Daily English

  1. Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow have called off their wedding just four months after getting engaged and weeks before their expected nuptials. They made the announcement in a joint statement late Friday. “We ask that everyone respect our privacy during this very difficult time.” While no official wedding date had been announced, they had indicated the ceremony would take place this spring in Armstrong's adopted hometown of Austin, where they have been cohabitating for much of the past two years.
    Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow have cancelled their wedding just four months after getting engaged and weeks before their expected wedding. They made the announcement in a joint statement late Friday. “We ask that everyone respect our privacy during this very difficult time.” While no official wedding date had been announced, they had indicated the ceremony would take place this spring in Armstrong's adopted hometown of Austin, where they have been living together for much of the past two years.
  2. Avril Lavigne
    Canadian rock sensation Avril Lavigne is swapping her tough style for a more ladylike look - and she insists growing up was the catalyst for the change in image. The star is keen to retain the rock ‘n roll sound she was famous for in her teens, but she has since got a new wardrobe. She says, “I think I just went from 17 to 21. I'm a woman now. “When I first broke on the scene, I was a little kid straight out of high school and into skate boarding and all that. “Now I'm older. I'll keep wearing the rock look but a little more feminine.”
    Easy EnglishCanadian famous rock singer Avril Lavigne is trading her tough style for a more ladylike look - and she insists growing up was the reason for the change in image. The star is very interested to retain the rock ‘n roll sound she was famous for in her teens, but she has since got a new wardrobe. She says, “I think I just went from 17 to 21. I'm a woman now. When I first started playing music, I was a little kid straight out of high school and into skate boarding and all that. Now I'm older. I'll keep wearing the rock look but a little more feminine.”
  3. Graham Greene, The Quiet American
    “To be in love is to see yourself as someone else sees you, it is to be in love with the falsified and exalted image of yourself. In love we are incapable of honor - the courageous act is no more than playing a part to an audience of two.”
    “The hurt is in the act of possession: we are too small in mind and body to possess another person without pride or to be possessed without humiliation.”
    오늘의 표현>pick on 시비를 걸다 , 놀리다<예문> Why don't you pick on someone your size? 아니 너하고 덩치나 좀 비슷한 사람한테 덤벼라 . 어원 ) Pick의 기본적인 의미는 “뽑다” 입니다. 여러 가지의 선택사양들 중에서 하나를 골라내는 것은 상대할 만한 사람들 여럿 중에서 일부러 하나를 골라 시비를 건다는 의미로 변하게 된 거입니다. 주의할 점은 전치사가 포함된 일반적인 동사구와는 다르게 목적어 또는 대명사를 동사와 전치사 중간에 넣을 수 없다는 것도 중요합니다.흡사한 표현 ) tease: 골리다, 놀리다 harass: 괴롭히다예문 )대화A: I don't understand why the math teacher has been picking on me so much lately. B: Don't you really know why she's been doing it? A: I'm all ears. B: It's all because you cheated on the last exam.'

    해석A: 왜 최근에 우리 수학 선생님이 나만 괴롭히는지 모르겠어. B: 정말 왜 그러시는지 모른단 말이야? A: 말해봐. B: 네가 지난 수학 시험에서 커닝을 했기 때문이지.
  4. Propose, proposal
    The government official proposed that tax dollars should be used for improving health care. Did you hear that Greg proposed to Amy in Hawaii? The company president rejected my proposal of giving the workers a raise.
    The verb, propose, means to suggest a plan or an idea. It also means to ask someone to marry you. The noun, proposal, is a suggestion or a plan, or the act of asking someone to marry you.
    • What is the answer? • What is the largest state in the USA ? • Out of the 20 highest mountains in America , 17 are in which state? • In America , what became the 49th state to enter the union in 1959? • Which American state is sometimes called "The Last Frontier" and "The Land Of The Midnight Sun"? • The USA paid $7,200,000 to Russia for this territory in 1867. • In which American state is the 2002 film "Insomnia,” starring Al Pacino set?( 주요문구 ) union: 연방 frontier 개척지 midnight: 자정 territory: 영토 , 지역 insomnia: 불면증( 해석 ) • 미국에서 가장 큰 주는 ? • 미국에서 가장 높은 20 개 산 중에서 17 개는 어느 중에 있나요 ? • 미국에서 1959 년 49 번째로 연방에 합류한 주는 ? • 미국의 어떤 주가 “ 마지막 개척지 ” 그리고 “ 밤중의 태양의 땅 ” 이라고 불리는가 ? • 미국은 1867 년에 이 영토를 러시아에게 7,200,000 달러를 주고 구입했다 . • 미국의 어느 주에서 알 파치노가 주연한 2002 년 영화 “ 불면증 ” 이 촬영되었나 ?
    • 정답보기

    ( Alaska )
  5. Cherie Carter-Scott
    1. You will receive a body.
    2. You will learn lessons.
    3. There are no mistakes, only lessons.
    4. A lesson is repeated until learned.
    5. Learning lessons does not end.
    6. “There” is no better than “Here.”
    7. Others are merely mirrors of you.
    8. What you make of your life is up to you.
    9. Your answers lie inside you.
    10. You will forget all this.
    Stick Around

    주변에 머무르다

    • <예문> Stick around! The fun part will start in a few minutes.
    • 잠깐만 기다려요 . 재미있는 부분이 곧 시작합니다.

