Nervous System

  1. What are organs of transductions?
    • Convert energy
    • depolarize the cell membrane or start the electrical impule in the neuron
  2. What are thermorceptors?
    • detect hot or cold (temperature)
    • Type II- heat
    • End bulb of Krause- cold
  3. What are Chemorecptors?
    • transducers that respond to chemical stimulus
    • depolarize the neuromembrane to set up an action potential
    • triggers smell emotions
  4. What are Photorecptors?
    • rods and cones of retina
    • specialized cells undergo a bleaching process when stimulated by photons of light.
    • sets up a nervous impulse

    • Rods-black and white
    • Cones-color (red,blue,green)
  5. What are Mechanorecptors?
    Physical recptors
  6. List the Mechanorecptors
    • Light Touch-most superficial
    • Rapidly adapting (Meissener;s corpuscle)= lips, fingertips,gentialia, nipples
    • Hair root plexus= detects any slight movement of hair shaft

    • Pressure- deeper
    • Rapidlly adapting (Pacinian corpusclej)=tendons, ligaments, picks up vibrations
    • located on peristium

    • Pain- naked or free nerve endings
    • effected quicker
    • surface of body has more of these

    • Propriocepton- where you are in space and time
    • muscle spindle= hands, feet, spine
    • mm attachements
    • contractions and relaxations of mm's

  7. Overview of Nervous System.
    • interconnected cells numbering 100 billion
    • CNS- brain/spine-largest masses in body
    • PNS-input and output "wires"
    • connect to all the regions and most of organs in body
    • 12 paired cranial nerves that connect head and neck
    • 31 paired spinal nerves that connect neck, thorax,abdomen, pelvis, limbs
    • Autonmic-3parts- Sympathetic, parasympathetic, enteric
Card Set
Nervous System
Receptor Organs