1. 1. Who is reported to have created eyeglasses for myopia in the 1400’s?

    D. Medici
  2. 2. Who described light as a form of electromagnetic activity?

    D. James Maxwell
  3. 3. Who invented the first bifocal spectacles?

    A. Benjamin Franklin
  4. 4. Who began the first Super Optical, where did it start and in what year?

    D. LensCrafter, Ohio, 1983
  5. 5. Which organization is responsible for those individuals who work under delegation to ophthalmologists?

    B. Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology
  6. 6. What is transposition?

    C. a & b
  7. 7. What may Opticians dispense?

    A. a, b, c & d
  8. 8. What is the definition of triage?

    B. The sorting out and classification of patients to determine priority of need and proper place of treatment
  9. 9. Light flashes indicate what possible event for an Optician patient?

    C. A trauma to the eye
  10. 10. What general Opticians skills are identified by a competency profile?

    C. Health, Optics, Safety, Clinical Practice, Production, Communication, Professionalism and Business Administration
  11. 11. What is the primary principle regarding how Standards of Practice outlines the responsibility of the conduct of opticians?

    B. Make the care of the patient their first and continuing concern
  12. 12. What are the three levels of hand washing?

    B. Social, hygienic and surgical scrub
  13. 13. What does the term Abbe mean?

    B. The chromatic quality of a lens
  14. 14. How do we see?

    B. Light reflects from an object, the eye focuses light and form an image, turns the image into electrical impulses and sends them to the brain along the optic nerve
  15. 15. The crystalline lens provides what percentage of the eyes refractive ability?

    D. About 1/3
  16. 16. What does a larger pupil aperture mean to the quality of vision?

    B. A smaller depth of field
  17. 17. How does the eye adapt to lower light levels?

    C. Increases light sensitivity and the pupil dilates
  18. 18. What is the process of forming images in the brain?

    C. Pattern recognition
  19. 19. What is astigmatism?

    A. Light rays refracted unequally in all directions
  20. 20. When there is a greater than 3.00 D difference in refractive error between the eyes, what is the term for the unequal image size?

    C. Aniseikonia
  21. 21. What is a bacterium or virus that causes a particular infection and may not be harmful to a healthy individual, but puts people with suppressed immune systems and chronic diseases at greater risk?

    C. Opportunistic infection
  22. 22. Which of the following methods completely eliminates or destroys all forms of microbial life?

    C. Sterilization
  23. 23. What percentage of isopropyl or ethyl alcohol is the most effective in killing vegetative bacteria, most viruses and fungi?

    B. 70%
  24. 24. Choose the correct definition for decoding.

    D. The intellectual activity involved in trying to understand the messages you receive.
  25. 25. Choose the correct definition for empathy.

    C. The ability to experience the feelings of another person.
  26. 26. You’re an optician who makes house calls. You’ve arranged to go to Mrs. Bryce’s house to adjust her glasses as she’s just had an accident and isn’t mobile. When you get there, no one comes to the door when you ring the bell. You become angry and return to the dispensary. Using the three step process to check perception choose the correct answer.Describe the behavior you’ve noticed.

    C. Mrs. Bryce didn’t come to the door
  27. 27. Match the description of clarifying language to the appropriate terms from the list.

    Explain abstract or relative words
    Recognize uniqueness
    Avoid emotional words
    Avoid extremes
    Use facts

    -by avoiding generalizations
    -in precise terms
    -by being objective
    -to support inferences
    -by not using terms like always or never
    • Explain abstract or relative words in precise terms
    • Recognize uniqueness by avoiding generalizations
    • Avoid emotional words by being objective
    • Avoid extremes by not using terms like always or never
    • Use facts to support inferences
  28. 28.
    Nonverbal communication is often less ambiguous than verbal communication.

  29. 29.
    A customer asks you if you like her new frame. You say yes but laugh at the same time. Does your nonverbal communication contradict what has been said?

  30. 30.
    In order to check the context of nonverbal communication, identify the correct statement or statements below.
    A. Nonverbal communication always occurs in isolation.
    B. Is the nonverbal message part of a habit or mannerism?
    C. Is the nonverbal message influenced by a cultural background?
    D. It is important to make snap decision when checking the context of nonverbal communication.
    B and C
  31. 31.
    Nonverbal communication is separate from verbal communication.

  32. 31.
    Nonverbal communication is separate from verbal communication.

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