South America
China, India,Japan, iraq, vietnam
Britain, France, Germany, Italy
Canada, Mexico, and US
North America
Egypt, Kenya, Sudan, Liberia
Sewed the first U.S flag
Besty Ross
Led the first fight for women suffrage
Susban B. Anthony
A former slave who led other slaves to freedom
Harriet Tuban
Brought from Africa as a girl, became a great poet
Phyllias Whealty
Won 4 gold medals in 1936 in Berlin, Germany
Jessie Owens
Encourage blacks to focus on job skills
Booker T Washington
Plublished The North Star
elected 4times during great depression and WW11
Franking Roosevelt
The Father of our Country
George Washington
Prevented nuclear war during Cuban Missile Crisis
John Kenndy
Buit Panama canal
Teddy Roosevelt
"The Great Emancipator"
Commanded Allied forces in Europe during WW11
Led the U.S defeat of Japan during WW11
Douglass McArthor
As the greates Union genreal, he led the defeat of the south
u.s Grant
Led the fight for southern independence
Robert E. Lee
Defeated the indians at the batle of Horesshoe Bend (in Alabama)
Andrew Jackson
Progressive journalist who pointed out problems in society
Colonial miltias who were always ready to fight the British
Mintue Men
They wanted to punish the south and help former slaves
Radical Republicans
Norter businessmen who came south after the civil war
Carpet baggers
Rich industrialists like carnegie and rockefeller
Robber barrons or captin of industries
Bifocals and lighting rod
Ben Franklin
Lightbulb and Phonograph
Thomas Edison
Penut butter
George washington carver
The Wright brothers
They Bombed Pearl Harbor; we nuked two of their cities
America's "Mother country" our ally in ww1 & ww2
Our ally in the Revolutionary war; we liberated them in ww11
Our main enemy in both ww1 and ww11
We liberated the from spain in 1898
Movies, fruits & vegetables
Home to George Washington, Tomas Jefferson, & Rober E. Lee
Before gold oil where discovered it was called "Seward's Folly"
The Alamo, Long-horn cattle, LBJ, and Geore W. Bush
Settled by quakers; where the dec. of ind. & consiti. were written
Home o over 8 million; the economic center of the u.s
New York
Brithplace of Jazz; the French Quarter; sit below sea level
New Orleans
Between Virginia & Maryland; U.S capital
Washington D.C
"City of Brotherly Love; where consti. was written
Americas 3rd largest city,(3million) Know for meat packing)
War of 1812 Andrew Jackson led defeat of the British
Battle New Orleans
Civil War; the union finally beat Robert E. LEe army
Gettys burg
Teddy Roosevelt Rough Riders defeat Spainish in Cuba
Sunone hill
Britain Lord Cornwallis Surrendered to Washington
York town
WW11 Allies land on the French Coast; Force Germans to retreat
Mout Veron
Geroge Washington
thomas Jefferson
The Hermitage
Andrew AJckson