Antigenicity depends on ?
chemical structure, foreignness, complexity
APC's are:
marcophages (antigen presenting )
When the anigen binds to its appropriate antibody:
aggluntination, phagocytosis, and antigen neutralization may all occur
Antibodies are produced by:
plasma cells
An immunoglobulin contains?
two heavy and two light polypeptide chains
The antibody class having the highest concentration in the blood is :
Which antibody is matched with its appropriate role
IgM/ first to challenge the antigen
The primary immune response involves
a latent period followed by peak antibody production
Which cells are phagocytic??
When a child develops measels and aquires an immunity to subsequent infections, the immunity is:
aquired and active
What is adaptive immunity ?
is a state of protection, primarily against infectious agents, that differs from infalmmation by being slower to develop, being more specific, and having memory that makes it much longer lived.
Natural Immunity and Aquired:
innate resistance (natural) and gained from birth (aquired)
What are antigens?
are molecules that react with components of the immune response , such as antibodies and receptors on B and T cells. Most antigens can induce immune response, and thus the antigens are also immunogens
What is self-tolerance?
are antigens on an individual's own cells in which the immune system does not normally recognize as immunogenic
What is Humoral immune response:
is provided by molecules (antibodies) produced by B cells.
What are antibodies?
they are plasma glycoprotiens that can be classified by chemical structure and biologicactivity as IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, IgD
are responsible for the cell-mediated immune responses
Types of T-Cells?
cytotoxic T cells (Tc), regulatory T cells, including T helper (Th), and T suppression (Ts), and memory cells
How does a T Cell respond?
they have antigen specific receptors that must see antigen presented on cell surgaces by special antigen-presenting molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
What depends on teh cell-mediated or humoral immune responses?
thepopulation of Th cells