Amer. His. Unit V Test

  1. Who was called the Meteor of the War?

    A) John Brown
  2. What was the location of the 1859 raid of a federal arsenal?

    A) Harpers Ferry, Virginia
  3. What was the sentence handed down to John Brown in 1859?

    C) Death by Hanging
  4. What is the name of the radical abolitionist newspaper which began publication in 1831?

    C) The Liberator
  5. What incident resulted in the creation of the Confederate Army?

    A) Raid at Harpers Ferry
  6. Which Supreme Court decision directly contributed to increasing demands for immediate abolition?

    A) Dred Scott Case
  7. Which was the first state to secede?

    D) South Carolina
  8. What was the location of the first military action of the Civil War?

    B) Fort Sumter
  9. Who was first asked by Lincoln to take command of the U.S. Army?

    C) Robert E. Lee
  10. Originally a part of Clay's big compromise which denied fugitive slaves the right to jury trial, denied them the right to testify in their own behalf and funded federal marshals who were allowed to pursue fugitives all over the country.

    B) Fugitive Slave Act
  11. It became the lightning rod for abolitionists but was seen by moderates as the price to pay to save the union.

    C) Fugitive Slave Act
  12. Author of the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin published in 1852 which depicted the evil and inhumanity of slavery.

    D) Harriet Beecher Stowe
  13. It impassioned abolitionists and converted many to the cause who had previously been uncertain about slavery.

    A) Harriet Beecher Stowe
  14. Legislation proposed by Stephen Douglas which was intended to preserve the union by shifting the balance of political power to the Midwest, achieve construction of a railroad from Chicago to the West, and facilitate further homesteading in the Midwest.

    B) Kansas-Nebraska Act
  15. It set off a storm of protest over slavery and would eventually lead to the destruction of the two party political system.

    A) Kansas-Nebraska Act
  16. Growing ideology among whites who believed that slavery impeded whites' progress and retarded economic opportunity.

    C) Free Soil
  17. Believed that slavery had natural limits and it would eventually invade all western territories.

    C) Free Soil
  18. Were racist and some had moral adversions to slavery but would advocate the prevention of slavery in western territories and made "Free Kansas" their mission.

    C) Free Labor
  19. A purchase made during Pierce's administration for a strip of land in southern Arizona and New Mexico with the intention of constructing a railroad line.

    A) Gadsden Purchase
  20. Unofficial proclamation by American ambassadors to Great Britain, France and Spain that the U.S. should use andy means necessary to obtain Cuba.

    D) Ostend Manifesto
  21. It would have raised the same political questions regarding slavery and sovereignty and President Pierce repudiated it.

    B) Ostend Manifesto
  22. Unofficial expeditions into Central America by adventurers and expansionists to generate support for creating American colonies there.

    A) Filibusters
  23. Firey white abolitionist who believed himself to be an instrument of God put on earth to destroy slavery; He began his action in "Bleeding Kansas" where he and his followers murdered five proslavers and ended his career in Virginia after leading a failed raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry; He was executed for treason.

    C) John Brown
  24. Supreme Court ruling which declared that a slave could not sue for his freedom, no black could be a citzen of the U.S. and that congress could not bar slavery in the territories. It created a firestorm of protest and further polarized the country.

    A) Dred Scott Decision
  25. Document proposed by advocates of slavery in Kansas which protected the property rights of slaveholders and provided for referendum on the admission of more slaves.

    C) Lecompton Constitution
  26. Buchanan endorsed the constitution even over his own misgivings to ease tensions there.

    A) Lecompton Constitution
  27. Historic development in naval warfare began with the Confederate raising of a Union frigate which they plated with iron and attempted to break naval superiority of Union.

    B) Ironclads
  28. Federal Legislation designed to help fund the Union's war effort which established the method through which banks could obtain a federal charter and issue federal bank notes.

    B) National Bank Act
  29. Both Supreme Court rulings the former stated that Lincoln had exceeded his executive authority in suspending habeus corpus in Maryland.

    B) Ex parte Merryman
  30. The latter stated that civilians could not be tried by military tribunals if civil courts were available; Lincoln ignored both rulings.

    C) Ex parte Milligan
  31. Union plan to seal off and crush the Confederacy by taking control of the Mississippi River and controlling southern coasts through blockade.

    D) Anaconda Plan
  32. Union General given command by Lincoln who was instrumental in both the Anaconda Plan and Peninsula Compaign; He would be replaced with Burnside when Lincoln decided he was too hesitant to defeat Lee.

    A) George B. McClellan
  33. 1862 Union campaign to take Richmond through the use of massive troop movements via waterways; It resulted in tremendous Confederate casualties (Seven Days Battles) but ended in stalemate when McClellan refused to advance to Richmond without reinforcements.

    A) Peninsula Campaign
  34. One of Lee's most capable and trusted generals whose military ability stopped McClellan's Peninsula Campaign by turning back Union Reinforcements; his death after Chancellorsville proved a severe blow to the Confederate Army.

    A) Stonewall Jackson
  35. Often called the bloodiest day of the war; it was a strategic victory for the Union because it forced Lee to call off his invasion of the North; this victory also encouraged Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.

    A) Battle of Antietam
  36. Issued by Lincoln declaring as of 1 January 1863 all slaves in states in rebellion were free; it had limited practical impact but would change the course of the war because the war was now one of preservation of the Union and one agains slavery.

    B) Emancipation Proclamation
  37. Union "total war" general who pursued a policy of complete destruction on his March to the sea to break the South's will and destroy her ability to resist.

    C) William T. Sherman
  38. Republican legislation passed in 1862 to stave off the economic impact of the war; The former provided 160 acres free to anyone who wouldlive on and improve the land for five years.

    A) Homestead Act
  39. The latter gave proceeds of public lands to states to establish universities.

    B) Morrill Land Grant Act
  40. Radical Republican reconstruction plan which called for military governors in the South and required more than half to swear allegiance; it was pocket vetoed by Lincoln because it could have delayed readmission indefinitely and was more punitive toward the South.

    C) Wade-Davis Bill
  41. State laws passed in southern states to regulate the status of freedmen and provide cheap labor; it established the policy of legally sanctioned racial segregation.

    B) Black Codes
  42. Federal agency established in 1865 to help former slaves find employment, education and missing family members.

    B) Freedmen's Bureau
  43. Passed by Radical Republicans to prohibit President Johnson from removing federal officeholders without the Senate's consent; it was designed to prevent him from obstructing Reconstruction and it was this law he violated leading to his impeachment.

    D) Tenure of Office Act
  44. Abolished Slavery

    A) Thirteenth Amendment
  45. Granted citzenship for all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. regardless of race, color or previous condition of servitude.

    A) Fourteenth Amendment
  46. Guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race, color or previous condition of servitude.

    B) Fifteenth Amendment
  47. White southerners who cooperated with and supported Republican reconstruction.

    C) Scalawags
  48. Northerners who came south in search of economic and political opportunity during reconstruction.

    C) Carpetbaggers
  49. New York Tribune Editor and unsuccessful candidate against grant in the election of 1872; he was supported by the Liberal Republicans and the Democrats who condemned the corruption of "Grantism".

    B) Horace Greeley
  50. Supreme Court rulings which undemined the 14th amentment by stating that the federal government was obligated to protect basic rights of national citizenship but not against state violations of citizenship.

    D) Slaughterhouse cases
  51. Invalidated state govenments created under Lincoln and Johnson; divided the south into 5 military districts and established requirements for former Confederates to be readmitted into the Union; was a more stingent reconstruction plan.

    B) Reconstruction Act of 1867
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Amer. His. Unit V Test
Questions for Unit V test