Chapter 8 Patho

  1. Which characterizes the alarm stage ?
    increased sympathetic activity
  2. Glucocorticoids would be highest during the stage of :
  3. Which is a correct sequence for Selye's hypothesis for stress?
    increased ACTH in the blood, hypertrophy of the adrenal cortex
  4. CRF is relased by the:
  5. Which statement is not true?
    stressors are the same for all individuals
  6. What determines which stimuli are stressors for an individual?
    • heredity
    • past experience
    • diet
  7. Which statement is not true?
    generally psychologic stress is independent of physiologic stress
  8. The production of cortisol in response to stress can be initiated by the?
    hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, and adrenal cortex
  9. Cortisol:
    increases protein catabolism
  10. Which would not occur in response to stress?
    constriction of the pupils
  11. Which would not be useful to assess stress ?
    total blood cholesterol
  12. In response to stress teh adrenal cortex secretes:
    cortisol and aldosterone
  13. Severe stress results in all of the following except
    an overactive immune system
  14. What are the GAS stages : (General Adaption Syndrome)
    • 1. Alarm Stage
    • 2. The stage of resistance or adaption
    • 3. The stage of exhaustion
    • Diseases of adaption develo if the stage of resistance or adaption does not restore homeostasis
  15. How does the neuroendocrine system respond to stress?
    consists of the sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla to secrete catecholamines (norepinephrine) and stressor induced stimulation of the pituitary to secrete SCTH which inturn stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete steroid hormons such as cortisol
  16. The purpose of catecholamines and cortisol?
    • Catecholamines prepare the body to act
    • Cortisol mobilized energy (glucose) and other substances needed to fuel the action
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Chapter 8 Patho