HS 1702 Samonte

  1. indentured labor
    migrants from Asia, Africa, and the Pacific islands travelled from their home lands to work like slaves for minimal compensation, food, shelter and clothing. They had to commit to work for 7 years. This included 2.5 million workers from poor and densely populated lands in distant parts of the world.
  2. indirect rule
    in India the indians served in low-level bureaucratic positions, but British officials formulated all domestic and foreign policy in India.Through this system, the British empire governed India by incorporating existing indigenous political structures.
  3. White Man's Burden
    poem by Rudyard Kipling encouraging United Sates to impose imperial rule on Philippines. He consideres it is a duty to bring colonial lands order and serve subject peoples.Rudyard Kipling's poem 'The White Man's Burden' was actually meant to inspire Americans to colonize this country.
  4. Allies (Triple Entente)
    druing WWI the combination of nation support between Britain, Russia and France
  5. Central Powers (Triple Alliance)
    during WWI the alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
  6. Poison gas
    Mustard gas that was a lethal weapon that damaged and rotted a body from inside and out. Damage to the eyes, airways, excrutiating pain. A person died within 4-5 weeks of exposure
  7. Schlieffen Plan
    the plan that Germans had made that stated a plan to have a quick victory over Freance first, then figthing the Russians. Biggest fear to avoid two-front war and they thought that Russians could not mobilze their forces as fast as French, so attack France first.
  8. Vladimir Lenin
    was one of the leaders of the Bolsheviks and later the Red Army. Through his New Economic Policy of 1921he implimented free market reforms. Allowed some free trade and agricultural production.
  9. Adolf Hitler
    German leader, father of nazism. Participated in WWI and once came back from war, he joined the National Socialist German Worker's Party that supported his ideas. Tried to revolt the democratic leadership in Germany at the time, reuslted in being locked up in jail where he wrote Mein Kampf(describing antiscemitism). Came out of jail and was strong willed to legally gain power and use every tool to rule. Most known for rise of fascism in Europe, WWII and holocaust
  10. Benito Mussolini
    The guiding force behind Italian fascism, he implemented a political program that stressed virulent nationalism, repression of socialists, and reliance on a strong political leader.
  11. Joseph Stalin
    Also a Bolshevik, after Lenin's death gained a lot of power control and eventually preseed for the socialism in one country idea. From agricultural to industrial nation in first five years, because "we are 50-100 years behind we either do it or go under"
  12. Agricultural collectivization
  13. National Socialism
  14. Nuremberg Laws
    These deprived German Jews of their citizenship.
  15. Appeasement
    • Appeasement was used by European democracies in the 1930s who wished to avoid war with the dictatorships of Germany and Italy, bearing in mind the horrors of the WWI;
    • Munich Conference, agreement with Britain and France that Hitler will not expand which later failed. All for the sake of peace in Europe.
  16. Russian-German Treaty of nonaggression
    an agreement that promised neutrality in the event of war with a third party which prevented the possibility of a war on 2 fronts. also, a protocol devided eastern europe between soviets and germans
  17. Blitzkrieg
    This referred to a 'lightning war' - taken by surprise with technologies, like armed airplaines
  18. Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
    advocated Japan's expansion in Asia and the Pacific while cloaking their terrirorial and economic designs with the idealism of Asian nationalism
  19. Hiroshima
    one of the cities that was bombed by the United States using the most lethal weapon of the war - the atomic bomb. It killed 200,000 either by radiation posining or by instant killings.
  20. Final solution
    part of Holocaust - the idea to exterminate all the Jews from Europe. They were gathered and put into trains, sent to Eastern Europe(Poland) where there were mass extermiantion camps. Jews resisted and were in hiding, but total of 5.7 million Jews were killed during Holocaust.
  21. Marshall Plan
    This was a U.S. plan to rebuild Europe and stop Soviet expansion.Soviets blocked East Berlin from receiving aid, U.S. aislifted the supplies into East Berlin.
  22. NATO
    This was designed to be a regional military alliance against Soviet aggression.
  23. Warsaw Pact
    This was formed in response to NATO. In charge of West Germany
  24. Containment
    the idea that Soviet influence will expand, so U.S. has to be alert and protect Europe
  25. Domestic containment
    belief of communist spies within the domestic area, anxiety of soviet power spreading over the world.
  26. Domino Theory
    First used by Dwight Eisenhower, this held that if one country became communist, neighboring countries would collapse to communism.
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HS 1702 Samonte
final study guide