What is risk-benefit analysis in research?
- Must calculate potential risks and benefits in conducting a study
- Potential Risks: Psychological or physical harm
- Potential Benefits: to society, direct benefits to the participant, payment/gifts - but never too much
What is an informed Consent Form? What should it include?
- Potential participants are informed about the study in a written format
- Can choose to participate or decline
- MUST INCLUDE: purpose of the study, risks and enefits, their right to refure to participate at any time
- Autonomy issues
- Minors must complete assent, parents complete consent
Do minors have complete informed consent forms? What about their parents?
- NO - minors do not
- Yes - parents do
Who are the special populations that must be protected in research?
- Minors
- Prisoners
- Pregnanat Women
- Economically
- Physically
- Mentally
- Disadvantaged
How and Why is deception used in research?
- Necessary when providing too much information can impact the results
- Deception about purpose of the study
- Deception within the study
What is debriefing? What should in include?
- Debriefing: Explanation of the purposes of the research that is given to participants following their participation in the research study
- Occurs after the completion of the study
- Explanation of any deception used
- Explain the purpose if the study and expected results
- Make sure that any altered physical or psychological state occurred returns to normal
What is the IRB?
- IRB - Institutional Review Board
- Reviews all research within that institution
- Usually made up of faculty members
- All instituations that recieve federal funding must have one
List the risk levels in research
- Exempt research
- minimal Risk
- greater than minimal risk
Risks in Psychological Research
- Physical harm
- stress
- loss pf privacy and confidentiality