Bio Lab

  1. aerobic respiration equasion
    C6H12O6 + 602 -> 6CO2 + 6H20 + ATP + Heat
  2. photosynthesis equasion
    6CO2 + 6H20 + Light En. --> C6H12O6 + 602 + Heat
  3. fish experiment steps
    • Fish produces C02 through aerobic respiration and
    • consumes C02 through photosynthesis CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid

    Carbonic Acid ionizes into a proton and a bicarbonate ion

    NaOH neutralizes carbonic acid

    Carbonic acid is neutralized when the free protons combine with hydroxide ons of NaOH to form a water molecule
  4. Fish produces C02 through aerobic respiration andconsumes C02 through photosynthesis CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid
    C02 + H20 -> H2C03
  5. Carbonic Acid ionizes into a proton and a bicarbonate ion
    H2C03 -> H + HCO3
  6. NaOH neutralizes carbonic acid
    Carbonic acid is neutralized when the free protons combine with hydroxide ons of NaOH to form a water molecule
    H + HCO3 + NAOH --> H20 + NA+ HCO3
  7. binary fission
    • prokaryote asexual production
    • circular bacterial dna is followed by dicision of the cytoplasm, resulting in 2 cells, each having identical genetic info.
  8. conjugation
    • eukaryotic reproduciotn.
    • dna is transferred from a donor bacterial cell to a recipient bacterial cell. cell membranes of the two cells temporarily fuse, foming a cytoplasmic bridge across which genetic material is exchanged.
  9. bacteria in the ecosystem
    • decompose leaf litter
    • cycle nutrients- nitrogen, carbon ect
    • breakdown hazardous materials
  10. bacterial shapes
    • Rod- bacillus (Anthrax)
    • Spherical- Coccus (Step Throat)
    • Corkscrew- Spirochetes (Lyme Disease)
  11. agar
    thick gel like substance that originates from a species of algae, provides an ideal growth medium for several bacterial and fungal species
  12. colony
    • concentrated area of bacteria or fungal growth that results from the reproduction and growth of an original bacterial or fungus cell.
    • same species and parent cell
  13. protist subgroups
    • chromists
    • alveolates
    • slime molds
    • euglenoids
    • red algae
    • zooglagellates
    • pseudopod users
    • green algea
  14. paramecia
    single celled, cilliated protists that live in aquatic habitats.

    • Oral groove
    • Gullet
    • Food Vauoles
    • Macronucleus
    • Micronucleus
    • Contractile Vacuole
    • Cilli
    where food enters paramecia. depression that runs along side it.
  16. Gullet
    • Paramecia.
    • food leaves the oral groove and goes into the gullet,
  17. food vacuole
    • paramecia
    • appear as dark sports throughout the cell and are used to store and transport food within the cell
  18. macronucleus
    • paramecia
    • Large gray circles in the center of the cell. Contains several copies of the genetic material
  19. micronucleus
    • paramecia
    • small round structures involved in sexual reproductoin
  20. contractile vacuole
    • paramecia
    • rings of protien tubules located at each end of an arganis. contract and release to expel water from the cell
  21. cilliA
    • paramecia
    • fine hair like projections that propel paramecium through the water
  22. Euglenoids
    • unicellular protists that inhavit freshwater enviorments.
    • photosythesis, contain chloroplasts
    • eyespot- orange and detect light because of photoreceptors
    • flagella
  23. 16 characteristics of organisms
    • phylum
    • Habitat
    • Symmetry
    • Tissues
    • Body Cavity (Acoelomate, Pseudocoelomate, Coelomate)
    • Digestive System- Blind (1 opening), Complete
    • Excretory System- Diffusion, Specialized Structures (Flame cell,s or nepphridia)
    • Circulatory System
    • Repiratory System
    • Nervous system
    • Segmentation
    • Body Support
    • Paired Appendages
    • Locomotion
    • Reproduction
    • Number of Species
  24. phseudocoelomate animals
    body cavity lies between tissues derived from the endoderm (digestive tract) and the mesoderm (muscle layer lining the body wall)
  25. acoelomate animals
    medoerm tissue fills the space between the body wall the digestive tract
  26. Coelomate
    body cavity is completely line with mesoerm tissue
Card Set
Bio Lab
Bio Lab