What are the raw ingredients of photosynthesis and what are the end products?
the chemical reaction in which organic molecules (carbohydrates) are formed from carbon dioxide and water, using radiant energy (sunlight) as an energy source and chlorophyll as a catalyst; oxygen is the biproduct!
an organism that synthesizes biomass from inorganic molecules by using an external energy source like sunlight, plants that photosythesize are autotrophs
an organism that is incapable of synthesizing its own food and therefore must feed upon organic matter produced by other organisms
trophic level
an organisms feeding status in an ecosystem; its position in the food chain.
the classification of biology is called?
5 factors that affect marine life
light, temperature, dissolved inorganic solids, dissolved gases, hydrostatic pressure, and water movement
7 ocean zones
pelagic, neritic, oceanic, benthic, littoral, euphotic, aphotic
neritic zone
near continent, neritic and oceanic
euphotic zone
light penetrating zone
Compensation depth
bottom of euphotic zone, when the respiration rate = productivity
Benthic Zone
the seafloor, the lowest part of the ocean
Littoral zone
part of the water closer to shore similar to neritic
2 main organisms living in th epelagic zone
nektons and plankton
actively swimming organisms contrast to plankton
drifting organisms can be contrasted with nektons
Benthic organisms
sessile benthic, and mobile benthic
sessile benthic
organisms anchored to the bottom of the floor
mobile benthic
organisms that are able to freely move, ex: crabs, flounders
they are microscopic plants that obtain their energy from sunlight, phytoplankton carry an important role since they are the base of their food chain.
most common and important phytoplankton?
diatoms, dinoflagellates, zooxantheale, cyanobacteria
one of the most productive photosynthetic organisms, they are a big contributer to oxygen on earth and they are made up of glass shells, silicon dioxide, when they die they form silicious oozes on the ocean floor.
single celled autotrophs, and few live in other organisms, but most are free in the water. They have whiplike projections called flagella in channels groove, and uses it to move throught he water to achieve the best photosynthetic position as possible. They are the cause of red tide and other harmful algae blooms.
what is red tide?
a harmful algal bloom caused by dinoflagellates being very numerous and the water turns a rusty red color from the pigments of the algae
what kingdom is seaweed
protista not plantae
3 main divisions of seaweed
red-rhodophyta, brown-phaeophyta, green- chlorophyta.
marine vascular plants
actual plants that have little vein like tubes that carry nutrients through their bodies, segrasses, mangrove.
how do we measure productivity?
we use the light and dark bottle technique and measure the amount of oxygen that is being produced.
4 basic marine animal groups
zooplankton,primitive invertebrates, advanced invertebrates, vertebrates
floating drifting organisms, feed on phytoplankton or smaller zooplankton and can range from being microscopic or to several meters (jellyfish), verticle migration system
primitive invertebrates
live near the bottom but some are free swimming, some suspension feeders; usually have no digestive, excretory and cirvulatory systems; some have tentacles or stinging cells also very big range in size, example: sponges,anenomies,worms
advanced inverebrates
most numerous of marine animal species, some form of mobility and many exhibit planktonic larval stages, some graze on plant, some are suspension feeders, some are predators, and some are scavengers; they have well-developed digestive and nervous systems; shells, exoskeletons. ex: snails, seacucmbers
animals that hvave an internal skeleton of calcified bone or cartilage; range in size from a few mm to over 30 mm; largest sub group is fish, then birds, marine mammels, reptiles, generally the largest most mobile and most intelligent animals in the sea; phyla chordata examples hagfish,sharks,frogs,albatross,whales
phyla for zooplankton,primitive inverts, advanced inverts, and vertebrates
- zooplankton-protozoa;cnidaria;molusxa;arthropda
- primitive inverts- sponges; sea anemonies,worms
- advanced inverts- mollusca; arthropoda; echinodermata
- vertebrates- chordata
Class of the bony fish and characteristics
- class: osteichthyes.
- four families.
- herring-smallest fish the most caught
- cod- meduim size
- tuna- the fastest and eats the most, no swim bladders and endothemic
- halobit- flatfish-flounders
marine mammels share 4 characteristics
- 1) streamlined body shape
- 2) internal body heat generation and heat conservation
- 3) modified respiratory system
- 4) water regulation mechanisms
cetaceans- two groups
toothed whales and baleen whales