavil
    • Anafranil
    • Norpramin
    • Adapin, Sinequan
    • Tofranil
    • Aventyl, Pamelor
    • Vivactil
    • Can worsen cardiac condition
    • SE: Dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision, orthostatic hypotension, cardiac toxicity, sedation, tachycardia)
    • Anticholinergic Effect
    • High Sedation
    • Non-addictive
    • Lethal Overdose
    • Contraindications: cardiac d/o, elevated intraocular pressure, urinary retention, hyperthyroidism, sz d/o, liver/kidney d/o
  11. Psychopharmacology- MAOIs
    • Nardil
    • EMSAM patch
    • Parnate
    • SE: wt gain, edema, insomnia, agitation, confusion, nausea
    • Avoid tyramine rich foods (avocados, soybean, figs, bananas, smoked fermented meats liver, bologna, pepperoni, salami, smoked or cured fish, all chesse, yeast extract, chianti wine, imported beer, soy sauce)
Card Set
Mental Health Depression
Mental Health Test 2 Depression