Final Exam Study Guide.txt

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    If the radiograper is unable to adjust the mAs, yet needs to double the radiographic density of a particular film, which of the following would be best to accomplsish this?
  1. A. increase the kvp by 50%
    • B. Increase kvp by 15%
    • C. Decrease SID by 50%
    • D. Inrease SID by 15%
    • B. Increase by 15%
  2. An exposure was made using 400 mA an. 03 sec. In order to maintain the some density, what must the new expsure time be if the ma is changed to 200?

    D. 06 sec
  3. Which of the following groups of exposures factors will produce the lowest radiographic contrast?

    D. 300 mA. 03 sec 115 kVP
  4. ____________ refers to the degree of blackening of an x-ray film.

    D. Density
  5. ___________ is a measurement of x-ray tube current ( the number of electrons crossing the tube from cathode to anode per second. )
    Ma (Miliamperage)
  6. When a film demosntrates long scale contrast because of over penetration, the appropriate change to restore a shorter scale of ontrast would be

    D. Decrease kvp
  7. An exposure was made using 200 mA, and 0.025 seconds. What is the mAs used fo this exposure?

    A. 5 mAs
  8. Radioraph that exhibits many shades of gray may be described as having

    A. Long-scale
  9. If 1/30 seconds was selected for a particular exposure, what mA owuld be necessary ot produce 20 mAs?

    D. 600 mA
  10. A lateral radiograph of the cervical spine as made at 40"SIDusing 500 mA ad 0/02 seconds. It is desired to use a smaller focal spot size and therefore the technoogist must use a 100 mAstation. What new time would be used to maintain radiographic density?

    C. 0.1
  11. True or False: When kvp increases, radiographic contrast decreases.
  12. The relationship of mAs to distance is...

    B. Radiatio nis directly propotional to the square of the distance
  13. True or False: As distance increases, radiographic density will increase assuming no compensation is made.
  14. ___________refers to the differences in radiographic densities (shades of grgay)on radiograph.

    D. Contrast
  15. True or False: X-ray production occurs at the filament
  16. True or False:Photons that escape the tube housing except at the port window are called off-focus raddiation.
  17. True or False: The Anode side of the tube has a positive charge.
  18. True or False:The faster the anode rotation the better the heat dissipation
  19. True or False:Approimately 25-30% of the x-rays exiting htetue are considered off-focus
  20. For which exam would it be appropriate to utilize the anode heel effect?

    C. Femur
  21. Leakage radiation must not exceed...

    C. 100 mR/hr at 1 meter
  22. What permits the electrons to flwo from cathodde toanode without encountering the gas atoms of air?
    A. The precense of a vacuum
    B. Dielectric oil
    C.mAs ad kVP
    D. Lead lined housing
    A The precense of a vacuum
  23. The anode targt surface is composed of______

    A. Tungsten
  24. Normal use of the rotating anode will evnetually vaporize sufficient target focal tract material to...

    C. Roughen or pit hte target area
  25. When utilizing the anode heel effect, ____ should be placed under the anode.
    A. Thinner body part
    B. Thicker body part
    A. Thinner body part
  26. The anode heel effet is most ntoiceale with..

    D. Large image receptor and da short distance
  27. The term ___________________ is used to describr the area of the focal spot that is projected out of the tube toward the obeject being radiogrraphed

    B. Focal track
  28. Which of hte following best describes the warm up procedurefor an x-ray tube.

    C. Moderate kvp, moderate ma and long exposure time
  29. Both filament and focal track are composed of..

    C. Tungsten
  30. True or False: The most diganostic target angel is between 7-17 degrees
  31. Acording to the line focus principle, when the target angle is less than 45 degrees, the effective focal spot is always _______ than actual focal spot.

    C. Smaller than
  32. When the switch labeled "rotor or prep" is activated priro to an exposure, the rotor begins to turn and....

    A. Higher current is sent to the filament
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Final Exam Study Guide.txt
final study guide for imaging