    ((((WAP)))) 어원 ) stick이라는 동사는 어떤 것을 어떤 자리에 고정시키다 라는 뜻입니다. 예를 들어, stick to the original plan 하면 원래 계호기대로 밀고 나가자 라는 뜻이 되는 것처럼.그런데 around라는 전치사는 “주변”을 나타내기 때문에 한 자리에 고정적으로 머무는 것이 아니라 주변에 잠시 기다리라는 뜻으로 많이 사용되는 표현이 됩니다.비슷한 표현 ) Don't go yet Stay nearby

    예문 ) Here comes Larry. He's so mad. Stick around and see what happens.
  6. Christina Aguilera
    Christina Aguilera has decided to stop being over-the-top sexy so that when she has children they won’t be embarrassed. The talented singer, who recently married music executive Jordan Bratman, is going to cover up her curves and tone down her sexy X-rated image. Sources close to Aguilera say that the couple are very close: “They're like typical newlyweds. They have pet names for each other…They kiss constantly, cuddle and spend a lot of time together locked in their bedroom."
    Christina Aguilera has decided to stop being too sexy so that when she has children they won’t be embarrassed. The talented singer, who recently married music executive Jordan Bratman, is going to cover up her body and lessen her extremely sexy image. Sources close to Aguilera say that the couple are very close: “They're like typical newlyweds. They have pet names for each other... They kiss constantly, hug and hold each other and spend a lot of time together making love.”
  7. To get the green light on ( 승인 받다 )

    If you have a green light when you are driving, then it means that you have the freedom to go ahead, right? Well if you get the green light on a project of some sort, then you have the ability to go ahead with it. It means that you got approval.
    • 만약 여러분이 운전 중일 때 파란 불이 켜진다면 그것은 여러분이 앞으로 자유롭게 가도 된다는 의미입니다 .
    • 그렇죠 ? 그렇다면 여러분이 하는 어떠한 일에 파란 불이 켜진다면 그 일을 진행할 수 있는 능력이 있다는 것이죠 . 그것은 여러분이 승인을 얻은 것을 의미합니다 .

    비슷한 구문 : get an approval have an OK acquire a permission

    A: The Johnson accounting firm got the green light on its proposal.

    B: Am I hearing right? That is your father's company.
  8. Imitate, imitation
    The spaghetti at that restaurant was so good that I tried to imitate it at home. Unfortunately it didn’t taste as good.
    Jerry has an unusually high voice. The other boys often tease him and imitate his voice.

    This price seems too cheap for this Gucci bag. Is it authentic or an imitation?
    The verb, imitate, means to copy something, or mimic someone’s behavior or speech. The noun, imitation, is a copy, or the act of copying someone or something.
    • tease : 괴롭히다, 골리다, 놀리다, 희롱하다 authentic : 진정한, 진짜의, 믿을만한
    • mimic : 흉내 잘 내는, 모조한, 모방한
  9. Who is he? ((((WAP)))) • He was voted the soccer player of the year by FIFA in 1998, 2000, and last year. • He plays in international football games for France . • He is currently playing in the “Real Madrid,” a professional soccer club, in Spain . • His position in soccer game is “Mid-Fielder
    ( Zenedine Zidane )

    .”( 주요문구 ) vote: 투표하다 club: 팀 , 클럽 position: 위치( 해석 ) • 그는 1998 년 2000 년 , 그리고 작년까지 FIFA 가 선정한 올해의 선수였다 . • 그는 국가대표 축구경기에서는 프랑스 대표팀에서 활약한다 . • 그는 현재 스페인의 프로 축구단인 레알 마드리드 팀의 소속이다 . • 그의 경기 위치는 미드필더이다
  10. ((((WAP)))) • It has six rectangular faces. • Each face has 1 to 6 dots engraved. • The two numbers on the opposite side of it always add up to 7? • We roll or toss this tool to play board games
    • rectangular: 사각형의
    • face: 면
    • engrave: 새기다 , 조각하다
    • opposite: 반대편의
    • add up to: 더해지다

    • 이것은 6 개의 사각형 면을 갖는다 . •
    • 각 면에는 1 개에서 6 개까지의 점이 새겨져 있다 . • 이 것의 반대편에 있는 수를 더하면 항상 7 이 나온다 . 우리은 보드 게임을 하기 위해서 이것을 던지거나 굴린다 .

