swelling and coldness in the medial aspect of the thigh and knee
spleen channel begins
spleen 1
crossing points on the sp channel
lung 1
spleen channel extra organs
tissue of the spleen channel
lower surfacce of the tongue
linkage of the spleen channel
from ren 10 to the heart
(spleen makes blood in the heart)
3 branches from ren 10 go to
bacck to primary channel
speen luo point
spleen 4
pathway of spleen luo
-originates at sp 4
-connects with the stomach channel
-enters the abdomen and connects with the intestestines and stomach
xu symptoms of spleen luo
abdominal fullness and distention
childhood nutritional impairment
shi symptoms of spleen luo
pain in the stomach and intestines
spleen great luo point
spleen 21
spleen great luo pathway
seperates from the primary channel at spleen 21
spreads through the chest and lateral costal region gathering the blood of the luo connecting channels of the whole body
spleen great luo xu symptoms
muscle atrophy
flacidity and weakness of the joints
chronic fatigue
post surgical or post partum weakness
spleen great luo shi symptoms
multiple site arthritis
bi syndrome
chronic disease
Spleen TM \ Sinew knots at the
ankle, knee, upper thigh, abdomen, lateral costal region
spleen TM \ Sinew channel pathological symptoms
strained big toe
pain in medial malleolus
pain and cramping along the course of the channel
pain on medial aspect of the knee
pain of medial thigh that reaches inguinal region
twisting pain of the genitals that may reach the navel and the lateral costal region or lead to pain of the chest and spine
"testicular torsion"
spleen divergent channel seperates at
anterior thigh
spleen divvergent channel enters
St 30 (sp 12) area
spleen divergent channel emerges at
the throat
spleen divergent channel converges at
the mouth
pathway of spleen divergent channel
branches from the primary channel in the middle of the anterior thigh, follows the stomach divergent channel to the throat where it penetrates in the tongue
spleen divergent channel treats
*spleen\heart connection
deficiency of qi and blood
mental disorders (heart)
digestive problems
phlegm in the throat
thyroid disorders
ulcers of the mouth and tongue
unclear speech due to phlegm and damp accumulating in the tongue