Chapter 7 Patho

  1. Immunologic responses recognized as a disease are :
    immediate hypersensitivities and delayed hypersensitivities
  2. Which is not characteristic of hypersensitivity
    prior contact unnecessary to elicit a response
  3. When the body produces antibodies against its own tissue it is:
    an autoimmune response
  4. The hypersensitivity is caused by poison ivy?
    Type 3
  5. The mechanism of hypersensitivity for drugs is:
    Type 1
  6. Which is not an autoimmune disease?
    transfusion reactions
  7. Damage in systemic lupus erythematosus results from the formation of antigen/antibody complexes mediated by :
    the humoral immune system and complement
  8. The classic complement cascade begins with:
    antigen/antibody complexes binding to a component of the complement system
  9. AN alloimmune disorder is :
    erythroblastosis fetalis
  10. Immunodeficiencies occur because of impaire function of :
    • B and T cells
    • phagocytic cells
    • complements
  11. An X-linked recessive disorder of immune deficiency involves a deficit of :
  12. Deficienies in B cell immune responses are suspected when unusual or recurrent severe infections are caused by :
    encapsulated bacteria
  13. DiGeourge syndrome is a primary immune deficiency caused by:
    congenital lack of thymic tissue
  14. Secondary or aquired immunodeficiencies:
    • develop after birth
    • may be caused by viral infections
    • may develop following immunosuppressive theray
  15. Rejection of a kidney transplant occurred after 2 weeks. The reaction was becuase of :
    • immune response against donor HLA antigens
    • type4 hypersensitivity
  16. SCID exhibits:
    B cell deficits
  17. A positive HIV antibody test signifies that the:
    individual is infected with HIV and likely so for life
  18. Which is incorrect regarding AIDS?
    the patient will have increased numbers of CD4 cells or helper T cells
  19. How is hypersensitivity classified:
    • Type 1: IgE-mediated
    • Type 2: tissue specific
    • Type 3: immune complex mediated
    • Type 4: cell mediated
  20. Endotoxins versus Exotoxins:
    • bacteria injure cells by producing exotxins or endotoxins
    • Exotoxins are enzymes that can damage the plasma membranses of ost cells and can inactivate enzymes critical to protein synthesis
    • Endotoxins activate the inflammatory response and produce a fever
  21. What is Speticemia?
    it is the proliferation of bacteria in the blood. Endotoxins released by blood-borne bacteria causes the release of vasoactive enzymes that increase the permeability of blood vessels. Leakage from the vessels causes hypotension that can result in septic shock.
  22. What is the result of a virus?
    may invade a host cell and decrease protein synthesis, disrupt lysosomal membranes, form inclusion bodies where synthesis of viral nucleic acids is occuring, fuse with host cells to produce giant cells, alter antigenic properties of the host cell. and transform host cells into cancerous cells.
  23. Immunodeficiencies:
    • are either congenital (primary) or aquired (secondary)
    • Congenital are caused by genetic defects that disrupt lymphocyte development
    • Aquired are secondary to diseases or other physioliogic alterations
    • Reaccurant infections occur
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Chapter 7 Patho
Immune system