  11. Straighten out

    Do you really think the Army service will straighten him out?
    바로 잡다 / 버릇을 고치다

    넌 군 생활로 그 아이를 바로 잡을 수 있다고 정말 믿는 거야 ?
  12. guide (올바른 길로 이끌다)

    teach one a lesson (본보기를 보여 주다)
    The little boy was starting to get in trouble at school, but the teacher straightened him out.
  13. George Clooney
    George Clooney, an outspoken critic of the Bush administration, also has some harsh words for Hillary Clinton. The “Syriana” star says he is “frustrated and disappointed” that Clinton and many other Democrats were “scared” to oppose the war on Iraq, and “now they are paying the price.” “Basically, the Democrat leadership was scared [of criticizing Bush] and it’s too bad, because it’s come back to haunt them,” Clooney told the Sunday Times of London recently.
    George Clooney, a vocal critic of the Bush administration, also has some strong words for Hillary Clinton. The “Syriana” star says he is “frustrated and disappointed” that Clinton and many other Democrats were “scared” to oppose the war on Iraq, and “now they are suffering the consequences.” “Basically, the Democrat leadership was scared [of criticizing Bush] and it’s too bad, because it’s come back to hurt them,” Clooney told the Sunday Times of London recently.

    outspoken : 거리낌없이 말하는, 솔직한, 노골적인 harsh : 거친, 난폭한, 가혹한 frustrated : 실망한, 좌절한 Democrat : 민주당원 consequence : 결과, 결말, 중요성
  14. To bad-mouth (someone or something)

    Someone saying something bad about another person or thing can be said to be "bad-mouthing.” It's not polite to bad-mouth someone when they aren't around. Sometimes people who work will bad-mouth their boss. That's fairly common
    누군가가 다른 사람이나 사물에 대해 무엇이 나쁘다고 말하는 것은 "bad-mouthing" 이라고 말할 수 있습니다 . 그들이 주위에 없을 때 누군가를 욕하는 것은 무례한 일입니다 . 가끔 직장인들은 그들의 상관을 욕합니다 . 그것은 아주 일상적인 일이죠 .
  15. Denzel Washington
    Another divorce is in the works for longtime couple Denzel Washington and his wife Pauletta. Pauletta Washington was reportedly fed up with Denzel's repeated indiscretions, especially with one actress named Sanaa Lathan, whom he starred with in the movie “Out of Time.” There is said to be hurt and anger between Denzel and Pauletta and their divorce is going to get nasty.
    Another divorce is going to happen for longtime couple Denzel Washington and his wife Pauletta. Pauletta Washington was reportedly sick and tired with Denzel's repeated cheating, especially with one actress named Sanaa Lathan, whom he starred with in the movie “Out of Time.” There is said to be hurt and anger between Denzel and Pauletta and their divorce is going to become ugly.

    be fed up : 싫증나다, 물리다 indiscretion : 무분별, 경솔함, 비밀누설 divorce : 이혼 nasty : 더러운, 불쾌한, 추잡한
  16. To be beside the point

    When something is "beside the point" then it has no relevance. Often people who are making excuses for bad behavior will say things that are beside the point. When a mother is scolding her son for fighting, sometimes he will say something like, "He called me a bad name first!" and the mother may respond, "That's beside the point. You should never fight!"
    핵심을 벗어나다

    무엇인가가 "beside the point" 라면 그것은 관련이 없다는 것입니다 . 상관이 없다는 거죠 . 종종 나쁜 행동에 대해 변명거리를 만들려는 사람들은 핵심을 벗어난 얘기를 하게 됩니다 . 엄마가 아들이 싸운 것을 나무랄 때 가끔 아들은 이렇게 말하죠 , " 그 애가 먼저 나보고 욕했어요 !" 그리고 " 그건 중요한 게 아니야 . 넌 절대 싸워서는 안돼 !" 라고 엄마는 대답할 겁니다
  17. Paris Hilton
    Paris Hilton has been given a dubious honor: she’s been named the worst-dressed celeb in America by PETA. “Now we know what happens to all of Paris Hilton’s cast-off pets,” the animal-rights group said recently of the fur-wearing, partying heiress in its annual worst-dressed list. Coming in right behind Hilton is her new best buddy, Kimberly Stewart.
    Paris Hilton has been given an uncertain honor: she’s been named the worst-dressed celebrity in America by PETA. “Now we know what happens to all of Paris Hilton’s pets that are thrown away,” the animal rights group said recently of the fur-wearing, partying heiress in its annual worst-dressed list. Coming in right behind Hilton is her new best friend, Kimberly Stewart

    dubious : 수상쩍은, 의심스러운, 모호한 celebrity : 명사, 유명인, 명성 castoff : 벗어 버린, 버림받은, 폐기된 fur : 부드러운 털, 모피 heiress : 여자 상속인[후계자]
  18. My two cents

    When you want to give your opinion, but you want to be humble, here's a nice casual expression. You shouldn't really use it at a formal business meeting, but it's very nice among friends. You can start out your opinion with, "Here's my two cents." It shows that you don't think you know everything, but you just want to contribute your opinion
  19. 여러분이 의견을 내고 싶지만 겸손하게 말하고 싶을 때 쓸 수 있는 좋은 표현이 여기 있습니다 . 물론 그건 격식을 차리지 않은 표현이고 격식 있는 사업상 회의에서는 정말 사용해서는 안되지만 친구끼리는 매우 좋은 표현입니다 . 여러분은 "Here's my two cents." 라는 말로써 의견을 내놓기 시작할 수 있습니다 . 그것은 여러분이 모든 것을 안다고 생각지 않지만 단지 그 의견이 도움이 되기를 바란다는 것을 나타냅니다
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Daily English