Product Life Cycle (4 Stages and their Marketing Objectives)
- Introduction: Promote awareness & gain product trial
- Growth: Differentiate brand from competition
- Maturity: Maintain brand loyalty
- Decline: Deletion/harvesting
Typical Marketing Strategies Used by Manufacturers during various stages of the product life cycle.
Name the 4 different types
- 1. Product Strategy
- 2. Distribution Strategy
- 3. Promotion Strategy
- & 4. Pricing Strategy
The Product Strategy
- Introduction: Limited number of models; frequent product modifications
- Growth: Expanded number of products; frequent product modifications
- Maturity: Large number of models
- Decline: Elimination of unprofitable models and brands
The (Place) Distribution Strategy
- Introduction: Distribution usually limited (depending on product); intensive efforts and high margins often needed to attract wholesalers and retailers
- Growth: Expand number of dealers; intensive efforts to establish long-term relationships with wholesalers and retailers
- Maturity: Extensive number of dealers; margins declining; intensive effort to retain distributors and shelf space
- Decline: Unprofitable outlets phased out
The Promotion Strategy
- Introduction: Develop product awareness; stimulate primary demand; intensive personal selling to distributors needed; sampling and couponing for consumers
- Growth: Stimulate selective demand; aggressive brand advertising
- Maturity: Stimulate selective demand; aggressive brand advertising; heavy promotion to retain dealers and customers
- Decline: Most, if not all, promotion phased out
The Pricing Strategy
- Introduction: Usually high to recover development costs (Primary demand; Becomes selective demand when competitors enter market)
- Growth: Prices begin to fall toward end of growth stage as a result of competitive pressure (selective demand)
- Maturity: Prices continue to fall; shakeout begins
- Decline: Prices stabilize at relatively low level; possible small price increase if competition is negligible
Primary v. Selective Demand
- Primary Demand: The desire for the product class rather than a specific brand, as there are few competitors with the same product
- Selective Demand: When there is ample competition, the company desires to advertise in hope of creating the consumer's preference for their specific brand
Name the 5 Different Branding Strategies
- 1. Multi-Product Branding Strategy
- 2. Multi-Branding Strategy
- 3. Private Branding Strategy
- 4. Mixed Branding Strategy
- 5. Generic Branding Strategy
The Multi-Product Branding Strategy
- Advantages:
- - Promotion of one item promotes the firm's other products
- - Facilitates acceptance of new products by retailer and consumer
- - Efficiency of advertising dollars
- Disadvantages:
- - Poor performance of one item may negatively impact others in a line
- - Dilute image of product line
eg. Sunbeam(Sb) makes Sb Irons, Sb Toasters, & Sb Crockware
The Multi-Branding Strategy (Individual Branding)
- Advantages:
- -
Each brand is unique to each market - - No risk that product failure will affect others in line
- Disadvantages:
- No advertising/promotion efficiency - - Scattering of resources over several brands instead of building a few brands to highly profitable levels.
- eg.
Anheuser-Busch makes: Budweiser, Busch, Michelob, Wurtburger, & Hofbrau-
Private Branding Strategy
When a company manufactures products but sells them under the brand name of a wholesaler or retailer
eg. Sears has both Kenmore appliances and Craftsman Tools
Mixed Branding Strategy
- When a firm markets products under its own name(s) and that of a reseller because the segment attracted to the reseller is different from its own market
- eg. Michelin makes Michelin tires and Sears Tires
- Chip Company makes its own brand and Jimmy Johns Chips
Generic Branding Strategy
- Dog food
- Peanut Butter
- Green Beans
- Paper Towels
- Aspirin
- Cola
Line Extension
- Using the same brand name to enter a new market segment within its product class;
- Worry of Cannibalization = How would the market change/be effected with the introduction of this product?Eg. Cheerios - Honey Nut Cheerios - Frosted Cheerios
Brand Extension
- Using the same brand name to enter a new market segment within its product class
- eg. Ralph Lauren Clothes then introduces RL paint (signifying quality)
- Combining a family name with a new brand name
- eg. Ford + Taurus
- + Mustang
- + GTO
- Using two manufacturers's names on a product
- eg. Blue Bell ice cream with Hershey Kisses!
Brand Personality (Most Valuable to a Company)
Brand Personality: A set of human characteristics associated with a brand name; Brand Personality creates expectations about performance, benefits, and key characteristics
Brand Equity
The added value a given brand name gives to a product beyond the functional benefits provided
- eg. Cadbury Schweppes acquires Hires and Crush soda lines from P&G for $220 million
- - $20 million physical assets
- - $200 million "Brand Value"
Market Modification
- A strategy we can utilize to prolong product's time in maturity --> There is no change in the actual product
- Sales Vol. = (# of brand users) x (Usage rate per user)
- Expand # of Brand users:
- - Convert non-users of category
- - Enter new market segments
- - Win competitor's customers
- - Repositioning (placing brand name in consumers minds)
- Usage Strategies:- Encourage more frequent use (drink coke in the morning)
- - More usage per occasion (Shampoo twice)
- - New and more varied uses for product
Product Modification
Change the actual product/its characteristics associated with that brand name
- Strategies:
- -
Product Quality (NEW AND IMPROVED FORMULA!!) - - Feature Improvement (It now does this!)
- - Style Improvement (Product aesthetics)